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WHERE IT IS ALWAYS HALLOWEEN (and sometimes exams) 

Tags: Halloween, Demons, Monsters, Roleplay, Academy 

[PRP] Don't Let Go [Zory]

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Wrathful Demigod

PostPosted: Tue Nov 11, 2014 5:12 pm
Jory had given a little yelp of pain as he'd been scooped up, but he clung to Zaire as the taller boil ran for the door, tail wrapped tightly around his waist and fingertips clenched tight in Zaire's tee shirt. The room with the hunter was disappearing behind them, and Jory watched, terrified, over a broad shoulder for any sign of the short human perusing them as the mahamba raced for the exit. Or what Jory sorely hoped was the exit.

The apology was heard, but the boil didn't respond beyond tearing his eyes from the view behind them and pressing his face in against the side of that long, tanned neck. Even that hurt, and he whimpered, clinging all the tighter to the one that had saved him. Teeth grit, biting back tears that were just as much from pain as they were from relief.

By the time that had hit the cool air outside the dorms he was shaking, and small, unstoppable little sounds escaped. Pain, stress, anxiety, all of it seeped out as they neared the safety and comfort of the one of their rooms.

Or at least that was where he hoped they were heading.

Hurt as he was, he probably should have been taken directly to nurse cricket so she could treat the worst of the injuries---he was still bleeding, head and side, and his ankle was a swollen mess-- but all Jory wanted to do was curl up against his boilfriend and never let go.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 3:25 pm
Physically he hurt, but the greater pain was mental as a bloody blue face pressed into neck, no doubt leaving a print of some kind. Zaire clung as tightly as possible without further pain to the other boil as he ran. Feet carrying them automatically to the Nurses office in panic. Jory has injuries that needed to be treated ones he couldn't handle, a rush through the door and the Nurse took over.

Minutes seemed like hours as Zaire waited, nails bitten to the quick and heart pumping uncontrollably. It was difficult to just stand by and wait when he knew nothing of how Jory was. A glance to his own arms and many questions came, the one that stuck most being if Jory would have scars? Or rather if Jory could handle having scars with how insecure he was, Zaire knew his own left many sour taste in his mouth so he could only imagine how Jory might take them.

When finally allowed back to the other monster, Zaire was persistent on removing him from the office to a dorm. Winning out in the in by just picking up the bandaged, cleaned boil and walking out with him. Relief flooded with a look down over the other, a kiss placed to blue forehead as arms clutched and carried him towards the dorm.

Right now Zaire just wanted to have that safe place, the feeling of being surrounded by Jory. Comfort for both of them, opening the door Zaire gently placed Jory to the bed then went quickly to lock the door before coming back. Crawling up cautiously like a minipet before curling silently around Jory, hands winding around the other before a whisper broke the silence of the room, "..are you..ok?."



Mysterious Kitten



Wrathful Demigod

PostPosted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 4:31 pm
It should have been a relief when he drew his face away from Zaire's neck to blink into the soft light of the nurse's office. Jory just felt tired, hurt--frustrated that he couldn't just curl up with strong arms wrapped around him so he could try to forget the last couple hours. He was silent as he was transferred from the Mahmab's arms to the cot, and shaky hands came up to press the heels of his hands against his eyes, blocking it all out, as Nurse Cricket treated the worst of the injuries.

A little Fear, and a lot of bandages later Zaire was allowed to see him again, and he looked up at his boilfriend with pleading eyes. Bandages wrapped around his head, half hidden by white hair, and from the arm pits down her looked like a mummy. His shirt was gone, Jack knew here, but he didn't really care abut that that. More bandages were wrapped tight around one thin ankle to keep it still. He looked utterly pathetic, and felt even worse.

Thankfully Zaire was on a similar wavelength. The taller boil scooped him up again, and Jory curled against that strong chest as his boil lay a delicate kiss against his brow and carried him off to the dorms. His room, Zaire's, it didn't matter to him. Either were home.

When they arrived, and Zaire lay him gently on the bed, Jory rolled immediately onto his uninjured side with only a slight wince as the bruises on his head settled on the pillow. The lock clicked, and the bed shifted as Zaire crawled up to join him, moving with more care than Jory had ever seen in him. It made him smile, despite everything, just a flash of upturned lips before he was reaching out tangle fingers in dark blue hair, squirming until the tip of his nose was against a strong chest. Was he okay? He had to think about it, gauging his own emotions, the injuries, the fear. No, right that second he wasn't okay, but here, safe, with him, he would be.

"I'll be okay." He didn't want Zaire to worry, though he knew damn well he would anyways. "Nurse Cricket says the wounds will heal up in a few days, and bruises will fade after. My ankle will take a bit longer." He paused, frowning, and curled fingers in the softness of Zaire's hair. "She says I might have scars on my side..."

