Moswen was back on his own. Haven shaken the female he had met a few days ago he was releived to say the least. He thought he had been saving somone from their own crazy sister. It turned out though that the female hyena he had thought he was saving was infact the crazy one, and her sister was in her head.

The white male still didn't really understand how someone could be crazy like that but he wasn't going to stick around and ask questions. He had spent the first two days after he had left her looking over his shoulder making sure she wasn't following it was only now that he was beginning to relax a little.

Chozi had taken to searching the roguelands with vigor. The futher he left his lands - in any direction, it had become more lush and bountiful. The more he looked, the more clues he found, but he couldn't quite find out how to fix it. He made a small sound at the back of his throat as he moved along the edge of a small waterhole. He missed the water in his lands, and he needed it back. He had children to raise, damnit!

The frazzled cheeton took a deep breath, trying to relax his nerves. It was never good to look vunerable in the roguelands. Home, before this, it wouldn't have mattered, but out here it was a whole different store.

Of course, that's when he saw another look as frazzled as he did. "Hello?" he called out to the hyena, uncertain if the choice he was making was a good one. But perhaps the other knew something...?

Moswen's head swivelled quickly at the sound of someone talking. Immediatly all of the pale hyena's anxiety came rushing back. He took a deep breath when he turned and saw that it was a male that spoke to him, not only that but it was a hybrid.

Moswen was mildly interested in what they hybrid had to say to him. Moswen had never met a hybrid before. Pushing his as his much of his anxiety away as he could he turned and trotted towards the male a smile on his face.

"Good afternoon." Moswen greated him, he wasn't sure as he wasn't very good at reading social cues but he tought perhaps the hybrid looked a little out of sorts.

Chozi could practically feel the anxiety was over the hyena when he spoke, and he frowned a little. He didn't mean to startle anyone really. He gave a small nod in greeting. "I didn't mean to startle you," he said. "Are you alright?" It wasn't a normal greeting, not for him. He normally was easier going, but his home was a terrible place right now, and he had to fix it. Perhaps it was showing on his face, or in his stance, but he was a tad wound up.

Moswen blushes slight embaressed that the other male was so easily about to see his discomfort. "Oh it wasn't your fault, I had an unfortunate encounter only just a few days ago and ever since then I have been a little on the jumpy side."

Moswen took a seat in front of the male hybrid. "I suppose I was worried that I had been followed, but I think I am safe now."

"My name is Moswen by the way, it is nice to meet you."

Chozi glanced around for a moment, just to make sure. There were some others - prey beasts mostly - off in the distance. He didn't think that was what the hyena was taking about though. "That's a relief." Chozi gave a small smile. He hadn't really encountered anyone he disliked so strongly before, except maybe his half brother who he could do without seeing again, thank you very much! Of course, his brother's child was a different story.

"Chozi, and it's nice to meet you as well. What brings you out this way?" he asked, curious. "Other than getting away from that encounter." There was a dought in that direction, though the hyena couldn't know. It was concentrated, a powerful force against their lands.

Moswen smiled, happy that the hybrid seemed to be friendly. He was also happy that Chozi took a look around, it was nice to have a second set of eyes looking out for danger... not that Chozi knew what he was looking for but that was okay.

Really Moswen didn't kow how to protect himself all that well either, he had lived a happy go lucky life never having to fight for a thing in his life.

"Nothing really leads me out this way. I am a traveller, nothing in particular other then I started going in this direction and nothing has stopped me or made me turn around yet." he said, his goofy grin and general demeanor returning.

"How about you do you live in this area? Can you tell me anything about it?"

Chozi had been a traveller in his youth, aimelessly wandering the lands in search for something he couldn't quite name at the time. It was a hard life for him, but it didn't seem so for the Hyena - he seemed happy enough, despite the encounter with whatever was making him anxious.

"I live that way," he gestured with his paw, glancing in that direction for a moment at well. "About half a days walk, though I know this area pretty well as well. It's pentiful for a hunt, especially in the morning and evening." Its where he would hunt, after all, for his children. There was nothing the closer he got to the pride.

"If you keep going, though, there's a heavy drought," he informed the hyena. "It keeps for the entire length of the pride there, and a bit beyond, but if you can get passed that, it'd probably be best."

Moswen fround he didn't like the sound of a drought, he was light in color so the sun didn't effect him as much as it did those with darker pelts, but Moswen liked to hunt where he wanted when he wanted and get as much water as he could drink.

"Hmm well I don't like the sounds of a drought, perhaps I will turn and head along the side of these lands, not towards your pride and not back where I cam from." It seemed like the safest bet for the male. He didn't want to find himself in a drought, nor did he want to run into the female again.

"Thank you for the information, you have saved me potential heart ache of no water." The sun was starting to get low now and the anxiety was building up in the hyena again.

"I should get going, I want to find a den for the night. It was nice to meet you Chozi, I wish you luck with your drought." Moswen said, a slight frown on his face. He was pretty sure it was a dumb thing to say but he didn't know what else he should say.

Chozi made a humming sound, glad he could help in some way. He gave the Hyena a nod. "I wish you luck in your travels, Moswen," he told the other. Perhaps he should finish his hunt and hurry home before the light left the sky and he was left cold again. He gave the hyena a final farewell, and made his way towards the herds in the area.