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[PRP] What War? [Reghan & Yoruhane]

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Snuggly Knight

PostPosted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 1:40 pm
Reghan had been having a few nice days in a row, and she had no trouble with the Toka so far. It was pretty great, really, as she almost forgot there were troubles in the pride. But not completely.

Today, she was not in the company of her usual friend, and she did not have as much confidence as she usually did, even in her own province. It was not like she was going out to look for Toka to start fights with. Despite herself, and her lineage, she was just not into things like that. The last thing she wanted was to make her name known as part of this whole thing.

If she could, she would just disappear into the crowd. But she knew her mother would not have that.

Which was why she was avoiding her mother as best as she could.

Sighing, she kicked at a stone on the ground and opted to follow it, kicking it ahead of her with her front paw, batting at it playfully and following it where it rolled. It was a silly game, for someone much younger than her, but it was a nice enough distraction. Anyway, she was pretty sure she was alone.

Neon Fly
PostPosted: Tue Nov 25, 2014 3:22 pm
There weren't many Slayers in the Tokakinji that Grim knew personally. Even fewer who claimed Uliacha as their district of choice, for the most part it was left to the Soldiers and Keepers inhabiting the area. Considering that they weren't recognized the way his majesty's holier-than-thou Knights were, it wasn't difficult to see why their numbers were so few. Their job was relatively thankless and there were few who acknowledged them as anything more than a rag-tag group of misfits who weren't good enough to make any of the more official military-style ranks of the pride.

Lately the clash between the King's Tokas and the uncouth Druids had become less like the occasional chicken fight and more like organized attacks. Rumor had it that a Druid, the Queen's illegitimate offspring no less, had been stirring up dust amongst her brethren, calling them to arms against the King and all Toka. It was definitely a situation that beckoned some form of action yet there hadn't seemed to be any reaction from the Uther. It had made the entire pride as tense as walking through a pit of angry vipers. One sudden movement was bound to cause a strike from all sides.

Of course, there were those who chose to ignore the unpleasant situation that surrounded them--and those pride members, were idiots.

After intercepting their path and silently convincing two Toka soldiers that they would be better off looking for trouble elsewhere, Yoruhane had continued to follow Reghan. The daughter of the Druid's rebel leader should have had the sense to keep her wits about her or at the very least avoid traveling alone, but evidently she wasn't privy to the obvious. It annoyed him that she could be so reckless with her life when she was a prime target for blackmail and bargaining amongst other things. Too bad he couldn't figure out why he cared. Wandering around with your head up your a**? You must be pretty confident your mother is going to overthrow the King.


Neon Fly

Tipsy Hellraiser


Snuggly Knight

PostPosted: Sat Nov 29, 2014 8:51 am
Neon Fly

Reghan stopped, growling softly at the words that met her ears. She turned to look at the source, a male she had not met before, wrinkling her nose at him in distaste and annoyance. She knew, of course, that many would know her without ever having met her before, just because of who she was and who her mother was becoming, but that did not mean she liked the attention.

"I could care less what my mother, or the King, end up doing, thank you very much."

She swung her tail behind her in irritation as she turned to face the male, looking him over. He looked tough, and she doubted she could take him in a fight if he started one. She was not sure if he was a Toka or not, as the lines were so blurred and thin to her that she was just not one to judge.

And she didn't care. As long as they weren't attacking her, she was fine letting everyone do whatever they wanted.

"Why are you following me? Think you'll gain something from hassling Morgana's daughter? I can tell you, my mother and I are not that close."
PostPosted: Sun Nov 30, 2014 6:48 am
Annoyance abated by Reghan's pleasingly sharp retort the Slayer didn't back down or hesitate in his step even when she turned around to face him. Instead, he worked on continued to close the distance at a leisurely pace, one that suggested he had no shortness of confidence in his place in the world. Her gaze was cutting as she examined him from ears to tail, though it was clear she was assessing the level of threat he posed--rather than taking in an eyeful of the majestic figure cut by Yoruhane.

He'd never been want for attention from females, it became tedious when the females fawned and swooned whenever he walked by. As a Toka and an outsider to the pride, he seemed just that much more desirable. A bit of mystery and a bit of security all wrapped in a single package. At least to other Toka. The Druid girls, at least the ones who held respect for themselves and consequently the only ones Yoru had any interest in, now they always proved a fun challenge. Reghan was no different it seemed. I would think if anyone should care it would be you.

He countered smoothly, arching a brow in her direction as her question made him double take. Ah, well. That was to be expected wasn't it? He didn't exactly have the most friendly of appearances. Still, he'd never intended to appear threatening to her and he wasn't exactly sure how to appear less so. Instinct and too much time at his work wouldn't allow him to sit before her, though he might have seemed less imposing that way. Perhaps if you didn't wander oblivious around the pride like a clueless cub for any Toka with a grudge to attack, I wouldn't feel the need to follow you.

That was about as close as he would get to admitting he was concerned for her safety.