PostPosted: Sun Nov 16, 2014 11:53 am
All the bandages were guilty little pings in Zaire's chest each time glowing orbs landed on them. But they also brought determination, Zaire needed to get stronger, faster and so did his love. After Jory healed, they were going to have a serious talk, one that he hoped wouldn't bring a wedge between them. But after this and with how much fog was apparently around the school it needed to be done.

That smile, just that brief small thing Zaire clung to, because out of any words the other could say, that let him know the most. Fingers touched, tangled and released tension, shoulders relaxed as tip of nose pressed to chest and a slow almost shuddered exhale came. Shaky hands curled just a touch tighter around the other boil and a soft near whimper escaped, one that said he didn't know what to do but hold Jory.

"I'll be okay."

"Guess...that means..Ill just have to carry you everywhere.. ." He tried to keep the worry from tone, even though he knew the other likely already knew he was. A deep inhale and fingers brushed softly against the bandages, touches to make sure he was really still holding Jory. Touches that grew more possessive as the mention of scars came, he was going to kill that hunter. Eat him alive with all the rest for hurting Jory, bringing him the mental pain he himself felt with every look at tanned arms.

".." Zaire opened his mouth but knew nothing but a growl would come out so instantly closed it. Instead a few tender kisses glided across the skin he could reach.



Mysterious Kitten



Wrathful Demigod

PostPosted: Sun Nov 16, 2014 3:06 pm
The whimper broke him as surely as any blow had. Jory answered that sound, whining in response as he pressed fingers to scalp, drawing the other boil down so they were brow to brow. "I'm okay," he tried to be reassuring, which was easier said than down when he had bruises rising up on his temple around the edges of the bandages. "I'll be okay." Please don't be sad...

That offer though, it startled a small laugh from the boil, one that ended in his own helpless little whimper before he was nuzzling into Zaire's cheek affectionately. Breath catching as fingers brushed against the bandages at his sides. It didn't hurt, not yet anyways, but he expected it to and it made him tense before wandering fingers took on a much more possessive quality.

A kiss brushed his cheek, then another, and he combed through that dark hair, drawing it over one shoulder to curl it around a slender blue finger. After a quiet moment he moved enough to return those gentle kisses, and lips ghosted over tanned skin when he spoke. "I'm sorry." For making him worry, for being too weak to protect himself, for ruining their day. So many things. "I..." words trailed off as he caught himself, bite back the second apology.

Jory needed to get stronger, to keep this from ever happening again. It wasn't an option anymore, it was a necessity. First Zaire had gotten hurt, and now him, it was enough.

Of course the more he thought about it to worst he felt. A deep breath was drawn, held for a count of ten, and released slowly. Tension leaving along with it. The boil focused on the feel of those strong arms and the brush of soft lips against cool skin. Here was safe for him, here was sanctuary, and comfort, and everything good in his world. "I love you.."

PostPosted: Wed Nov 19, 2014 6:45 pm
Zaire didn't protest the drag down, of course he couldn't, now brow to brow glowing eyes flashed all the hesitance and worry he held back. Trying to gain strength when the words he wanted to hear came, but second guessing if they were only for his sake. Zaire wanted nothing more to believe them, and it was the trust he held for Jory that finally allowed for that on the second repeat. Shuddering a sigh a nod was given, it was all he could muster for the other monster at the moment.

How pathetic he felt in the moment, weak, worthless. Knowing this now was exactly what it felt like to be scared, a feeling he was feeling for real for the first time. Zaire's lips formed a soundless snarl, saying through it that this wasn't a way he intended to feel ever again.

With the laugh a small one of his own joined in with just the faintest touch of a smile. Said smile which only grew for the helpless little whimpered nuzzle of affectionate, quickly returning the gesture Zaire's grip loosened just a touch. Only to return moments later to their possessive hold. Leaning into the brush of fingers in hair Zaire let out a soft tired murmur, relaxing if only barely against the touch. Eyes closed briefly wanting nothing more than to blink open and all the bandages and bruises on his boilfriend be gone.

Kisses came when words could not, with them he hoped to express all that needed to be said, but gathered with the apology it wasn't enough. Still being lost he tried to gather himself and thoughts into something, anything to help. Zaire struggled and had Jory looked into glowing orbs he would have noticed, emotions were simple which was why he felt so stupid for not being able to collect anything past crazy obsessive. It wasn't fair feeling this way, he was scared and wanted to do anything to protect Jory but he knew telling him that wouldn't be the best thing right now. Falling short, simple noises sounded instead as each kiss was returned.

"I love you.."

