Hillaire Lavigne - Das Tor
Ekundayo - Das Tor

Word Count: 1,032 (According to Google Docs)

“How are you this morning, Ekun? Anything new?” It was a ritual, by now. The black-and-brown lioness raised her head to give Hillaire a smile, shaking her head.

“No, nothing new. The same fragments and shards as usual.” Her companion nodded, as always, then sighed and nudged her cheek with his nose.

“One day, my friend.” She chuckled and nodded.

“One day, perhaps. If not...if not, that is okay. I have been given a new life. A new path. We wander to and fro, and I learn new songs, new stories, new things. I have you and my daughters at my side. I have my health and my life and the open sky above me and sturdy earth beneath my paws.” Hillaire couldn’t help but laugh with her, flopping down next to her and leaning into her.

“True, true. And we’re well fed, and always find shelter when we need it. We count the stars at night and run with the birds during the day. We see all the beautiful things this world has to offer. We find a new thing to love every day. We are truly blessed by Elua and His Companions.” He couldn’t help the purr that left his throat. And Ekun leaned back against him, letting out a content sigh.

“We are indeed. It’s...it’s comforting. To know that. I have a feeling I wasn’t always so blessed. That I was hurt before.”

Golden eyes, bright red eyes, many eyes all at once, storms…

Hillaire nudged her, pulling her out of the spiral of panic and hurt.

“You are safe here, ma mie.” Ekun nodded, shivering a moment before taking a deep breath.

“I am safe. I am...I am alright now. I apologize, Hillaire.” The blue lion shook his head.

“No need to apologize.”

“But...you’re so patient with me, my friend. You help ground me when the little things that haunt the edges of my mind overtake me. You and Pwani are both too kind to lioness haunted by a past she can’t even remember…” Hillaire groomed her ear.

“We are not too kind, ma mie. You are my friend, and her mother. You are worth all the time in the world.” She giggled, lifting a paw to push him away in jest.

“I am not. I am but one lioness, you dork. All the time in the world would be...be a god or somesuch.” Hillaire let himself be pushed, flopping onto his side.

“I am wounded! For no goddess has ever caught my eye, dearest Ekundayo! You, however, are a friend beyond compare!” The two devolved into a pile of laughter and giggles, all the tension from Ekun’s descent into fragmented memories dissipating. Exactly as Hillaire had intended.

“We are the strangest pair of friends, Hillaire.” A flash of gold fur and a long muzzle. “Or...perhaps not the strangest, but certainly strange.” The male shrugged and gave her the smile that had led her to him in the first place.

“Strange things are the best things, don’t you think?”

“Mmmm...perhaps. After all, I don’t regret meeting you!” Hillaire made an indignant noise, a paw pressing against his chest.

“I am INSULTED, ma mie! Me? Strange? Well...I suppose I am. After all, I’m among the best things.” There was more laughter before the two could get to their paws. And their day began in earnest. Hunting, spending time with Ekun’s daughters, taking to the open trails once more. Laughter, stories, and song filled their travels, and occasionally another group of rogues or singular rogues would join up with them before turning their own ways. All the while, the golden eyes that had first plagued her that morning haunted Ekun, though she didn’t let it disturb her day. It wasn’t until the sun set and the moon rose and her daughters were settled for the night that Ekundayo let herself rest and think.

She thought about the golden eyes, and the fear they conjured. She thought about the golden eyes, and the curiosity they garnered in her new self.

Who did they belong to? Where were they from? What did they mean to her to bring such strong emotions forward even after her memories had long been shattered and lost?

She scoot to one side in the temporary den as Hillaire came to settle beside her and admire the moon.

“A hare for your thoughts?”

“I...I think I have a purpose to my wandering for a little, my friend.” Hillaire looked over, raising a brow.

“Oh? What purpose is that, ma mie?” She took a deep breath, then nodded. More for herself than him.

“There is a pair of eyes I remember. I want to find their owner. If they can make themselves known in my mind despite the broken state of it? Obviously there is importance to them. I will find them.” Her companion nodded and nudged her cheek.

“Then I will help you as best I can. What did these eyes look like?”

“Golden. In a dark face. Very dark. I think...I think they belonged to a male.” A young male? But the memory felt OLD, so the male could have easily grown since then. “I don’t know how long this may take, Hillaire. Are you sure you want to stay with me?” He nodded.

“Yes. Again, you are my friend. You are worth all the time in the world to me.” Ekun ducked her head in embarrassment, then leaned against him.

“Thank you, Hillaire. Thank you so very much, my dearest friend.” She’d gotten so lucky when he’d crossed paths with her. Though love of the sort she wanted wasn’t to be between them, the bond they did have was precious and wonderful to her.

“You are most welcome, ma mie. You are most welcome.” He tucked his head over hers, protective and comforting all at once. A rock for her in the midst of a world that was beautiful and wonderful and sometimes so very confusing and too large and not large enough all at once.

And Ekundayo fell asleep like that, her dreams filled with ocean spray and blue fur and red eyes and songs.