Neon Fly

Tipsy Hellraiser


Snuggly Knight

PostPosted: Sun Nov 30, 2014 10:08 am
Neon Fly

Reghan watched the male with a grumpy frown. She had been through a lot as of late, and was not in the mood to be hassled by anyone, especially not a Slayer. He might have had the look of a Druid about him, but she didn't trust him, or anyone, as far as she could throw them. She swished her tail behind her in casual warning, keeping her muscles tense and ready, just in case.

"You'd think wrong, then, but that doesn't seem like a surprising thing for you. You've made a few good, but incorrect, assumptions so far, so you've got to be used to being incorrect more often than not. But hey, maybe if you keep talking like you know something, you'll get lucky and fool someone. Not me, and not today. But keep trying."

Okay, she was grumpier than she thought, but she oddly enjoyed the feel of it. She had not gotten into a good argument for a while, and maybe she needed the challenge. It was a part of her upbringing, after all, and even if she pretended to be better than what she was born to be, she still had that edge to her. The same fire and thirst for power that fueled her mother.

"So what, you're going to be my personal guard, then? Well, I can say I'm surprised, but not in need. I can take care of myself, thank you very much." The healing injury on her head, though, where she had been attacked and knocked unconscious without ever even seeing her assailant was a good indication that she was not as capable as she liked to pretend. She was mostly hoping he wouldn't notice.
PostPosted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 7:45 am
Well now, she'd certainly put him in his place, hadn't she? Surly though her attitude might have been, he'd handled far worse characters than Reghan. Mostly, her irritability rolled off his back like rain water, head canting lazily to one side as he watched her tense posture and wondered if she was always this way. He also wondered how his father would have handled the Druid female and immediately regretted it. His father had been a better lion than he was, the sort who killed others with kindness and where had that gotten him? Dead in the ravine. Cht. If there was one thing Yoruhane didn't possess, it was the pacifistic optimism of the lion who had brought him to live in this divided land.

Personal guard? Wouldn't dream of it. With that cutting wit I'm surprised Morgana doesn't use you as her secret weapon against the King's knights. Admittedly, and though he wasn't sure why, he enjoyed her bite. His own voice edging between sarcasm and amusement. Honestly, it was difficult to tell if he was mocking her or the King's personal guards for which the rough-edged Slayer had no affection. Not when they stayed close to the castle and deep within Toka territory. Gods forbid they should get their fur dirty dealing with troubles in the more Druid populated areas.

While he had noticed the crust of healing skin which stood out like an eyesore against her otherwise mousey brown fur Yoru suspected that mentioning it would have been a sore spot. He resisted out of respect for her pride, but held on to the knowledge for use at a more opportune moment should the need arise. A grin settled across his maw wryly when he tacked on an absurd addition to his previous comment. In fact, I should ask you to guard me.


Neon Fly

Tipsy Hellraiser


Snuggly Knight

PostPosted: Sat Dec 06, 2014 3:04 pm
Neon Fly

"The King and all his troubles don't bother me, and my mother can do whatever she likes, so long as she doesn't come crawling to me for help. I would rather stay well away from the whole thing, if I could. Except I live here, so I can't. Not to mention the whole parentage thing, which apparently is a big deal."

She grunted, but her attitude seemed to relent a bit when his conversation did not turn any more bitter or dangerous the more she goaded him. He seemed like he was much like she was, really, and it was always nice to find someone that could keep up with her.

And did not get all upset and insulted because of it. It was so tiring, dealing with sensitive lions.

His comments did make her grin, at least, and she shook her head, glancing away with an aloof air.

"Well, if you need my protection it will not come free. I don't do anything that doesn't benefit me." She looked at him directly now, eyes coy and daring, "what could you possibly be able to offer me in exchange for my service?"
PostPosted: Sun Dec 07, 2014 9:03 am
While it might have seemed strange to some that the lioness wasn't standing with her kin in their battle for justice or equality or... whatever the hell it was Morgana wanted, Yoru couldn't say for certain, he found it refreshing that Reghan didn't follow any particular cause with blind conviction. The only strange thing about it was that it made her a lot like him and many of the other Slayers who chose to remain neutral even if that meant being unpopular with both sides. Parentage, your parentage in particular, is only a big deal to those who look for reasons to make a fuss over it.

Musing almost to himself the gold gilded lion resisted the urge to recall his own father. Thinking about him wouldn't bring him back and the taste of revenge was one that had long grown cold and flavorless in his mouth. It wasn't what his father had wanted of him anyway, but at the time of his passing Yoruhane hadn't really seen anything beyond his own bitterness.

Momentarily lost in his own head, he almost missed the grin directed at him, even if her gaze was not. Arching a brow in question at the Druid's provocative query. Maybe the words themselves might not have necessarily insinuated such a feeling, but coupled with the way her golden eyes turned on him he wondered if there wasn't deeper meaning. Yet in spite of the opening, which could have warranted a number of more pleasing responses, the Slayer felt his mouth crook with mischief at the answer that slid off his tongue, I could teach you how to shake a stranger tailing you.