Zaire's head busted, heart hammered in chest. It was true, Jory loved him and he loved Jory. To a point that it was even scarier than this, no, it was why this was so scary wasn't it? A look of surrender washed fear from his face, that was it. A quiet moment after confession of love and a rather loud snort sounded, then slowly he shifted. Moving until he was hoovering over Jory, a curtain of dark hair hiding his face inside."Don't..apologize..Let's just..get stronger..." I'll help you. Would that be enough? "I love you too...but I'm starting to think...you just like..to hear me say it." Zaire laughed leaning down to n** at Jory's lips like he always did, only after taking him in a slow deep kiss, one that brushed just the faintest hints of moisture from his face against the others.



Mysterious Kitten



Wrathful Demigod

PostPosted: Thu Nov 20, 2014 5:39 pm
As soft, protesting sound followed that snort, puzzled, before Zaire was moving to rise up over him. The smaller boil frowned as he looked up, meeting those glowing eyes, not at all sure why his admittance of love should be met with that sort of reaction, but then he was speaking, reassuring, and the frown faded as the afanc nodded.

Stronger, yes. He needed to become stronger, so he could protect himself properly, if ever he found himself in a situation similarly dangerous. Zaire wasn't always going to be there to swoop in--honestly, Jory hadn't expected anyone to come rushing to the rescue, because he hadn't even known where he was, or how he'd gotten there. It had been a shock, his boilfriend sweeping in at the last moment to defend him. If he were being honest, the boil had thought that would be it. Because he didn't know about dissipation, or reforming, had never experienced it, nor heard much about it.

Rolling onto his back seemed a painful endeavor, so he didn't even try. But he did lift a hand, the tips of his fingers trailing in delicate lines along Zaire's cheek as the taller boil told him he loved him. it brought a smile, one that grew wider yet at the accusation, and he was still grinning as their lips met, a n**, then a long and lingering kiss that took his breath away, and left the hint of tears on his cheeks.

Tears that could have easily been his own.

Swiping at his eyes, he rubbed the heel of one hand against his uninjured temple as he peered up at his boilfriend. "Of course I like hearing you say it." Why wouldn't he? It made his chest go all fluttery, heart throbbing, and could leaving him with a dopey smile for hours on end. And the flush! The brush of rosy hue that oft times crept over tanned cheeks. He couldn't get enough! But he didn't say it just to hear it. He said it because he meant it, because even now, weeks later, he still couldn't quite wrap his head around the fact that someone cared that very much for him. It sparked relief, and gratitude, and above all, happiness.

Even when his body hurt, and exhaustion was pressing down like a heavy weight.

PostPosted: Sat Nov 22, 2014 10:24 am
Zaire leaned against the delicate touches at his cheek, like a kitten needing more attention to know it was loved. Smiling softly back into that goofy grin that was becoming a favorite on his boilfriend. A grin he'd damn near do anything just to get now, including pride reducing things like constant professions of love. Lost to the kiss, his only thought in it was that a hope that Jory couldn't figure out who was crying.

As they parted he shuddered softly, shoulders slackening and dipping his body a little more against Jory's. Knowing the injured monster couldn't handle that Zaire slowly shifted back as Jory swiped at his eyes and smiled up to him. Chuckling at the words and shaking his head, "knew ...it." A smug sort of smile took over lips and gently he curled back around Jory.

Gentle pets and hesitant touches followed a few silent moments before Zaire moved to place a kiss to bruised lips, "you should sleep..." Not that he would, but he would rest around Jory and watch over him.



Mysterious Kitten



Wrathful Demigod

PostPosted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 8:02 pm
Jory could do nothing but look helplessly at his boilfriend as he settled around him again. What could he say? He was lost on the other boil, hopelessly gone, and he liked to hear it, those three little words. They were a reassurance, and a reminder. Something to pull him out of his own murky mind when doubts grew, or things got hard. It could make him smile, always, that dopey grin that Zaire loved so much.

A content little sound followed the brush of lips, then a wince as he touched the tip of his tongue against the sore split at the corner.

Zaire's urging was taken under heavy consideration. Jory was exhausted, and a yawn escaped before he could stop it. He wanted to sleep, but his mind was often an ugly place, and he suspected nightmares were in his future. It had him stubbornly holding onto consciousness, even as lids began to droop. Frightened, he pawned at Zaire's chest, tugged to move him closer, until he could press his face in against the comforting warmth at the hollow of his throat, drawing in the comforting scent of the mahamba with each heavy breath.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 10:45 am
It didn't take long before Jory was asleep, nor did it take long for the whimpers to follow. They broke him, each noise of distress falling from the struggling to stay asleep face. Zaire had suspected something like this but wasn't prepared for how much it hurt him to see. Hands gave gentle touches, constant to be comforting as best they could, Zaire surrendered to a night awake then and there. Because there was no way he would allow Jory to awake alone and frightened from this nightmare.

fins *D*


Mysterious Kitten


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