All Aile tried doing was taking Terra to Primitus. It broke noi law and made no threat to the pride but it meant now Aile was spotted and she had Terra to boot, their paws pounding basalt and plants as they ran from the demon guard persuing them.

Filou had warned her and Aile hadn't planned to fight any demons, but here they were with a demon chasing, the pair running.

Admittedly, Aile was more aerodynamic than Terra, and the male made up for it in size, hissing as the pair moved, powerful muscles carrying them in their dash for safety as Aile found a ledge to climb, Terra growling as he followed.

"YOU HAD A PLAN." He hissed. Aile reached to grab his ruff region, ignoring protests as she moved.

"Had." She said around a mouthful of fur as she dragged him to the ledge. "Didn't expect that thing."

Green and Blue eyes peered over the edge at the pink and gold eyers of one enraged Meenah, the demon female glaring at the pair above her indignantly. The haughty demon planted her tail on the ground patiently and stared at them, ears pinned firmly.

"You interlopers have to come down sometime." Meenah scolded. "And I'll be waiting to make both of you into sador."

Yes, the Condesce was terribly patient as a queen and Meenah, for her less patient nature, could wait, but her words were intended to demand them down now. Aile responded first.

"Not coming down. Not as sador." She snorted. Terra sat, sniffing.

"Obviously you don't know who you're here by. We are obviously your betters." He rumbled. Aile face-pawed as Meenah hissed, fur raising.

"Why you impetuous, arrogant-"

"Terribly sorry, but he's a bit of a snob I'm afraid." Aile glanced at Meenah warily, Meenah jumping to snap.

"I don't care! Get down and bow!"

Aile sighed, shaking her head before a deep male voice interrupted the argument, warm and familiar.

"It's alright Meenah, calm down. Terra's my son." His arrogant, vain son, but he still loved him. Terra perked as a cub may and bounced down, Aile sitting on her ledge as Meenah hissed at him, but otherwise obeyed the god, eyes re-locking on Aile with fixation. Aile waved idly, brows raising.

"Now Meenah, Aile's grandmother is my grandchild, and look, her fur is obviously at least partly decent." Primitus soothed again, the lioness scowling - but knowing not to anger Hakuna's mate, instead pouting as Aile crelt down, Terra smirking before Primitus cuffed him. Meenah and Aile snickered, before Meenah eyed the blue and black lioness. Aile gave her a half-smile as Primitus fussed at his son, sighing.

"Admittedly, I'm hoping Accendo would come soon. Are you both well?" Primitus fussed. Terra grumbled.

"Mmmhmm. And Mom. And Mids." Terra grumbled. "And yeah Dad a couple brothers came with." He grimaced at the grooming, Meenah snickering again before Aile made a couple faces, Terra scowling at them. Gold expectant eyes turned on Aile, and she shrugged.

"I'm well enough, sir." She admitted. "Keeping out of trouble mostly. Getting by."

Meenah rolled her eyes again - how uninformative and boring - and piped up.

"You trespassed." Meenah scolded. Aile rolled her eyes.

"Looking for him. Not trouble." She reminded. Meenah rolled her eyes, unimpressed with the talk before Aile shook her head. Primitus sighed, giving Terra a pointed look as the younger male blinked in confusion, looking to his father as Meenah sniffed.

"Trespassing has consequences. Don't you know your place? You're just a sador." The female rumbled. She rubbed Aile lightly, smirking. "Of course you may be a favored one."

Aile stared, before raising her brows, getting up and stretching, before looking to Meenah with a smirk.

"Tempting," She rumbled. "But I don't answer to arrogance." Her tail flicked under Meenah's chin and Aile spun on her, leaning in the angry female's face as she grabbed her paws.

"You can primp and preen but I do pay attention. You're just a guard, and at that an arrogant one. My Grandmother was little but grandpa is much, much bigger."

Meenah grinned, preparing to retort and Aile licked her nose, settling to speak further.