Ever the wiseass.


Neon Fly

Tipsy Hellraiser


Snuggly Knight

PostPosted: Sun Dec 07, 2014 9:13 am
Neon Fly

"Well, let them fuss to someone else. I've got siblings that are much more interested in all this stuff than I am. I'm sure they would love to get into some fights with anyone looking to mess with the Druids or my mother. I'll leave all that to them."

Reghan was well over it by now, though she knew things would just keep getting worse, the more Morgana stirred up trouble. She was hearing rumors from her kin that Morgana was planning something big, but they seemed smart enough not to tell her everything about it. Or maybe Morgana had not shared the details of her plan, only letting it leak that she was planning something. That sounded like her.

Get everyone worked up over nothing, and fighting with each other for the sake of figuring it out.

"You could, hm? Well, that seems like a good skill to have," she chuckled at him, thinking she was glad she had not been able to shake him, as things were turning out rather interestingly. He was a very handsome lion, and not completely intolerable like most of the Druids and Toka she ran into. She might even like him, if that were possible.

"Well, then. I think you have earned the pleasure of my company for a little while longer. You teach me a thing or two, and we'll see what I can do for you, hm?" She coiled her tail around behind her, chuckling.

Very interesting indeed.
PostPosted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 1:37 pm
I gotta say.. I'm surprised you aren't more... like your mother. The Slayer stated awkwardly, uncertain how to say what he meant without sounding insulting. He may have still failed in that respect though he meant no harm. I mean, I don't meet many others who don't feel blood-bound to support one side or the other.

Without any blood of his own to influence him, it was one problem Yoruhane had never had, though even if his father had still been alive, they most likely would have walked the line of neutrality together. Without that guidance the dark male could admit to himself that he would have likely fallen in with the Druids, having been a rather unruly and rambunctious adolescent. Hell, he might have marched against the King right behind Morgana.

Shaking his head at the thought his gaze followed the curling gesture of Reghan's tail with a wry smile, jogging up beside her until their sides brushed. He enjoyed their tête-à-tête and found that the lioness' rough edge added an interesting frame to her more inviting moods. Returning to the more important conversation at paw, I'd say it's one of the most important skills, particularly for someone like you. Having to outrun annoying suitors all day long must be exhausting. Follow me and I'll show you how it's done. It'll be easier to explain this way..

His intentions may not have been entirely without ulterior motives. If he was leading, they might just find themselves in more appealing surroundings. Accidentally, of course.


Neon Fly

Tipsy Hellraiser


Snuggly Knight

PostPosted: Sat Dec 20, 2014 9:01 am
Neon Fly

Reghan rolled her eyes at that.

She did not have a very close relationship with her mother. As far as she knew, her siblings and her were born as a political tool, to be raised to fight a battle for her and nothing else. Reghan had not proven herself to be particularly useful, so she was not really on her mother's radar any more. Sure, sometimes Morgana would swing around and try to convince her to be more loyal to her blood, but Reghan just told her whatever she wanted to hear and then left her to her own devices.

There was no way Reghan would ever let herself be that fanatical. She just wanted to be able to live her life the way she wanted to, and not keep getting told who she should be, or what blood she needed to believe in.

But at least her mother was good for something. Her lineage had allowed her to meet this interesting male, after all, and she could hardly complain about that.

"Suitors, hm? You must think my life is very fanciful. But I'll follow your lead. Mostly because I am enjoying the view."
PostPosted: Tue Dec 23, 2014 11:38 pm
Am I off? Perhaps I was thinking of your sister. Maybe it was a shot to the neck, or maybe she had enough of a sense of a humor to appreciate the Slayer's wry retort as he threw a challenging grin over his shoulder. One that seemed to match point-for-point the wicked, almost jaw like markings branded into his sides.

Without saying another word, he was off like a shot, darting through the complex structures of their homelands. Even if he had lingered long enough to comment on her compliment, Yoruhane wouldn't have been certain how to react, at least this way, he didn't have to. Either way, if Reghan wanted a stab at him for his little jab, she would have to catch him first.


Neon Fly

Tipsy Hellraiser


Snuggly Knight

PostPosted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 3:49 pm
Neon Fly
We could probably wrap this one up and RP them again if you wanted!

Reghan gave him such a look, but she did not get too mad at him for his teasing. Now she was getting used to it, and was rather enjoying it, for what it was. She grinned at him after a moment, unable to keep the look from her face, though with him in front of him he supposed she was fine.

Plus, soon enough he was running like a bat out of hell, anyway, so she had to run after him to keep up. He was faster than she was, as he was bigger than her so clearly it was just his longer stride and nothing based on their individual skills or relative speed.

"Get back here, you little brat!"

She almost forgot what they were doing, and she was okay with that. She could probably spend a lot of time with him, just getting to know him and actually, who knew, making a friend out of him. Or at least a very interesting ally.
[IC] Tokakinji Lands [IC]

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