Velveteen Angel

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Ukukwi moved swiftly through the rocky environment, grinning to herself as she scaled over the larger rocks, leaping off with an abandonment that made her seem far younger than she actually was. In reality, most her age had settled with a family but psssh, that wasn't going to happen for ages for her. She was enjoying life too much to be stuck in the pride with some cubs who were grubby and needy. She wouldn't mind assistance in her digs some days, but for now, solitude was her friend and gosh it felt good.

She wiggled over a larger boulder, bouncing down into the slight ravine that formed between them, something sparkling catching her eye.
"Yes!" She exclaimed cheerfully, spotting a pale stone attached to the rock. She tried to paw at it, but her paws were not strong enough to dislodge it. She huffed, damn, she would need to find something to pry it off.

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Iudocus was moseying his way through a giant pile of rocks. The hefty male was carefully placing his paws among the rocks. He didn’t want to twist an ankle now. His trail came to a dead end at a small pile of boulders. The male tensed his muscles then made several leaps up the boulders. At the top the field spread out before him a bit. As he was picking his path he heard a voice from a ravine exclaim, “yes!”

He leaped over to a closer rock and peered down. Below he spotted a green lioness. “Something good I hope?”

Ukuwi glanced up at the sound of another's voice and gave a cheerful grin. "Well hello there, you might be just what I need. You seem to have some muscle behind you?" Or at least, some extra weight. She was a fair sized lioness but she was no lion. "I have found a rather pretty gem attached to a rock but I don't have the strength to move it." She placed her paws on the boulder he was standing on, hoisting herself out of the ravine, because it was far too small for them both to fit in the ravine. "I could offer you something in return if you help me fetch it; like I could catch you an antelope or something?" She offered, cheerfully. She clearly wanted to gem for herself but if she was able to sway him to help her, she didn't mind giving him something in return.

He perked his ears at the friendly welcome of the interestingly colored lioness. It wasn't often that a female said he was just what she needed right when he showed up. Iudocus laughed awkwardly, "well I guess that depends on what you need lady. How can I help?" she didn't look stuck, but one never knew. Intrigued by her request he peered down. There in the stone was something shiny. He would never have noticed it on his own.

"That is a pretty bit isn't it?" He waited politely as she jumped out. It might be a bit awkward and cramped for him, but he thought he could. "If I can get it, that sounds fair enough. Thanks! I'm Iudocus," he offered his name before lowering himself carefully into the ravine. Iudocus lowered his head to peer at the gem more closely now. "Is it alright if it breaks into a couple of pieces? I'm not sure I can get it out whole, but I'll try." He carefully started to place his claws around the gem.