"I think you misunderstand, dear. My grandmother is also related to lions here higher than you." Aile purred. "Including my aunt Epyon."

Meenah hissed, claws flexing in agitation, and Terra shifted, Primitus using a wing to pull him close again as Aile let Meenah up, stretching and grinning.

"We can be friends, though. But I don't kneel." Aile purred. Meenah hissed.

"Your blood is just so low." She growled. Aile shrugged, grinning.

"I'll let you think that." Aile grinned, and Meenah blinked. What did the female mean? Did she have a stronger demon than the Condesce? The female internally panicked, the Condesce growling at the challenge to her power irritably. She suffered enough having demonic nobility in her mind than to let a rogue tied to royalty supersede, and Meenah swallowed, unsure of how to proceed. Primitus however seemed to let Terra loose, the Male moving back to Aile carefully as he eyed Meenah warily before cuffing Aile.

"That was stupid." He scolded. Aile shrugged.

"I'm being underestimated."

Primitus sighed, shaking his head at the three.

"Most likely Sairin's bloodline, to be honest." Primitus explained, and looked to Meenah.

"But underestimating an opponent is dangerous Meenah. I know the Dondesce you mention wouldn't like her position threatened, but poor Aile and Terra aren't here to threaten the pride. However speaking of Aile's grandfather, he is still rather formidable, and dark pelted besides. You must remember, some creatures are not demonic, but they are large and dangerous. Aile likely just doesn't remember her own manners." Primitus eyed her calmly, then Terra. "Nor my son. However since Terra mentioned his brothers, I may see if Hakuna would like to meet them, as well as Taswira and Set."

It was no pride secret who had who - and he wanted to please his in-laws for Kipofu besides. Atefeh would encourage it for sure, and Primitus leaned to groom all three.

"All the same Meenah, would you like to train someone? Even an outsider, it would be useful."

Both females' faces fell, Terra snickering and rubbing his father before Meenah wailed.


"Favors." Primitus rumbled idly. "And you never know. Even Moricorm and Hakuna'jina find value in those not demonic."

He meant, partly, himself and Kohrisu, but one never knew, and Primitus winked to the demon gently. "And if she is appropriately colored and stays..."

Primitus purred.

"You brought in a new demon."

Aile blinked, and quickly decided not to mention Filou, instead shrugging non-commitally as Meenah mulled over Primitus' words before grinning, leaning in.

"Oh, yes." Meenah purred. "Yes, I would like a new... Apprentice."

And if the female couldn't leave well training was hard.

Terra watched Meenah warily before looking to his father, giving him a worried look.

"Dad?" He asked, tone uncertain. Primitus groomed him, sighing and pulling him close again as Terra stared. The other was plotting - horrible things to trap and ensnare and Terra didn't trust her. Primitus caught the look, and leaned, whispering.

"We mention things to Hakuna and Moricorm." Primitus assured. "I want you to meet Hakuna anyways - she's another... Mate, and your stepmother besides. It matters here."

Terra nodded, then frowned.

"I need to check on my brothers too, Dad." Terra warned. Primitus nodded.

"Bring them by. It can't hurt."

Terra nodded, stretching, and Primitus glanced to him. He hoped Terra had sense to warn his brothers they'd roamed into demon territory, at least, and the male frowned as Meenah ruffed Aile like a cub, the female squawking at the treatment, and Primitus cuffed Meenah lightly.

"We don't ruff apprentices Meenah." He scolded. Terra took the chance to bolt, Primitus swooping under Aile to lift her on his back defensively as he followed Meenah toward the dens, the pink and black female giggling as they walked, Primitus sighing and whispering to Aile.

"I'm sorry dear. Hopefully, we work out something."

Aile nodded, and huddled into his fur, shaking anxiously.

She did not look forward to things, and she sighed, burrowing as they took the path towards the dens. It would not be a good night.