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Moose: There was little room left to wonder with Sekmes bouncing around as he was about what was on his mind. He had had plenty of lovers in the past but the one that stuck out to him was the one he had yet to speak his mind to. She was as lovely as the water in a pure river, and as gentle as a misting rain. Fitting, as that was what her domain was.
He smiled and flicked at a flower in the tall, dense grass. It was the only one he had yet to see, and it filled him with a sense of calm. Maybe he could snip it and take it back to her? Would she like something like that?

nessiaing: Batu was on the move again, he had heard rumours of a pride that may suit him. His travels had brought him all over the place, and had even had him cross paths with the mystical. He was kind of amazed then in just this sort while he had met two gods, little did he knew that another way right around the corner.

Today he was taking a break. He was tired of walking all the time. His muscles at least were getting stronger, near buldging now, amazing what copious amounts of walking every day would do. Today though today was a lazy day for laying under trees.

Moose: Sekmes rolled onto his stomach as he sensed the approach of another. It wasn’t so much of a natural response, so much as it was a domained calling. He felt the hearts of the just around him, and could generally judge the intent of the creatures he talked with. Standing, he picked the flower between his maw he started to walk. Slowly he scanned the area until he found the monochromatic lounger.
Without even realizing, or caring, that he was still in his Godly form, Sekmes approached the other male. His size was beyond massive. Any normal God male stood far taller than the biggest Firekin, but Sekmes was in another league. Still, all he could do was smile and speaking around the flower he said, “Ind f I ‘it?” Meaning mind if I sit?

nessiaing: The black and white male couldn't believe it another god, this made three. He had to be the luckiest guy in the word to have met so many gods in his short life. He was pretty sure his jaw was hanging open, sure he had met gods before but this god was massive.

Immediately Batu worried that perhaps this god wasn't as friendly as the ones he had met before. THe first one wasn't super friendly but he wouldn't have hurt him but he also didn't have the sunniest disposition. The second had been friendly as could be. He hoped that this god would be friendly, with the size that he was it would be quite terrifiying if he wasnt. Batu guessed by the flower in his mouth that he was safe though.

"Of course you can sit." Batu answered finally feeling kind of rude that it had taken him so long to say anything.

"My name is Batu." The black and white male answered as he moved to make room for the God, he sure did need a lot of room.

Moose: A flush of mild embarrassment almost squashed his amusement at the overall situation. He would never get over how mortals looked when seeing him for the first time. Setting his flower down beside his paws he flashed a winning smile to the male, unaware of how terrifying all those large fangs could be paired with his horns and size. Sekmes was sometimes just too naïve for his own good.
“Thanks. I’ve been out here so long I felt like my fur was going to bake off my skin.” He shook his cape out, freeing his body to care some air. “Batu, huh? Nice name for a friendly guy. You are friendly, right?” He looked out him from the corner of his eye before laughing. “My name’s Sekmes. God of- Oh, would you like to guess? Three chances, and if you win you’ll get a prize.”

nessiaing: Batu smiled, he did quite like his name he was glad the god did too. The smile didn't frighten Batu, sure the gods teeth were about the size of his head, but Batu was betting that the god wouldn't bit his head off no no today just wasn't meant to be that bad of a day.

"A guessing game!" Batu was genuinely excited about the prospect.

"Three guesses, ummm Are you the god of Friendliness?" The god seemed nice enough, ahd had even asked Batu was friendly, which Batu only know realized he had forgotten to answer.

"Oh and yes yes I am very friendly."

Moose: Bouncing around to face Batu, Sekmes brightened at the energy coming from the lion. It wasn’t often that he met someone who loved games as much as himself! “Yes, yes, a game! And not one with bad consequences, like other Gods. I swear on my life.” And that was a promise worth making, considering he was practically immortal.
“Strike one!” He held his paws up like an “X”. “Thank you for the compliment, but I am most assuredly not the God of Friendliness, though I do try.”

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nessiaing: Batu frowned for a minute, he didn't like being wrong. Though he supposed it made sense, if the God was the God of Friendliness he wouldn't have had to ask Batu if he was friendly he would have just known.

Thinking harder he tried to look at the God to see if there was any tell tales in his apperance. The first God Batu had met was the God of Bones and his wings had been all bones. The second the Goddess of Vitiligo, and she had white specs all over her.

"Are you the God of Smiles?" Batu finally asked, the God seemed to have had a smile on his face from the moment he had met Batu, perhaps just maybe Batu would be guessing right, but some part of him already knew he was wrong.

Moose: “Sorry, wrong again.” Sekmes shook his great, lumbering head. “Although, having a nice smile does work in favor for my domain.” He winked, then shuffled into a better position. Just the weight of his body moving on the ground caused some rocks to vibrate.
“Try something with a ‘G’. You’ve been doing so good so far, so I know you’re close.” He couldn’t help it; even when playing a game, Sekmes always wished for the other party to win so they could experience that rush of pride.

nessiaing: "G, g, g, g" Batu kept repeating the letter in hopes that the answer would suddenly pop into his head.

"Good, good starts with G." Batu said smiling he felt like just maybe on to something, but it had to be more than just good, God of Good didn't make sense.

"God of Good Nature, Goodwill, Good Luck." Batu riddled off a number of posibilities. Finally he decided he had to just pick one and go with it, he couldn't guess three using one guess.

"God of Goodwill" Batu said keeping his eyes closed wishing with all his might that he was right.

Moose: “Good does start with G!” He wasn’t trying to be condescending, just helpful. Sekmes kept rolling his paws infront of him like a windmill, almost as if he could pull the answer out of the lion. When he started rattling off answers he couldn’t keep the grin off his face when Goodwill came up, and again he let out a cheerful roar when Batu landed on the right one.
“Congratulations, that’s the domain! I am Sekmes, God of Goodwill! And your prize is nothing grand, I’m afraid. Just a friend that you can call on whenever you need me. A God to watch your back, so to speak.”

nessiaing: Batu beamed from ear to ear, quite impressed with himself. He was even happier when he heard what the prize was. Having a friend to call on, a God to watch your back that was a pretty impressive prize.

"Thank you thank you thank you." Batu said in a quick sucsession. He was so overwhelmed.

"Sekmes God of Godwill, a name that I will not forget." Of all the Gods Batu had met Sekmes was definitely the best, not that he would tell the other two such a thing.

Moose: Sekmes laughed and reached out to ruffle Batu’s mane. “You don’t have to thank me. I should be thank you for being such a good sport! And hopefully a good future friend.” It wasn’t as if he would be leaving and never coming back to this lion that much he knew. “And Batu, guesser of domains. I shall not forget you either.”
Standing to stretch, Sekmes looked back down to his little friend. “I’m sorry for having to leave so soon, but I should be taking this-“ he pawed the little flower at his paw. “-to a special friend. Until we meet again.” Picking up the flower in his maw, he gave Batu a bow and started on his way.

nessiaing: Batu nodded in fairwell to the God and then watched him go. He wondered idealy about the special friend that would recieve the flower. He supposed Gods were just like the mortals, they would have romances just the same.

Shaking his head a little he got to his feet, this rest had been a good one but now it was time to contiune on in his search for a new home.