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Though he looked until the sun was nearly down there was still no sign of his friend. The wild dog sighed and shook his head. "I guess it'll wait until morning." He glanced at the young male with him. Ilarion would have been tempted to continue if he hadn't had company.
"Well let's go and get a good night sleep." He smiled and turned to trot back to where he and Haruki had denned up.

The maned wolf was also making his way back to the den, unbeknown to his friend. Ironically, he also had a companion with him. Haruki glanced at the leopard. He hadn't thought anything bad had happened to the wild dog, but it wouldn't hurt to ask his friend to keep an eye out when he left in the morning.
He was about to open his mouth as they pulled up to the den. A sight made him stop in his tracks. Two figures were also approaching the den from the opposite direction. One was very familiar, the other not.

Ilarion paused as he realized the wolf had returned to the den on his own. Well that was one worry off his mind, though the leopard with him baffled him. Surely Haruki had a reason. The male dog glanced back and forth between leopard and his companion before stating boldly.

"Mine is totally cuter than yours Haruki. He looks so much more cuddly."

Cini was glad that he had made a new friend, and as darkness began to fall, he became even more grateful. He wasn’t sure if he was really well equipped to make it on his own yet, but if he continued to make such nice friends, he was sure that he would be fine. He smiled at Ilarion. “Maybe your friend is already at the den?” He mused, and proceeded to follow the wild dog back to the den.
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He almost didn’t notice the other pair approaching, mostly because he was excited about having somewhere safe to sleep. It was Ilarion’s comment that raised his attention. He glanced up, rather surprised and blinked. Oh! There was Ilarion’s friend…but he hadn’t mentioned anything about a leopard. The leopard’s markings were weirdly similar to his father’s though. He frowned. That’s odd. But his dad was a cheetah, and this male was definitely a leopard. Must just be a weird coincidence.

Cini flushed at the comment of Ilarion’s, giving a small laugh.

Dysi was cheerfully padding along next to Haruki, looking forward to meeting the other companion and trading stories with him. He did love chatting to strangers. He had spotted the pair approaching the den and his eyes widened. Woah. Those markings seemed familiar. But the boy before him was clearly a cheeton.

He almost missed Ilarion’s comment, focused instead on his own musings. Technically, Satomei had said that her son had a cubs. Satomei might have had a cheetah offspring… but what was the chances that that offspring would produce a cheeton who looked so similar? Must be some weird coincidence.
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Dysi smiled at the strangers. “Looks can be deceiving!” He called out cheerfully. “I am a fantastic cuddler.”

Ilarion turned his head to give a wink to his young companion. "Well seeing as we won't have to go out looking for him in the morning, what say you all to piling into the den?" He swept his paw across his body in a bit of a bow.

"Welcome leopard. I am Ilarion, and Haruki is my familiar." A wide grin crossed his muzzle at the boast from the leopard. "I hope you can live up to your promises!" Ilarion laughed.

Haruki shook his head. "Maybe yours looks cuter, and a bit fluffier, but mine has more mass on him." The maned wolf boasted. "He looks a bit scrawny to me Ilarion." Haruki rolled out his tongue and hoped the other didn't take offense to his teasing.

"Greetings young one. I'm Haruki." He bobbed his head in greeting. "After you sir," he also swept his paw in a bit of a bow for the leopard. As the leopard passed he whispered, "don't let me down on your cuddling promise."

Cini nodded at Ilarion with a smile, but stayed outside the den long enough to introduce himself. “I am Cini!” He introduced himself, knowing it was only polite. He was a little bit curious about the leopard still, and waited to hear the male introduce himself.
He laughed at the teasing that seemed to be happening, the maned wolf calling him out on his small stature. “It means I can fit in the den easier,” he protested with a smile, not taking offense to the teasing at all.

He waited into others had started going into the den before following himself.

”It is a pleasure to meet you Ilarion and Cini,” Dysi enthused, unable to shake the familiarity of young Cini. “I am Dysini’mbus! But please call me Dysi, my full name is far too long and boring.” He chuckled.

