A cool breeze brushed against her fur. She looked over at where Acacius was, but he was still gone. She could feel a shiver going down her spine. How long was he gone, she thought as she slowly got up. She looked at the ground as she left the den, shielding her eyes from the morning sun. It was odd that he wasn't back yet. Even if he wasn't having any luck with a hunt, he would normally come back.

Her thoughts were on her brother as she walked toward the creek. However, when she heard a large splash, her attention went to the source. Across the creak from her was a lioness, one with a playful smile on her grin, filled with youthfulness. The lioness had a blue pelt with strange cream colored markings. She reminded her of some of the fish from the ocean.

Levigis stared at the strange lioness until she realized what she was doing. Quickly she looked away. It only seemed to intrigue the lioness more. She could her the lioness approach her, her steps seemingly silent as she crossed the creak. Levigis was quick to step away from her.

What the lioness reminded her of most were the mermaids from Aureo's stories. Tales of how they tricked young pirates into the water with them only to drown them. She would not allow that to happen to her.

“What do you want?” She growled at the lioness, barring her teeth. Levigis was not some ignorant pirate that could be taken advantage of. She was a true warrior of the sea, an adventure who could stand her own ground. The growl seemed to stop the other lioness. Her soft green eyes seem to narrow, though never lost their spark.

The blue lioness sat down. “I apologize. I didn't think I was being threatening. You just seemed lost in thought and I didn't want to interrupt you. I thought making a small splash would get your attention. But I guess you could have been scared of water, or splashes, or even blue lioness. Really, some creatures have the strangest fears. I guess I should be more careful.” Her voice was soft and airy, more like a whistle then anything. It was a pleasing sound, but one that kept Levigis on her guard.

“I don't have those fears. You just startled me. Next time you should be sure to keep your distance from strangers.” Levigis replied.

The lioness looked at her with curiosity. “Again, I apologize. It was never my intent. In fact, my intent is quite the opposite. I want you to come with me. Your brother Acacius is worried about you.” She said. This started Levigis. She knew Acacius and he was worried about her? That wasn't right. Her tail flicked with frustration. What she really wanted to do was slap the lioness till she made some sense.

“Do not fret Levi. He's safe and will remain safe as long as you do as you're told.” The lioness narrowed her eyes and gave Levigis' a wicked grin. “From now on you may call me Maji. I would like you to be my guest for today.”

Maji knew about her and Acacius. She wondered how much he had told the lioness about them. Levigis stayed back from the blue lioness a few paws length. Maji had proven how much Levigis shouldn't trust her. Right now she was being taken to one of Maji's dens. There Maji said she would explain where Acacius was.

“The den's I have around this area all represent a part of me.” the light voice of Maji said. “Some represent an emotion, hatred, love, sadness. Other ones represent abilities I posses. No two den I have are the same. Each decorated a certain way. The den you were staying at was one I was preparing. At first when I started building it I wasn't sure what it would represent. But now, thanks to you and your brother I think I figured it out.” She glanced behind her to see if Levigis was paying attention. To her satisfaction she was.

“I think it would be perfect for sacrifice.” She said in an eerily calm voice.

The desire to strike the lioness was at an all time high. She had decided to play the lioness game to see if she could get Acacius without resorting to violence. For all she knew the lioness could be apart of a pride. Levigis knew she could take down one lion, but a whole pride? She would need her brother for support for that.

“We didn't know it was your den.” Levigis stated coolly. “It seemed deserted when we found it. Maybe if you had left some sort of sign or something we wouldn't have invaded.”

Maji shushed her though. “No matter. I don't mind visitors. Well some visitors. I like folks like you. Strong, lovely lioness. Males are the ones I have a hard time with. Your brother is no exception. Neither of you look like you've been blessed my the sea. Such a shame too. If he had been, I could have found some use for him. You of course do have some use. Hence the reason why I am allowing you to be my guest. And why I allow your brother to live.”

She came to a sudden halt and looked up at the sky above. Levigis looked up as well. It was a clear sky. There were trees towering above them.

“This way.” Maji said, changing direction. “Hope is where we will go.”

Levigis didn't bother to ask why they were going to her den associated with hope. Maji had made little to no sense so far. She decided there was little reason for her to start.

“And once we get to your den you will tell me where Acacius is right?” Levigis lowered her voice. She wanted Maji to know she wasn't joking around. The lioness just giggled though.

“Of course I will tell you where he is. I told you he was worried about you. It might take some time for me to remember where he is though...” She said.

With that Levigis raised her paw, ready to strike the lioness. However she stopped when the Maji turned around and looked at her straight in the eyes, as if saying 'do your worst.' Slowly Levigis lowered her paw. “I never noticed how blue your eyes were.” She stated before turning around. “Perhaps you are blessed by the sea.”

The comment irritated Levigis even more.

But they soon arrived at the den. Her temper was thinning out. This den was covered with flowers on the inside. Light baby blues and pinks. She spotted Acacius' fur he used to keep warm in the corner along with other furs and jewels. “So you're a thief.” Levigis stated as she looked at the pile. Maji sat down on top of an older fur. She patted the ground next to her. Levigis sat down, close to the entrance, keeping a good distance from Maji.

“A thief? Hardly. That is a pile of useless material I have found. Occasionally I will barter for them. Trading them for something of real value. If you would like you could take something. I wouldn't mind since you are my guest.” Maji offered. Levigis was hesitant to get up, but she did. If things turned bad, at least she would have Acacius' fur. She grabbed it from atop the pile, not bothering to look at anything else.

After pulling the fur over her back she went back to her spot.

“Before I tell you where your brother is. I have some questions for you.”

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