WC: 1008

Sabia Deimos found herself out scouting the borders once again, this hadn't been the first time she found herself distancing away from the center of the pride. She had found it hard to rejoin these parts, but was eager to find family and more. It was during this walk that she spotted a familiar figure ahead.

"Blasaz!" The pale lioness called out and watched as the Goddess spun around with a wide brimmed smile. The pair, a goddess and her mortal friend had become quite close since she had joined the Intaba and their daily routine. it wasn't unusual to find them out and about discussing mortal things, which was Sazs preferred topic as she learned the ways of their every day lives. "What are you doing out here all alone?" Sabia questioned Blasaz firmly, but sweetly.

"My dear Sabia, I was simply watched the water." Saz displayed a small stream with her paw and gazed at it trance like. The waters were flowing at a slow, but steady pace and appeared almost to relax as it moved over various small rocks and plant life. "Look at how it moves, even if there is some snow and other elements determined to freeze this liquid, it is determined." The goddess was in absolute awe. The characteristic provided from Blasaz was what truly won the appreciation from Sabia. She was amazed at how well the water had been described to hold more than a simple way to quench ones thirst.

"Well come on now Sazzy, we can go and explore a little more, see more of the pride!" The mortal almost had a bounce in her step as she turned from the Goddess and took off towards some of the more scenic areas of the prides lands. As the Goddess moved to follow the pale lioness she found herself surrounded by trees, some frosty floral and dazzling amounts of snow. Snow. This was one of the many joys she had taken to indulging herself with. Had she found herself anywhere she was sure she'd find a treasure there as well, but for Intaba it was snow.

Sabia sped ahead, a surprise was not far from here for the unsuspecting goddess. It had only been mere days since the goddess had opened up to the young lioness about her insecurities with her pelt. She wasn't the only creature - or landscape for that matter - that had the same markings. To the goddess who wore them bravely they were simply another days explanation, but to some they were actually quite beautiful and unique, Sabia was driven to prove this. It didn't taken long for her to reach it and son the goddess reached the same area.

It didn't take much longer for Blasaz to have reached the location Sabia was destined for. Upon arrival she was unfortunately confused by the excitement clearly labeled on her friends face. The area she entered was a small grove like grassy nook against a mountain like region. The ground was no longer grass though, it was brown and likely eaten away by the very herbivores they had had for several dinners and many more in the future. The brown was patchy though for on top of it was a layer of snow. There was a sense of familiarity here, but still Saz did not recognize what the other was trying to do.

"Sazzy..." Sabia looked at her confused friend, baffled by the look on her face. She was expecting one of excitement or some form of passion, not confusion. Instead the pale lioness watched as the goddess dropped her rump and simply awaited an explanation. "I suppose an explanation is in fact due. Though I had hoped you would appreciate the scene." Sabia gave a sigh and dropped her rump to sit with the other while she spoke.

"Well, remember how you told me about your pelt?" The pale lioness watched as the goddess nodded, acknowledging the conversation that they had had a couple moons ago. "Well look at the ground here. You and it share something in common. See the patches?" Blasaz was immediately looking about, taking the scenery for a second time and admiring the atmosphere that was provided. The grove was intensely wonderful and as soon as the comparison was made she allowed herself to be over whelmed by how touching this all was. "Sabia you are such a precious mind and so absolute in caring for others." The goddess would cry if she hadn't been in such awe at that point.

"Is there more you can show me?"

"Oh Sazzy, let's see the world. Why don't we find the lake; get a drink and perhaps head back to get something to eat?" Sabia was getting tired, all of this running around to cheer up the goddess had taken a bit out of her. Though the day wasn't over she was highly considering a quick nap before beginning some of her own tasks. "Why don't you go ahead Sabia? I will catch up shortly, I just want to admire this grove a little more. Enjoy the afternoon a little before truly admitting to myself that there is more to do." The goddess gave a smile that ended with a laugh. Sabia nodded and bid Blasaz a quick farewell before disappearing into the woods they came.

Once Sabia was gone Saz allowed a tear to fall, this was indeed the sweetest thing she had ever been involved with. The pale lioness had absolutely gone out of her way to provide this situation for her. To show her that the world bore the same resemblance to herself. It was a wonderful idea to think that these marks were surrounding her. This particular moment made her wonder - just how many others were out there with this particular disorder? Were they worried about it, like she was? Or were they blissfully unaware.

When the goddess felt satisfied that she had relaxed herself enough to be talked to at least she got up and headed back for their home.