Moswen was out and about. He had happily been roaming the rogue lands since his pack had disappeared. He of course missed his home and his family, back home he had had a mother and a father and tons of sibling, nine to be exact, though only one looked anything like him and his mother. It was something he had always wondered about but never had the guts to mention to anyone.

Today Moswen had found a wonderful forest, lush trees and birds singing everywhere the male hyena was happy to be in such a happy location. The scent of due on the trees filling his nose. Now if only he could find someone to talk to. Moswen had never been one to really enjoy being on his own, he loved being out in the world exploring great things seeing all sort of different wonders but he missed having someone to talk to and show all the wonderful things he was finding.

Kya was looking in the forest for some different plants. She had left her daughter and Wahed, the male she had found in the forest a few weeks ago, back by the dens. She was happy that the two had gotten on well enough and she didn’t feel the least bit nervous leaving them home together.

She wanted to find something for healing, not that they got injured often but it would be nice to have some good herbs around just in case. She was poking her nose in different plants when she saw a leg in amongst the plants. She looked up surprised to see a male hyena standing before her.

Moswen has seen the female coming and recognized the brilliant purple pelt almost right away. He moved as slowly and as quietly as he possibly could to get close to her without her noticing. It wasn’t an easy thing for him to do, he was by nature a very loud character, but she was so wrapped up in what she was doing that he managed to get into her path without her noticing, that was until she just about ran into his legs.

When she looked up at him he had a wide grin on his face. He was happy that not only had he found someone in this magical forest but it was someone that he knew, someone from his old life. “Hi there!” Moswen greeted her. He took a step back to give her room to stand up, instead of he being stooped down in the plants.

Kya couldn’t believe her eyes when she managed to register who the male before her was. She recognized him pretty quickly as a hyena from her old pack, the son of one of the higher ups. She was pleased to see him. The whole time that she and Konane had been out in the rogue lands, living in this forest she hadn’t seen a single soul from her old life. “Moswen!” she explaimed. It is so good to see you!” She rose up to a standing position and then moved in to give the male a nuzzle. She stood back to take a look at him, he looked well. He certainly had been eating and he was clean. Kya knew his mother would be happy to see him doing so well even on his own.

Moswen nuzzled the female wild dog back. It was great to see someone from his home and to feel the warmth of someone else close to him.

“It is good to see you too Kya, it has been way to long. What have you been doing? Are you out here alone? Do you live around here?” the questions poured from the males lips he couldn’t believe his luck in finding her and now he wanted to know everything about her life and what she had been up to.

“Slow down.” Kya said laughing. She managed to catch all of Moswen’s rapidly fired questions. She couldn’t blame the male for being so inquisitive she too had a bout a million questions she wanted to ask Moswen.

“I haven’t been doing much just living life. I am not out here alone one of my children is with me, Konane my daugher. As well there is a male wild dog staying with us now too, and yes we live not far from here in a den. We have been here pretty much since the pack disbanded. We love the forest.” She was pretty sure she had managed to answer all the males questions, and even in order.

“Now its your turn.” she said with a smile. She too wanted to know everything about Moswen’s life since he left the pack.

Moswen tried to remember all the questions he had asked the female and in the end just decided to wing him “I have been a wondering rogue since the pack fell apart. You are the first I have seen from the old home. I don’t really live anywhere. near or far.” He smiled proud that he had managed to answer all the questions and in one breath as well.

“Konane is here too!” he explained after answering his share of the questions, “Can we go see her?” there was a pleading tone to his voice. He had been happy that he had even managed to find Kya even by accidently, but the thought of seeing two members of his old pack had the male hyena absolutely spinning with delight.

“Of course we can! She will be delighted to see you.” Her daughter was a bit younger than the male but they had been fairly close in age. She was pretty sure that her daughter would remember the male hyena and would be very pleased to see him.

“Come on this way I will take you to her.” She turned to head towards the dens where she had left her daughter when she had gone out for herbs. She had completely forgotten all about the herbs now however. She turned to make sure the male was following her.

Moswen was right on her tail ready to go where ever she left him. He knew that he likely wouldn’t stay in the area for too long but while he was here it would be great to spend sometime with the two female wild dogs.