User ImageNess: Naim was practicing walking in the tree tops. As a leopard it came to him naturally but before joiing his new home he hadn't spent much time in the trees. Here everyone used the trees and he wanted to fit. As warden of the pride he also found the vantage points he could get from a top the trees was better.

Today he wasn't on duty, not officially though of course he was always watching out for the pride. Today though he was looking for Ua he had met the female not to long ago and had immediately taken a liking to her. He wanted to know more about her, her story.

Velvie: Ua was on the ground, moving rather slowly. She hurt a little, her old injuries flaring up. Well, they weren’t that old, they were just old enough not the be fresh anymore. She hated being injured, mostly because it made her father very unhappy, so she was good at hiding when she was in pain, so as to not worry him.
He wasn’t around at that moment though, so she winced slightly as she stepped. Ugh. Why did she have to hurt so much? She didn’t remember who attacked her still, which was frustrating, but at least she was healing…slowly.

Ness: Naim made graceful leaps from branch to branch. He kept the urge to giggle a little as he did it surpressed. He was getting better and better at this tree business. Still with everytime he leap her made it felt like his stomach dropped out from under him.

As he flew through the trees. He stopped when he saw the tell tale pale coat bellow them. He stopped and began to make his way down to the ground. "Why hello there." he called to her in a gentle voice. He wasn't sure what trama he had gone through but he knew that he had to be gentle. Maybe one day she would tell him what happened. He had heard stories but had never gotten it from the source.

Velvie: Ua startled lightly at the soft voice, but relaxed quickly enough, recognising it from the male she had met earlier. She glanced up as he made his way to the ground and offered him a smile.
“Well hello again Warden Naim!” She greeted him. “How are you settling in?” It was nice to see some fresh new faces in the colony – she knew Hu was trying hard to hold it all together with the other council members. It was good to see new people; who were also nice.

Ness: Naim hit the ground in a graceful leap. He was happy that he managed to be so graceful infront of the female. Being suave was somewhat important to him.

"I am settling in very well thanking you Ua." he answered gently.

"I have coming looking for you. I wanted to see how you were doing." he didn't want to push but he was interested. He was also pretty sure that he had noticed her wincing while she walked
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Velvie: She smiled at him. “Oh, I’m doing as well as I can be!” She assured him, shifting slightly on her paws. Her back leg was quite achey today and she was still nervous about climbing with it. “My leg is hurting quite a bit,” she admitted somewhat reluctantly but she wanted to be honest about it. She didn’t talk about her injuries much, mostly because it made her uncomfortable to think about.
For all she knew, it had been her own fault that she had gotten hurt. She didn’t want to make others feel bad for her, when it was likely her own stupidity that had caused it.

Ness: Naim moved in towards the pale female. He could still see the hints of her wounds here and there.

"Do you mind if I ask you what happened?" he didn't want to force the female to talk, but as a warden he felt like he should no what was happening in the colony before he had arrived. Plus he had a strange urge to protect this female. He couldn't explain why but he was drawn to her. He hoped that perhaps she felt the same.

Velvie: Ua hesitated before speaking, a bit cautious. “I’d love to tell you,” she began slowly, staring down at her paws before looking up with a somewhat sheepish shrug. “But I don’t know. I just remember waking up in the forest, covered in blood and hurting like crazy. I heard someone calling for me, and I ran towards them. I found the colony; they had been looking for me…I pretty much collapsed after I found Scheherazade and then when I woke up next, I was being looked after and people told me I had been attacked.”
She stared out at the forest, a concerned look on her face. “I don’t know who did it, or if it was a leopard, a lion or what it was…I just know that someone wanted to hurt me bad.”

Ness: Naim was speachless. He had heard bits and peices of what she had told him before but coming from her it was so much more powerful. He couldn't believe that someone woudl want to hurt such a lovely leopard.

"I will watch over you now." Of course the whole colony was probably watching over her, but Naim felt an even greater need to be by her side as often as she could.

He blushed a little at his abrupt announcement hoping that he wouldn't have turned her off. She seemed like the type not to want to worry others or be a bother but to him it realy wasn't a bother.

Velvie: Ua looked a bit surprised at his statement, her eyes widening slightly before she let out a soft giggle. “You’re sweet, Naim,” she giggled. “Thank you!” she meant it as well, because really, she had been so anxious since the attack. She had felt vulnerable and scared, but thankfully she knew that the colony had her back. But knowing that the warden was also watching out for her? That was sweet.
She smiled at him. He was such a nice male…

Ness: "You are more than welcome." he answered back to her. Happy that she had accepted his overbearing ways so well.

"I have to go, suppose to have a meeting with some of the council members today. There were still lots of things Naim needed to learn about the colony and the way things were done.

"I will find you when I am done." he told her and before he could second guess himself he moved in and gave her a quick nuzzle. He was blushing but thankfully he had dark fur. He smiled shyly and moved to walk away, leaping back up into the trees.

Velvie: Ua was speechless after the quick nuzzle, calling out a distracted “bye” as he leapt back into the trees above her. She blinked, standing in silence for a few moments… What had just happened? She wondered to herself, staring up at the trees with a baffled look on her face…did he…like her? No way, she was so dull. She blinked and sighed.
“Boys are complicated,” she muttered to herself and set off at a slow pace. She needed to talk to Ardhi.