“Don’t worry,” he assured Haruki. “I never turn down cuddles.” And it was true. Dysi spent a lot of his life cuddling others, he loved the familiarity of sharing affection with another. Many of the times that was what he craved when he sought out companions, simply the closeness of people.

He moved into the den first, settling towards the back and hoping he didn’t take up too much room.

The wild dog tossed his head back and laughed. "Oi he has you there Haruki! Welcome to our den Cini, cute name by the way. And Dysi, be welcomed." He grinned as the leopard entered bravely first. The male went in second and stretched out along another wall where he'd be out of the way of the others coming in.

Settled he looked at the leopard. "Many thanks for bringing my friend home. How did you meet him?" It was obviously a joke as it was Haruki who'd lead.

The maned wolf heaved a sigh and shook his head. "I fear I may be beaten then! Watch out Ilarion or I'll steal him from you." He snickered. "It's good to have you with us tonight Cini and Dysi." With everyone together it should prove a fun night.

"After you?" He cocked his head in invivitation to the youngerst. "I hope Ilarion hadn't wandered far before you found him."

Cini was amused by the pair, they seemed very cheerful and happy. It made him feel more at ease, also that they had taken in another stray. It meant that he didn’t feel quite as burdensome. They were obviously very happy to have people over and spending time with them. He smiled. “Thank you for being so welcoming,” he said to the pair, and nervously entered the den as Haruki extended the invitation.
“Not too far,” he told the maned wolf. “I’m grateful to him though – I didn’t have anywhere to sleep tonight and I’m new to this whole… travelling thing. So it’s nice to have a safe den and some friends for the evening.” He smiled at the pair and settled, his small frame curling easily into a small spot in the den, not taking much space at all.

“I mistook him for a leopard,” Dysi admitted with a wry grin and a chuckle. “I know, it sounds ridiculous. I was looking for an old companion of mine, a leopard with dark fur, and I caught sight of him and thought, foolishly, that it was her. Thankfully, he did not mind the mix up and was kind enough to offer some companionship!” He did love new friends.

"It is our pleasure. It's not often we have felines willing to share with us." Ilarion replied, a bit more serious, but still with good humor. It took quite a bit to dampen his spirits. He puffed out his chest pretending to be vain at the compliment from Cini.

"See? I totally didn't wander off Haruki, you did." He tilted his head at Dysi. "Oh really? That is amusing as I mistook Cini for Haruki. Oh ho is that so?" The wild dog made a game of examining Haruki from all angles. "A leopard you say?

"Aawww that's my Ilarion. Bleeding heart and all." He leaned close to the other and whispered, though he was totally loud enough for everyone to hear, "I wouldn't have him any other way, but don't tell him I said so."

The maned wolf found it amusing both pairs had mistaken someone. "Meow?" He made a show of clearing his throat then tried again. "Meeeeeeeow," he intoned femininly as he batted his eyes at Cini.

Dysi laughed at the jokes that stemmed from his confession. “Not only a leopard, but a female leopard, I must apologise,” he said with a loud chuckle. Now that he was seeing the maned wolf properly, it was really a ridiculous comparison to make, but it had been a fun start to their encounter.
“Not sure if the meows suit you, Haruki,” Dysi laughed with a wink. “Think the barking is more your style.”
He stretched slightly and rolled his shoulder gently, working his muscles lightly. “So what brings us all out this way? You know my adventures; mistaking handsome maned wolves for leopards,” he asked, curious. He was also trying to get answers from the young cheeton, without being too obvious.

Cini grinned at all the mistaken identities that were going around. “I just thought Ilarion looked nice!” he laughed, having not mistaken the wild dog for anyone – and perhaps being the odd one out because of that.

At Dysi’s question though, he shrugged his shoulder. “I decided to have an adventure of my own! My parents are settled and happy together; but I wanted to see the world a bit more than I have. Not sure how I feel about it yet! This is my first real trip on my own.” He was a bit nervous about it all.

Ilarion laughed heartily at Dysi's sally to his friend. "Oh I totally agree with you there Dysi. Ah nothing really. We're just two good old boys. Wandering where we go." He put his paws over his eyes. "Ah my shame my shame! I thought Cini might have been Haruki. Which by the way I'm utterly grateful you weren't."

