I've been RPing for many, many years now and it seems like the number of decent RPers that are into anthros/furries are dwindling. Unless I'm just looking in the wrong spots?

So I've decided to just look for some one on one RP over AIM or Skype. I'm looking for something long term that doesn't really have an endgame and is taken day to day. Romance is my ultimate goal because a lot of my OCs are super close to my heart, I want them to have good lives.

If you're interested you can PM me and ask me for my AIM or Skype. I'm just asking that you are literate and give me more than one liners? It doesn't even have to be paragraph RP. I RP in scripts too, which, if you don't know, is like this example:

Ahzure: -wanders through the quiet tavern, a frown pulling at his lips before taking a seat in the corner-

And so forth and so on.