Moose: Eris didn’t particularly like being away from Safi for long periods of time. It wasn’t that she felt particularly attached to the leopon, but rather because she liked the security that came from being part of his rather large, albeit strange, family. They were warriors and assassins by trade, but each had begrudgingly accepted the white felines current lover with a sort of welcoming air. The only tension she felt was around his children, who would just groan as she passed, as if the thought of their father having sex was enough to rot their minds.
She grinned as she walked into the grasslands, picking through the taller plants with a careful eye. She needed some space, but she wasn’t so far out that they wouldn’t come running if she called. It was peaceful this way, almost…normal.

nessiaing: Nurrin had been travelling for a long time, longer than she would like, she had to imagine that she was getting close to her old him. She couldn't wait to see what it looked like, who was till there. She hoped that her parents and sister called it home.

Deciding that she needed a break Nurrin took a seat beneath some trees. Happy to take weight off her feet, they were sore but no where near as bad as they had been just a few days ago. The were swollen nearly bleeding, today they were just tender.

Moose: There wasn't much that took Eris' attention these days, but the sight of a new lioness in the territory was one of them. Perhaps Safi had another lover? They didn't exactly have a relationship, so it wouldn't be amiss. Or one of his brothers? She looked beaten, so she supposed it fell on her to bring int the welcome wagon. Trying her best to smile, she slowly approached, not really worrying about whether or not she would spook the other, but just adjusting herself to a normal stride. "Walking hard, or hardly walking?" She grinned.

nessiaing: Nurrin looked up and smiled when she saw the lioness with the rainbow mane and tail. "Warking hard I would have to say." Nurrin lowered her paws that she had been looking at, seemed unlady like to have her paws up in the air while talking to someone.

"My name is Nurrin" she told the other lioness. "Do you live in this area? I do hope I am not intruding. I just needed a place to rest for a little while." she told the other lioness. She had crossed paths with some incredibly territorial sorts before and she hoped this lioness wasn't like that. Nurrin didn't have the energy for a fight

Moose: A long, sly grin beamed out on her face as she moved slowly towards the prone lioness. She stopped, just shy of being too close, and sat down beside of her without being asked. "Live here? No, I'm just as much a visitor as you, though for different reasons I suspect." Stretching her paws before her was a good way to look at her own toes and wriggle them around. "Names aren't necessary for temporary chats, are they? After all, we are no more than leaves in the winds of life, ghosting along until we are crushed by a larger paw." Moving her paws around the air like a leaf had been soothing, until she dropped it like a stone onto the ground with a smile. "Do you often travel until you drop?"

nessiaing: Nurrin smiled, she didn't mind that the other lioness didn't want to give her her name. She had heard of stories of prides where names were considered sacrid and a link to the soul, perhaps this lioness came from one of those prides. Or maybe she was just weird, either way it made no difference to Nurrin.

"I have been trying to make my way home. Turns out that I was a lot further away from it than I thought." she sighed. In truth Nurrin was pretty sure she had been travelling in the wrong direction for the first part of her trip. She was sure she was on the right path now though.

"If I don't keep going I wont ever make it there."

Moose: "Ah, home", Eris murmured whistfully, turning her crytalline eyes to the sky above. "Aren't we always far away from it, even if we are standing in the midst of home? Home is where the heart is, or rather, where the soul resides. You won't find a home until you've settled that in your mind. A soul can walk until their legs fall from under them, and never find home. Or, it can be right under your nose." She had little experience with a happy resting place herself, as the world was Eris' home, but she was content in her travels. Unlike the lioness she spoke to, it seemed.

nessiaing: Nurrin listened while the rainbow lioness spoke, she definitely had a different outlook on life than Nurrin did, there was nothing wrong with that but Nurrin foudn herself wondering what she should say to the other lioness.

"Well my home is the place where I am closests to the Gods, its where I am happiest. Sure I can live other places and be content, but my home is where I belong." she spoke with passion in her voice. It had been a long time since she was had been home, in fact she hadn't been there sice she was a little wee cub. She also didn't leave by choice she was stolen. So getting home was very important to her.

Moose: The closest to the Gods? It was as if she were speaking an entirely different language to Eris. As far as the rainbow maned lioness was concerned the Gods had long since abandoned them to the madness that ran rampant in mortal hearts. It was soothing to think about, but to hear someone with a different outlook....She merely shook her head and smiled at her like one would a cub. "Isn't that a personal belief, then? Do you need a certain area to feel closest or are your beliefs so weak that you need familiar territory to be close to the Gods?" She didn't mean to be rude, or crass; Eris was just genuinely curious. Not that it would change her mind on the matter. Eris was as set in her ways as she was fluid, and ever twisting.

nessiaing: Nurrin took the odd lioness in stride, she didn't mind questions about her believes. She was proud to share. "Well Of course the gods are always with me. But home is where all the sacrid alters are, and were those of us who have the sight are the strongest." Nurrin decided to leave out the fact that she infact didn't have the sight.

Her home valued two things, the sight and a white pelt. She figured she had atleast one thing going for her.

"Plus my family is there, I love my family and I do wish to be with them again. Its been a long time." In truth Nurrin wasn't even sure they would remember her. Surely her parents would still remember her, how could a parent forget a child? But her sister, Nurrin wasn't so sure they had been so young when they were seperated Nurrin wouldn't blame her sister if she didn't remember her.

Moose: Shaking her head, Eris rose to her paws with a cluck of her tongue. "I hope that you find it then, if this place is so sacred to you. Journeys are more tiring on the heart than the body, should rest until those paws of yours are healed." She jestured vaguely to Nurrin's digits. "I'll let the others know not to disturb you. I wouldn't stay long, though, their very terrirotial. At night, at most." Family? What did the word mean to a lioness who adopted those she chose and fausted off the ones that came from her womb? An insightful topic, neverthless. Without much of a warning, she turned away from the lioness and started to walk back the way she came.

nessiaing: Nurrin nodded in thanks to the lioness as she walked away. It had been one of her stranger encounters that was for sure but a pleasant enough one. Nurrin took the warning of the others seriously and planned to leave before the sun set.