(Backlog Aureo as an adol)

Sweat was dripping down his short and growing mane as he took a strike at his father. With aged skill, Timeus was able to dodge the attack as well as give a strike of his own. He hit Aureo on the side of the face, making the young lion lose sight for a moment. Trying desperately to focus his vision, he backed away from his father. However Timeus was to quick for him and landed attack after attack, till Aureo collapsed to the ground, his sweat mixing with blood.

His father was staring down at him with little emotion in his purple eyes. Aureo was heavily panting, but his father didn't even break a sweat.

“I am sorry father.” Aureo said weakly as he slowly got up. He needed to become a great fighter. It was his duty to his father and mother to carry on their strength. At his current fighting level, he wouldn't be able to make them proud. The disappointment in his father's eyes told him that. He could hardly look his father in the eyes without feeling guilt.

He had trained everyday hoping to be at least a little bit of a challenge for his father. He had challenged the lions in his age group, plus some of the older lions and was able to defeat them all. His confidence in his own ability had never been so high. But now he felt like he couldn't even take on a baby bird.

“Do not apologize. Being sorry will not make you stronger. It just shows how weak you still are.” Timeus said. “You told me that you have been training for today, that you would prove to me that you have grown strong. Your trainers have told me that you are at the top of your classes, that they couldn't be happier with your progress.”

In a pride where strength was the greatest attribute, where they had duels for the royals entertainment, lions and lioness were trained at a young age how to fight. They had classes with some of the best fighters in the pride. Not all made it through though. Some were given the rank hunter if they could not fight.

Timeus had been one of the arena fighters. He was one of the greatest. It was a lot for Aureo to work toward.

“If you are at the top of your class, then I really do not want to see the sorry state of your classmates.” Timeus said. “At your present state, I doubt you would be any use to our pride. You might as well drop out of class and pursue a career in hunting.”

The words stung Aureo. He felt like there was absolutely nothing he could do to make his father happy. “I am not useless. I am a great fighter.” He said, quietly as he felt his rage build. “I want a rematch. Right now.”

His father's violet eyes looked down at him with a look of interest. “You can hardly walk straight. There is nothing you can improve with a rematch. You will just end up getting hurt and crying to your mother.” He said.

Aureo shook his head and walked toward him. “I will show you what I can do.” He stood in a fighting position, ready to take on his father. His front paws were shaking, but he did his best to ignore it. Right now he had to focus on defeating his father. He could not handle the embarrassment any longer.

Timeus gave out a small laugh. “Alright if you are so eager to get hurt, then I will not hold back. If you get hurt you can only blame yourself.” He said, getting ready to fight. The two locked eyes and began their duel. Timeus was the first to strike, causing Aureo to stumble back. Aureo was able to recover and land an attack of his own.

This match was more aggressive then the last. His father wasn't kidding when he said he wasn't holding back. Aureo felt some of the hits going deep into his skin. He did his best to ignore the pain. Right now he could not show any weakness. He couldn't hesitate either. Hesitation was his biggest weakness.

With a strong stike, Aureo his Timeus across the face, causing Timeus to falter. For a moment Timeus looked at Aureo with complete rage, which caused Aureo to step back. He didn't mean to hurt his father. All he wanted to do was show him that he wasn't weak.

“That's enough for today,” Timeus said, getting up. “Your mother wouldn't be too happy if one of us killed the other.”

Aureo's ears folded back. “I didn't mean to hurt you. I had to prove that I wasn't weak.”

Timeus looked at his son. The boy had grown up and was almost an adult. Once he graduated it wouldn't be long until he was picked up by a trainer. Timeus had no doubt that Aureo was at the top of his class. He would have some struggles during the battles, but he was certain he would become a champion.

However he still wasn't strong enough to represent their family. Timeus needed to push Aureo even more, to be greater then any of their family before him. Their family needed to be the strongest in the pride. “You aren't too weak. I made a mistake in my judgment. There is still much you need to learn. I will try and spend more time with you to help shape you into the warrior you are destined to become.”

Just those words, instantly cheered Aureo up. It wasn't a compliment, but he didn't really expect his father to give him a compliment. This was good enough though. He would get some one on one time with his father. That hardly ever happened. The only time they spent together was to duel. When he was younger, Timeus would train him, but that was when he was a cub.

Now that he was older it would be real training. No holding back.

“Thank you father.” He said, bowing his head.

Timeus didn't acknowledge his son, instead heading back toward the pride. Aureo grinned as he quickly caught up to his father. Someday he would make his father proud. Till then he would continue to train.

WC: 1,062