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nessiaing: Moswen was on the move again. He had found a female hyena that he had thought was in need of saving, and although he wasn't exactly the saving type he had gone out of his way to help her and boy oh boy had it nipped him in the butt.

He let out a great sigh, why did life have to be so messy, Moswen wasn't into mess he just wanted a nice easy simple quite life was that asking too much?

The white hyena trotted along looking over her shoulder every few minutes to make sure the dark hyena with the purple main wasn't following him he wanted as much distance between him and that female as possible.

Greenie: Lunch had been served, eaten and many had gone for a nap to ready themselves for other tasks that needed to be completed. Blasaz, whom had taken to wandering off on most ocassions, had done this yet again. She found herself in the roguelands, rather distanced from the prides borders and going further still. It had appeared she had reached a climate change and the goddess had paused briefly to enjoy that moment. It was during this time that she had spotted a rather suspcious looking character. It was a hyena, if she wasn't mistaken, and he appeared to be either worried about something or hiding. She figured the situation wasn't worth guessing about and simply took it upon herself to find out.

"Is someone following you?" She had dropped from the skies nearby the hyena. Blasaz never intends to frighten, but of course she has her moments. It wasn't like she was a large goddess, perhaps even on the smaller side. "If you thought someone was, they aren't now, I think." Speaking again without thinking, not uncommon, but this ocassion was to offer some form of comfort.

nessiaing: Moswen's legs shook when he the God dropped down in front of him. Had his bladder been full he was pretty sure he would have wet himself. "Dear God" he said without even thinking his voice shaking slightly. He hadn't expected someone to drop in infront of him, he had been only concerned about behind him.

"I don't know if they are following me. Thats the problem." Moswen answered quickly still looking over his should checking to see if the female was there. This wasn't typical behaviour for the male, normally he was all good carefree muddling his way through life. This female ahd effected him more than he had even began to realize.

"You mean you saw behind me... I suppose you can see really far you don't see anyone following no female with a purple mane?"

Greenie: Blasaz was mildly embaressed by the fact that she had clearly startled the male hyena into uttering words she had heard a few times before. "Well Goddess actually." She gave a light laugh hoping that the small joke would lighten some of the tension in the air surrounding the pair of them now. But it hadn't, not immediately anyway. The goddess looked to the distance behind the male, she wasn't sure if her vision exceeded his as he had proclaimed, but she certainly tried for the mortal.

"I see no one, not even an individual with the purple mane you speak of." Saz spoke truthfully before gazing at the hyena in wonder. "What or who has caused you so much grief?" Her curisoity would certainly bite her in the bottom some day and she hoped today was not that day.

nessiaing: Moswen breathed a sigh of relief and took a seat before the Goddess, if the female wasn't following him he could rest a little the white male had been on the move for what felt like days, in truth at had only been a few hours, but well Moswen was lazy and not use to running for any length of time. Much less running from hours away from someone.

"It was a female hyena, she must have been crazy though, I don't know what was wrong with her. I can't believe I did with her what I did." At first Moswen had thought he was rescuing the female from her crazy sister but it turned out she was the crazy one. Moswen shook his head all he could do was hope that his actions wouldn't result in pups. He shook his head trying to take the thoughts from his head, there was no use in thinking like that the chances were small and there was no use of thinking about it.

"I think she was sick in the head, there was more than one voice, more than one thought." It was overwhelming for the male to even think all of this.

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Greenie: The relief that settled on the hyenas maw was relaxing. Blasaz was reassured that her presence was not a bad thing and she found herself coming to a more talkative mood. "Crazy?" The goddess was amused by this speculation, sure there was crazy in the world, but not all of it was bad. That was what separated some jobs alone was what kind of crazy individuals allowed into their lives on a daily basis. "What kind of crazy?" She made her assumptions surrounding what he had done with her and she whole heartedly chose to ignore the possible paths that conversation could take, she wasn't interested at all in mortal mingling like that and found it easy to avoid.

"Perhaps she was simply lonely?" Saz could easily be mistaken for being naive. With her own self, her domain and more she had many insecurities that came with them. it wasn't uncommon for the goddess to seek out the best of everyone even if it meant ignoring some of the bad all together.

nessiaing: "Well I think she was lonely" Moswen answered with a nod. "But it wasn't just that... she spoke as if she was two different souls in one." Moswen said his eyes still filled with sadness, and a little hint of fear.

"One moment she was kinda, and I wanted to help her save her from whatever was scarying her so. Then the next her head would turn the voice change and she was angry mean scary." Moswen was till confused by the whole thing, it had been so strange to watch.

"I think she thought her sister was in her? Or with her... I don't know it was strange... she may have been lonely but she was definitely crazy." Moswen said looking up at the Goddess as if he needed her to confirm what he was saying, make it clear that he wasn't the crazy one.

Greenie: Lonely was the key to most tragedies - it would never shock Blasaz to see someone tortured have an awful past or perhaps a dreadful future. That seemed to be a leading cause, not that she was much of an expert of any of these things, she often spent her time investing in the pride she called home or her own disorder. "Well, it is always possible that she could have had two souls. You cannot completely count that out." She said to the rather distressed hyena in a calm manner. These were just personal opinions she had gathered from no experience in particular, it seemed to be a general idea she had come up with to help deal with this situation.

"Poor, misunderstood creature." Saz was saddened by the place the other hyena seemed to have been put into. It seemed a tragedy among tragedies. What made matters worse was that it could have possibly been a seer issue. Seers were something Blasaz was unfamiliar with, she knew about visions, knew about Gods breeding with mortals and knew that some mortals were simply gifted. This trait was something that drove her to Intaba. Her own curiosities almost wanted to take her to seek out this hyena, help her find a form of shelter, other parts reminded her that safety was a priority.

It was about part way through her thoughts that she realized they hadn't exchanged names. "All of the insanities aside, my name is Blasaz. What is yours?" She had to cut herself off, she recalled the last conversation she had about her domain and she rathered not go through explaining it again if she could.

nessiaing: Moswen nodded along to waht the god said, it was sad that the female was inflicted by anything but at the same time he really had a hard time feeling sorry for her. She was mean, harsh and frankly damn scary.

"My name is Moswen, its nice to meet you Blasaz. I don't mean to be rude, and I know that you said she isn't following me but I am still quite shaken I don't want to stay in one place too long. I should prbably get going." Moswen tld her still glancing over his should every once in awhile to make sure the coast was clear.

Greenie: The goddess watched as the creature before her was basically stuck in a fit of discomfort due to the female hyenas reactions. It was not very becoming, but at least he had apologzied and politely excused himself from the conversation to go ahead and continue fleeing. It lead Blasaz to ponder if that's how all the mortals survived, was running truly a favored option? She mused on the idea briefly before getting in a few words to see the hyena off.

"Have a safe trip - I will hope for you that the purple maned craze never greets you again."

No sooner had the words left her mouth had she begun to move in a separate direction from the hyena. Ironically, she hoped that was the last she would see of him. On better days he may have been more understanding, but she didn't appreciate others allowing misunderstood creatures to suffer in a lonely space of time. It seemed the lives of those gifted with insanity would forever be lost to most.