User ImageThe fierceness in his hunt was almost like the days when he was at war. Tearing apart the remains like a hyena that hadn't eaten in days. Laughing... laughing like he was enjoying the animal suffering and screaming as it was eaten alive. It was when he broke and started eating the stomach when the animal finally died. That is when the Deimos finally deemed it was then he was 'done' with his meal. The eyes of his victim wide open as it 'watched' him leave- his own specie, a wilddog. Drenched in blood and that is the kinda look he would love to use if he knew about -looks-. His existance meant nothing except killing. His pack was long gone now, the war did not favor them and being a prisoner of war.. he was forced to eat his comrades then when he was finally let free, he massacred the pack that had captured him.

Wondering the lands with a maniacle laugh... with the echo that would make even the strongest tremble. Not like a hyena- but WORSE. The sun started to set as he trotted with a hunch over, finding his way to a watering hole and collapsing there. His breath harsh as the birds found perch on his body that looked rather dead now. He could hear animals come to the watering hole. Taking refuge there and a moment's break, like he had.

'Is he dead momma?'
'Don't go near it...'
'Doesn't the birds bother him? And the flies?'
'Urg.. disgusting...'

But it didn't phase him much at all. There was a pack near the moutains. It was there is where he would head next... In due time. In due time.
