Terra stretched and knead the ground under his paws, moving through underbrush slowly and carefully. While his brothers were doubtlessly near - they didn't seem intent to let him be - the godborn lion was disinterested in then more often than not. No, the vain lion was more interested in exploring the underbrush and foliage in new areas, shaking out his fur a bit as he looked around. The area itself was damp and warm and he couldn't help finding it a bit stifling, and Terra made a face at humidity making his precious coat frizz and curl. Maybe a place for his brothers, but not him. The thought of mentioning it to them crossed his mind, and he made a face before movement caught his ear and a flash of vision of blue and black.

Aile hadn't roamed far from her hidey-den on the borders. While not daring intrude, and today, she needed to hunt, idly roaming to the roguelands to do so. The demons, while most were unaware of her presence, we still good hosts. To that end she was a polite rogue. She minded the borders and paid attention to preferred coat, ignoring potential new members and those entering with potential servants. What threats she could manage, she brought down or lured near guards. While imperfect - she kept seeing ghosts - she still worked hard and at the end of it her den was cold and lonely. But was it worth it? Yes. Filou was a demon she rather liked and wanted to impress, and the lioness planned to do so by bringing pelts of various kills to him soon to line his den. Still, this far away, company was both welcome and startling - welcome for someone to talk to. Startling, because it was near the demons, and Aile moved to approach the stranger with Trepidation, ears erect as she stalked.

The vision flashed again briefly and Terra glanced about, seeing nobody in the trees. Somebody had to be there, and his ears pinned back, lip curling as a walk became a stalk, fur raising as he moved to listen, silencing pawsteps carefully. His tail flicked and his lip curled as he moved, sveltness and precision - before something dropped on him, snarling.

Aile had been fine leaving well enough alone, but the green-maned male had entered a stalk, and Aile didn't risk the stalk being aimed at anyone in the Aegnor, instead dropping from hiding to pounce, snarling and biting his ear. The male half yeowled, half snarled back, flailing and swiping, and Aile hissed, moving to keep her grip.

"No." She growled annoyedly. Terra tried flopping on his side, squirming and rolling as the female adjusted to keep grip, finally planting her bottom firmly on his head.

Terra whined in irritation, a muffled 'get off' coming from below. Such a rude female. And crass. Aile, however, didn't care.

"Nope. You're trouble. I can tell." She grumbled. Terra made a noise of agitation, one paw raising to poke her bottom with a claw, and she jumped back with a yelp, becoming a puffy ball of agitation. Now free, Terra eyed the female, making a face. She looked like his vision, and he groomed his paw, before using it to fix his mane.

"Ugh, what do you want." He grumbled. Aile eyed him.

"I'm crashing out here. What do you want?" Aile groused. Terra eyed her, and flicked her nose with the toes of a forepaw, huffing,.

"Beauty. Power. Proper respect and adoration." He purred. Aile stared a minute, and made a face.

"So you want an ego stroking." She grumbled. Terra scowled, finishing the fluff repairs before scowling.

"I deserve it." He objected. Aile rolled her eyes. Although she had a hazy view of the male doing things, she really couldn't see what - he seemed not to do much more than squabble, ignored by females - ah. The picture seemed to get clearer and while she wasn't sure of a mother, she could sort-of make out cubs at his feet, the male almost-disconcerted, but certainly possessive. She decided to say nothing, instead giving him a flat look.

"You're a vain little crap." She stated firmly. Terra growled, and raised a paw, before the female rose hers to stop him, sighing. Terra snarled, trying to sink his claws in when a vision gave him quick pause. Primitus emerging from a den nearby, checking on a pride nearby. Nosing each member whom allowed it - checking on others.

Aile seemed to pause as well, visions of the god quite younger with a lioness similar to her father alert and abound at play, the male cuddling and protective, and slowly Terra lowered his paw first, looking around as unknown their visions changed - Terra blinked as a white lioness cuddled her reborn grandfather for warmth and comfort - as cubs came and left and the god grew - his father. The lioness died and one of her sons had a litter, Aile emerging small and dark. Aile whined as Primitus curled with a mate she didn't know well, having cubs, one the green maned male. Both -- sharing visions of the god, before eying one another,. Terra's lip curled first.

"I don't do - family." He growled. Aile shook her head, and swatted him.

"You will." She huffed, then stopped.

"You're a seer?" She asked. Terra nodded, then froze.

"You're a seer?!" He got out, stammering. Aile nodded, both eying each other. Aile shrugged, and nodded up.

"I've seen Great, Great Grandfather around here a lot." She offered. Terra paused, and studied her before blinking, calming.

"Father's here?"

Aile didn't flinch, nodding.

"Technically...? He's usually around the demons, and I'd have to smuggle you in. A bunch of my cousins are in the pride though." Aile admitted. Terra paused again, then squared his shoulders.

"I will be needing to fetch my brothers then." He said quietly. Aile shrugged again.

"Mind pelts. They don't like interlopers, so you'll need to be careful to find family first. Noh hasn't been out and about much, but I see others. One of them even has a weird feather and herb pouch or something."

Terra nodded, and paused.

"Aren't you part of this?" He asked. Aile shook her head.

"Homeless myself. Sleeping on the border for now. I just watch, listen. Keep my area clean of riff raff and danger so I'm not run out. I'm serious... Meeting Great Great Grandfather here will be difficult unless we find a darker relation to walk us in." She admitted. Terra nodded, and stretched.

"I don't care. I'll see if my brothers want to see father. It's likely we'll be here a few days." Terra grunted. Aile nodded, stretching and sitting as Terra turned to wander off to find his siblings, surprisingly subdued. He did miss father. Father loved and appreciated them. Aile watched him disappear, before watching a rabbit of interesting pelt run by, and she rose to chase into the night. Another pretty gift for Filou!