Peca yawned she had had a nice couple days with her son and now life was back to normal. She was pretty sure she prefered the abnormal life of having her son around. She had spent a couple of days fawning over him and hearing all his crazy stories and now he had moved on to continue living his adventure packed busy life. Peca was happy that he was living his life though she would hate it if he bogged himself down and stayed with her just out of a sense of commitment to her. Visits now and again was nice, exactly what she needed.

Now Pecca was moving towards her den. She had gone out for a hunt and was successful in getting a small rabbit, she had been hungry at the time so she ate it fresh right then and there. Now she wondered how she was going to spend the rest of her day. That was the one thing that sucked about living on your own with no one else around, life got boring. You didn’t have anyone to talk to, to bounce ideas off, just generally chat about life in general.

Nurrin was trekking along. She had made a lot of distance in the past couple of days. She was pretty proud of herself. For the first part of her journey she hadn’t been sure if she was going in the right direction or if she was just walking in circles. Now though she was happy, she was almost positive she wasn’t going in circles anymore and she was even beginning to believe that she was actually going in the right direction.

As she walked she spotted a white hyena not far ahead of her she was. Nurrin hadn’t seen another soul in such a long time she began to quicken her pace trying to catch up with the female hyena. Hopefully the hyena was nice Nurrin liked to be around nice souls, she had enough negativity in her past.

“Hello" Nurrin called to the hyena just as she made it up to the hyena’s side. She smiled warmly at her. It was exciting to see another living soul.

Peca turned and resisted the urge to sigh when she saw a lioness standing next to her. Peca wasn’t a fan of the feline species. She found them to be rude and condescending. Usually they wouldn’t even give a hyena like herself the time of day.

She slowly turned her head to look at the lioness who had come up beside her. She was a pretty lioness, she seemed to have kind eyes. She took a deep breath and decided to try to give the lioness a chance. “Hello. Can I help you with something?” she asked. She kept her voice neutral and calm, really she was nervous and anxious.

“No I don’t really need help with anything.” Nurrin answered. She looked over at the hyena, she was pretty sure that the female was uncomfortable. Nurrin wondered idly if she was uncomfortable with Nurrin specifically or if it was just being around others that made the hyena uncomfortable. Nurrin knew that there was a number of creatures out there that didn’t like to be around anyone else. Very introverted and solitary in their ways.

“My name is Nurrin, I am just passing through the areas. Are you from around here?” Nurrin asked in an attempt to make some polite conversation.

Peca relaxed a little bit. She realized that perhaps this lioness wasn’t as bad as most of the other feline types she had met in the past. “My name is Peca.” she answered kindly. Thankfully Peca had a very warm side to her. Even if she was uncomfortable she didn’t have it within her to be mean or even cool.

“Yes I live not far from here its a great area.” Peca was very proud of her home, she was happy that she had chosen this are to live in. She wouldn’t take the lioness to her den for any reason but she had a nice one too, large big enough for a family even though it was just Peca living in them.

“Are you looking for a place to live?” Peca asked the lioness. She was wondering if she was going to have to put up with a lioness being her new neighbour, though she guessed that this lioness wouldn’t be too bad of a neighbour she seemed nice enough. Peca still prefered her own kind, or wild dogs.

“No no, I am just passing through. I am looking for my old home. Its been a very very long time since I have been there. To be honest I am not sure that I am going the right way, but I’ve got to keep going. I just well I hadn’t seen any other living soul in such a long time. I just had to say hello to you.” Nurrin offered the hyena a kind smile.

“This seems like a lovely place to live though. If I didn’t already have a home in mind and a place to be I would totally want to stick around this area.” Nurrin had noticed a watering hole on her way through, in fact she had stopped at it. In the desert you never knew when you were going to be able to find your next drink of water. So while she was travelling she always made sure to get drinks when she saw somewhere to drink.

“Ah yes I am quite partial to it.” Peca said with a smile. They were getting close to Peca’s den now it was time to get away from this lioness as nice as she had been Peca didn’t want the lioness to know where she lived, as kind as she was.

“I do wish you the best of luck in finding your home.” Peca said, there was a tone of finality in her voice, it was clear she thought this should be the end of their conversation. She stopped walking allowing the lioness to go ahead of her a bit.

Noticing the difference in the hyena’s tone and body language Nurrin realized it was time to part ways. “Well it was nice meeting you Peca” Nurrin told the hyena with a smile. With that she moved forward onwards and forwards homeward bound.