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Eilley woke with a yawn, she had had a good sleep but was having trouble getting the fog to lift from her head. She raised her rump in the air as she bowed into a long stretch. Standing she shook herself a little before trotting out of the den she had been sharing with the brilliant purple lion that she would hazzard to call her mate.

She blinked a little as she came out of the den her eyes adjusting to the sunlight. The den had been empty when she had woken up so she was wondering idealy where Tamaki could have gotten to. He had lived in the area that they were currently calling home for awhile and had all sorts of secret hiding places, many of which Eilley had yet to learn about.

Putting her nose to the ground she began trying to pick up the sent of the male. Hoping that perhaps she would be able to follow his smell to where ever it was he had gone.

Tamaki had woken up early and didn’t want to wake the sleeping pink female that lay beside him. So he had slinked from the den as quiet as he could to make sure that he didn’t make a sound as he left. Once he had left the den he looked back over his shoulder and smiled when he saw that she was still peacefully asleep. The male was quite proud of the female that he had found, he found her gorgeous and was proud to think that he could call her his mate. They hadn’t been together long but he knew his feelings ran deep.

Having made his was successfully from the den the purple male moved quickly to get a drink. He found the stream that ran near their den to be empty of any other living soul, he got himself a drink before he moved towards his favorite tree. Leaping up and making himself at home. From his tree he could see the den and would know when Eilley woke up and came out.

He drifted in and out of sleep in his perch as he waited for her to wake up. He couldn’t help but fill a little gleeful when she didn’t immediately spot him up in his tree. He figured a big purple lion with a black mane would be a quick find sitting in the tree, he didn’t exactly blend in after all.

Eilley wrinkled up her nose, she couldn’t seem to figure out where the male was, she sat back on her haunches and let out a sigh. Looking up towards the sky to see where the sun was the sight of purple quickly caught her attention. She couldn’t help but let out a laugh. “Well I would have never thought to look there.” she said a giggle in her voice. The purple male brought out a younger free sported version of her. She had always been so serious and refined in her ways.

“Now get down from there so that I can greet you properly.” she told the her purple as she made her way towards the tree. She should have known that he would have been there it wasn’t the first time she had found him sitting in this very tree, but her mind never thought to look up when she was looking for him.

Tamaki let out a great laugh as he leapt from the tree that he had been lounging in. He made a quick movement towards the pink female, “Good morning my dear” he cooed as he came to her side and gave her a nuzzle and a quick kiss on the cheek.

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“Did you sleep well my dear?” he asked taking a seat next to her. He stayed close touching along her side as he sat. He liked to feel her warmth next to him. He had spent much of his life on his own and now that he had a mate to call his own he never wanted to be far from her side.

“I slept alright.” she told him. In truth she had already grown acustom to sleeping with him at her side and could hardly imagine what it would be like for him not to be there one day.

“I have been thinking though…” she told him. She was a little hesitant to tell him her plans, she wanted to move on to somewhere else but wasn’t sure how he would take the news.

“I know you have been here a long time Tam but I was thinking perhaps its time we find somewhere else to call home. A place that can be both of ours.” she turned her crystal blue eyes towards him. They were full of hope but also worry. She didn’t want to upset him or have him say no but she didn’t find where they lived to feel like home. She stayed only just for him.

Tamaki took a deep breath, he had suspected that Eilley didn’t feel as at home in this area as he did. He had been living here for quite a while and knew all the ins and outs of the area it was his home. “Is there somewhere you would like to go?” he asked carefully. He wasn’t say yes or no, though in truth he knew he would go to the ends of the earth for his mate.

“I don’t know where we should go yet, I just thought maybe we might like to try a pride or something.” Eilley had always liked the idea of a pride, it seemed like a great idea to live in a community instead of just out on their own. It would be nice to have others to care for and to relay on.

“Well I think that we could do that.” Tamaki told her giving her another nuzzle to relax her nerves. “We should leave soon and travel around see what we can find, I am sure we can find somewhere that we might fit well together.”

Eilley let out a sigh of relief she should have known that Tamaki would support her in the desire to leave. “Sounds good to be but first I need a drink” she said her voice again light and cheerful. She gave him a little push as she took off running laughter spilling from her as she went.

Tamaki let out a great laugh and was right behind her chasing her the whole way.