He winked at Cini, "I must say Cini. I'm surprised your parents let you go off by yourself so easily. You should have seen Haruki be a dad when half a litter of pups got dropped on him." There was a mischievious grin on his muzzle.

"Oh dear. I believe my shot at actor fame and fortune has just been shot down." Haruki replied solomnly to Cini. "Dysi, you mentioned you were looking for someone. Tell Ilarion, and we'll keep an eye out for her while we travel. If we run across her we'll let her know your looking." They were more than willing to help a pal out. "Keeping yourself fed Cini?"

Dysi laughed. “Ahhh, sounds like a fun time then for you boys.” He almost missed wandering…but he had four cubs at home and he adored them; his mate was waiting eagerly for his return as well. It made him feel nice and needed. It was stranger to feel needed now, when he was so used to running away from commitment and family.

“Ah yes, I am looking for an old friend – her name is Sukanya. She is a black and blue leopardess. She went to a pride to drop her daughter off but I haven’t heard from her since. I am quite concerned for her.” He frowned. “Her lungs were damaged by a bush fire and so she travels at night mostly. I haven’t been able to find her. If you could keep an eye out in your travels, I would much appreciate it. She knows where to find me, should she need to but I fear she does not want to.” He sighed.

Cini laughed. “My dad left my grandmother’s side very young, so I think he realised that it was only time keeping me with them. Mum even left her birth pride! I mean, she was eager for adventure…though she got herself hopelessly lost and had to have dad rescue her,” he grinned. He loved his mum, but she was a complete airhead sometimes.

“I caught a gazelle earlier,” he admitted, not wanting to add the detail that it was quite old and not that fast. He was getting better at hunting. He was better at sparring. That was easy for him.

"It would be our pleasure to keep an eye out for your little lady." He was impressed the female had managed to somehow survive a bush fire. Ilarion shared a look with his friend. "I propose we all hunt tomorrow before we go our seperate ways. Give us all a full belly." He could easily read between the lines of the young cheeton.

Haruki gave a very slight nod at the look from the dog. It was an excellent idea. With the three adults they could bring down something large enough for all of them. He could tell Ilarion had been as impressed by the female as he had. "And Dysi said she saved her cub too," the male added for proper effect.

"Wandering runs in the family does it Cini? Same with us. We left and never looked back. She sounds like a brave girl, if a bit clueless," he chuckled. "Ah but it makes a great romance story to tell cubs." Haruki winked.

”I thank you for that!” Dysi said warmly, and he truly meant it. It was good that others would look out for Suki. He only wished her well. He nodded at Haruki’s addition. “She did, her lungs were damaged with smoke during her attempts to save her son. It was the reason she has such issues now but her boy has grown up strong.” He smiled. Sukanya was nothing if not a devoted mother.

“That sounds like a great idea!” he rushed to agree, hoping that Cini would not flee too quickly. He had a few questions to ask the young cheeton…like what his grandmother’s name was, but it felt too awkward to bring it up now, right before all would likely nod off to bed.

Cini nodded enthusiastically at the idea of hunting though he tried not to look too desperate and give himself away. His stomach was still grumbly but it was no where near as bad as if he hadn’t eaten at all.

“I think it’s interesting to wander, I’m not sure where I’m going yet though,” he laughed. “I’m looking forward to finding out. Maybe I’ll find some lost girl as well and repeat the romantic story,” he joked but he wasn’t sure he wanted that. A mate was fine, but he wasn’t really in a rush. Settling down seemed boring for now.

A good deed never went unpunished, Ilarion thought. He never minded helping others. "Well she's a strong female! Hopefully she won't try to take a piece of my ears if we run across her." He joked. "Excellent! It's decided then. Feel free to kick Haruki if he starts to snore too much." His eyes twinkled at his friend. "Good night Cini and Dysi."

The maned wolf settled down in the middle of the group. He glanced at Ilarion for the snoring jibe, but commented to the other males. "I should warn you, his snoring often threatens to cave in the ceiling." He snickered and curled up, tucking his nose under his tail.
