(Back log)

He had never felt so alone before, Ceto thought as he waited for daylight to come. He was in his den by himself. It was typical for him to be alone in his den. Rarely did he bring anyone to it. In someways it was his sanctuary. The one place he felt safe. Today it felt more like a stone prison. It would be his last night sleeping in the den. He wished it would have been a comfortable last night, but instead he ended up tossing and turning.

Nightmares haunted his dreams. Hyena's chased him across the plains, hunting him down till he couldn't move his paws anymore. He wanted to go to his mother and tell her about his fears, but she would never understand. She was the one sending him to his death after all.

When the light leaked into the den, he slowly got up. 'This is it. My last morning here.' he thought as his legs dragged over to the entrance. His mother's den wasn't far, just a could dens down. When he was younger they were right next to each other, but she had him move to give her more space. Now she was having him move from the whole area.

She was outside her den, cleaning herself. As he approached she stopped and looked up at him. “Morning mother.” he said, not looking her in the eyes.

Naida also did not get a good night sleep. She knew that the adventure would be hard on Ceto. It would be hard on any young lion. But she felt like he would grow so much if he left. If she didn't make him leave he would never see the world. He would always live by her side. She couldn't do that to him.

“I have some things for your travels and I made you a quick meal before you go.” She brought fourth a shelled necklace and a light fur coat. “This necklace has been in our family for years. It's our good luck charm.” She was hesitant to give it to him as it was her favorite necklace she had. However she had more shell necklaces that she could wear.

“The fur is for you to use at night, when it is cold.” She explained.

He slumped to the ground again, in front of his gifts. It was like she was bribing him to get his butt out of there. “How about a couple more days mom? I will help you hunt and you can show me how to defend myself. I cannot be out there by myself at this state. Someone will make me their meal.”

Ceto had no idea what he did to his mother to make her think he could survive on his own. He would prove to her that he couldn't do it. Then she would have to take care of him.

“Ceto you are going to leave now. I don't know how many times I've offered to teach you how to hunt or any other skill. It was your choice to ignore me and do your own thing. Now you are stuck in your sorry state.” Naida said with little empathy. “This will be good for you in the long term. It will force you to become an adult.”

His ears folded back and he pouted. “But I'm not ready yet mom. I'm no where near ready to be out on my own. I need you.” He said. The others in the area were starting to wake up and the two of them were becoming the center of attention. He felt himself sinking closer to the ground.

This wasn't good, not good at all.

“Ceto, you will never learn until you go experience for yourself. By the time I was your age, I was taking care of my father and younger siblings. I can not carry you forever and you know it. I have some food in my den if you would like to have some. But if you take some, I expect you to leave after you finish eating.” This was beginning to feel like a trying game of tag.

She went into her den and sat down near the food. The last thing she wanted was to chase Ceto off, but she was prepared to. She couldn't baby him any longer. He was an adult. A grown lion who should be able to take care of himself. She knew she was partially to blame. She never forced him to learn any skills.

At some point she thought he would be interested in learning, but she guessed she was wrong.

Ceto slowly got up and headed into her den, his head looking at the ground. He stopped as he reached the entrance of the den. The scent of her meal made his mouth water. This would be his last meal before setting off. It would be his last meal for who knows how long.

He would have to trick and steal to get food, he thought.

In the stories rogues brought to them, he heard about the cold hearted scum who took what they wanted and didn't care about anyone else. He gulped. That's the lion he would have to become to survive. He could feel his eyes watering. If that's what he had to do, that was what he had to do.

He turned away from his mother and grabbed her necklace and the fur.

“I cannot eat with you mother. I have to leave now. I know you want me to stay here, but there are places I have to see. I need to be free to explore.” His voice cracked as he spoke. Everyone around him had knowing smiles. They knew he was joking around.

“Good bye mother. When I see you again, I will have become a seasoned adventurer.” With that he headed off, not knowing where he was going. Not following any direction in particular. He figured he would find where he was going eventually.

Naida had enough time to get out of her den and watch her son dart away. She gave him a knowing grin as he parted. 'Loves the dramatics' she thought. Though his antics caused him to miss his meal. She knew that he would regret that later.

“Be safe my son.” She whispered as she turned around and headed back to her den.

Someday she hoped he would return to her as a wiser lion with many stories to tell. She knew that it would be dangerous out there, bu he would find away to survive, she knew he would.

(WC: 1,114)