Peca was roaming the rogue lands. She had done her job as a mother raised two litters of pups, one that wasn’t even hers not that she ever told anyone that especially the pups themselves. Now with her pack disbanded and her pups all grown to adults she was on her own. Peca wasn’t really sure how she felt about being alone like this, some days she loved the independance other days she wished she had someone to take care of, to talk to, just to be around.

The pale freckled hyena took a seat below some trees and surveyed the area around her. There was a far amount of activity in these parts. From where she sat Peca could see a couple of antelopes carefully crazy on some long grass, both looking over their shoulders worried about an attack, as well as the leopardess who was stalking them from behind some bushes. Peca smiled to herself she wondered if the leopardess would be successful, so far her pray hadn’t noticed her slowly creeping up on them.

Murrishch had eyes for nothing but the antelope before her, she was entirely unaware of the audience she had attracted. She knew there wasn’t much of a chance that she would be able to catch both of the antelope but as her stomach rumbled she knew that she would be happy with catching at least one. It had been a while since Murrishch had eaten, she wasn’t partial to small game she always wanted the bigger juicier meats.

She lowered herself to the ground and moved in on the antelope, she was nearly holding her breath in the hopes to be as silent as possible. She was this close she didn’t want to give herself away with a sneezy or deep breath or anything like that. Making it almost to the heels of the antelopes feet she finally leapt, landing on one of the antelopes backs. She managed to get to its neck and bring it down. It wasn’t the most graceful of hunts and the other one definitely got away, she had probably traumatized it. None the less she now had a rather large chunk of meat.

Finally she raised her eyes to look around her and thats when she noticed the hyena seated below the trees just across from her. “Hello there” she called out. Murrishch wasn’t usually wasn’t one for company or being friendly but she knew the truth of the matter was there was absolutely no way she could eat all this meat on her own. “Why don’t you come join me instead of just lurking under the that tree.” It wasn’t the kindest of invitations but the hyena was going to get fresh meat, instead of the old stuff it probably usually scavenged and ate.

Peca watched as the leopardess brought one of the antelope down she was impressed when she brought it down on her own. A lot of the time Peca would have assumed bigger game like that would require more than one hunter.

When the leopardess looked up at her, and then invited her over Peca was shocked. Peca had always found feline species to be less than inviting and on top of that she thought that. Peca hesitated for a moment and then thought, well why not. Meat is meat is meat, and she was hungry. Peca moved forward careful not to look to eager. She wanted something to eat but she didn’t want to look like she was crazed or starving or anything like that.

Making it over to the leopardess and her prey Peca stopped and took a seat across from the leopardess, “It is very kind of you to share with me. My name is Peca.” the female hyena told the leopardess. Peca was overly friendly and excited to have a potential new friend and a good meal. Peca couldn’t remember the last time that she had such a good meal.

The leopardess scowled, she was okay with sharing her food but she wasn’t so sure she wanted a conversation to go with it. She sighed a little. “My name is Murrisch.” she responded to the hyena. She wasn’t really sure what else to say to the hyena, she didn’t much want to carry on a conversation, though she didn’t really want to be entirely rude she just wanted to eat her food.

“We don’t have to talk.” she finally said looking down at the antelope instead of at the hyena she had invited to share a meal. “I just, uh well I saw you there and though this was too much meat for me. I don’t really need friends, though.. or to talk. Just eat.” Murrisch said. She was curt in tone and trying her best to make it clear that she didn’t want to make a friend.

Peca was a little shocked by the response of the leopardess. When the leopardess called her over Peca had thought that perhaps she was friendly, everyone enjoyed a good meal and conversation… or so Peca thought. Deciding not to say anything Peca just dipped her head to the meat, pulling big strips off at a time and eating them quickly. After a few big mouthfuls Peca had to slow down a little, she was eating too fast and she was going to give herself indigestion if she wasn’t careful about it. After a moment she went back to it, eating a quarter of the antelope before she knew what was what.

Having had her fill she sat back on her haunches, “Well I uh I am done” Peca mumbled licking all the blood off her lips. “I uh well, thanks I guess.” Peca didn’t know what else to say to the leopardess, she had to at least say thank you, but she figured it wasn’t likely to get a response. So she turned to walk away, back towards the trees she had been sitting under before. She went a little further into the tree line this time, wanting to find somewhere to take a nap. Sleep off her full time. She was thankful for the meal even if it came from a somewhat rude source.