User ImageMoose: Waridi’upya couldn’t have been happier. Thanks to Tau’s ascension to the throne there had been new ranks added, and he was able to shift into his dream job all the easier. The feel of Nanny would come in time, he knew, but it still thrilled him to the core. Wait until he told Adri!
He walked the border, looking for his scouting friends to spread the news. Those in the central area of the pride had already tired of his joy by then, so why not share it with the world? His eyes were bright, beaming, and searching; always searching for people he knew to tell!

nessiaing: Batu had been hanging around the large pride's borders for a couple of days. He had met a femile Leopan and had found her quite entertaining so he had decided to stick around the desert for now.

Although he was looking for a new home Batu had already decided that this was not the place for him. The sun was hot and blazed all day long and he found that with his mostly black pelt he withered quite early on in the day. Once he had had his fun with the hybrid he would move in, this he was sure of.

Moose: There had been so many new comers lately that Waridi didn't acknowledge the black and white male as an outsider until he was nearly ontop of him. It caused his paw steps to slow as his smile drooped down the edges. Still, that didn't really stop him from approaching the other male. Since there were no Scouts in close proximity to the stranger it fell upon him to play guard duty, even if it was slightly intimidating. "Little warm today, isn't it?" He called out lightly, keeping his smile open and friendly. Even skeptical, Waridi still believed in the goodness found in everyone. Surely this male wasn't that bad?

nessiaing: Batu"s ears flicked and he turned to look at the male approaching him. Batu knowing that a pride was close by and even though he had been told it was a friendly pride he didn't want to be seen as intimidating. It wasn't hard for Batu to look friendly though, the male was overly friendly to a fault nearly.

"Why hello there. Yes it is quite warm, specially with a pelt like this one." he answered looking up towards the sky cursing the sun up there just a little.

Moose: “Come on then, let’s get you to the shade, huh?” Waridi’upya moved at a sort of veering path towards a baobob tree with thick vegetative branches. Though the greenery was far up and beyond their heads, the shade it cast was luscious. “Standing out there like that will make someone think you’re waiting on them….or were you? Sorry, it’s just that I haven’t seen you before, and since I’m trying to start a family in the pride I can’t be too careful, you know?”
He shrugged his shoulders sheepishly. He didn’t want to seem nosey or rude, but well…it paid to stay vigilent.

User Imagenessiaing: Batu smiled, the other male was a chaty one. Batu liked it, it would mean he didn't have to do all the talking. Chatty sorts were also friendly sorts which was something Batu would be happy about.

"Yes shade is good lets go." the black male said moving towards the tree.

"Oh I didn't meant to alarm you. I am not from the pride. I have met someone in the pride. I suppose I was looking to see if they were out and about today but I didn't see them." he offered the other male an appologetic smile.

"A family man eh? I had cubs once lots of work but they are very much worth it." he said a teasing tone to his voice.

Moose: Met someone? That little snippet had more implications than Waridi knew what to do with. Did he mean just met them, as in was talking to or was it something more? He shook his head. Some questions were better left unanswered. Beyond the vague answer of them, meaning neither female nor male, which left Waridi nervous about being left alone with the male. Not that homosexuality bothered him, but he had a mate already, dammit! His good looks would be the death of him.
He chuckled, though, and tried to appear normal. “Just became a Nanny myself, so I’m looking forward to the little buggers. I will agree with you; they are a lot of hard work, but wouldn’t mind having some of my own someday.”

nessiaing: "Work or no work they are totally worth it. Who would care for us in our old age if not for a cubs." Batu didn't like to think about getting old he was still a young lion but he knew one day it would inevitably happen and he was hoping dearly he would have cubs to care for him then. His first litter were all grown and gone to bigger and better things leaving him in the dust. Hopefully his futrue litters would stick around more.

"I'm sure it wont take you long to have them. Watching them grow is amazing." he said with a smile his mind full of images of his very own litter bounicing around him. "I definitely miss having them around perhaps once I find my new home I will have another littler of my own."

Moose: Waridi wasn’t sure how he felt about that statement. True he wanted his cubs to be by his side in his older age, but he wasn’t sure if he would want them to take care of him. He’d rather see them living their own lives. So long as they came around long enough to tell him stories and show him their own cubs!
“They grow so fast, I can’t imagine how hard it will be to see.” Listening to the other male just made him want them more. The other nannies had spoken at length of the maternal bond, but then, they were all female. He himself could only describe it as the “protective urge”: loving, coddling and defending.
“I hope for your sake, friend, I that you do. You seem to love them and everyone should be able to experience the joy of having cubs around for as long as they can.” Looking around, he saw a few Scouts coming down to relieve him. He smiled and nodded to them before turning back to the male. “My shifts over, it seems. I hope that you find what it is you’re looking for in life. I can’t imagine traveling is much fun.” Bowing his head, Waridi turn to walk back to the pride.

nessiaing: Batu watched the male walk away with a smile. He was happy that he had met someone else in the area. The pride seemed to be a nice one and in a way Batu wondered if he should stick around. He knew on a deeper level though this wasn't the pride for him.

There was one out there though somewhere and he would find it. He settled himself under the tree and watch the activity around him. Ideally wondering if he would get the chance to see the hybrid female again