User ImageNessiaing:
Parv was walking back from her visit to the pride that was not far from the area that she and the beautiful male she had met were staying in. The mountain pelted lion was quick on her feet, she was excited to get back to the male and tell them all about what she had seen.

Parv wasn't really sure where the relationship with the male was going but she was happy for now having him around and fawning over her.

Velveteen Angel:
Noapte had hidden the necklace he had found from Parv until now, now he would surprise her with it and she would swoon and it would be magical. He grinned, keeping the necklace hidden under some furrs in their den. The female he was courting was the most beautiful, which was only appropriate considering his own looks. He sat at the edge of the den, watching in excitement for her to return.

He felt like an adolescent, waiting for his crush to look his way; except he was awesome, so why wouldn't she look?

As Parv approached the den she had been sharing with the male she looked up and saw him sitting there waiting for her. She was happy to have a male sitting waiting for her, in her old pride males didn't go out of their way to impress a female, it was up to a female to impress a male. Never would Parv live like that again. She needed to be impressed and taken care of always.

"Why hello stranger." she greeted him as she approached, coming in close to give him a quick nuzzle. "What have you been doing today?" she asked him.

Velveteen Angel:
Noapte nuzzled her in return, allowing his touch to linger because, please, who wouldn't want to nuzzle him? He shot her a warm smile; despite his vanity, he did actually hold affection for the female before him. She was beautiful, but she was also a very interesting companion to talk with. "Oh not much," he said softly, "I went out and bumped into a few interesting people, but nothing too interesting." He would give her the necklace when she was relaxed, unexpecting of it.

"How was your day?" He asked, moving into the den to allow her to settle more comfortably.

Parv followed at his heels, happily moving inside of the dent to make herself comfortable. She quickly found a spot and laid down. Once she was comfortable she turned towards the male.

"Well I went and visited the pride in the area." she told him, "They are an interesting sort. They call themselves gypsies, and while they do steal they also do a lot of great entertaining." She told the male.

Really Parv had been very impressed by the pride and now was considering moving in and making it her home.

Velveteen Angel:
Noapte raised a brow as he listened to her speak. "Ah, gypsies?" He was interested but the idea did not really seem...good to him. Really it seemed a bit...well not refined. They were thiefs, essentially. That wasn't classy. He didn't realise that she was intending to live there, so did not attempt to persuade her otherwise. "It sounds interesting," he remarked but went to sit down by where he had hidden the necklace.

"I found an interesting person today as well," Noapte said smoothly, scooping the necklace out of the furrs. It was a rich purple with hints of red througout the rather large gemstone; attached to a smooth piece of fabric to make a necklace out of it. He held it out to her. "It cost me a buffalo, but it is still not as beautiful as you, my dear." The rehersed line was said with a wide smile and a loving gaze.

Parv wondered why the male sat apart from her she frowned for a moment, she had expected him to lay next to her. Her frown was quickly turned around when he pulled the necklace out from the pile of furs they had in the den.

She beamed, it was a beautiful necklace something worthy to be worn around her neck. She would have been displeaed if he had choosen something less then perfect for her, she deserved the best and she was glad that he knew that.

"Help me put it on then." she said raising to her feet and stretching her neck out. "How does it look?" she asked him taking a step back, of ocourse she was expecting nothing but compliments.

Velveteen Angel:
Noapte rushed to put it on her, with a smile on his face as he slipped it over her head and around her neck. The colour was, of course, similiar to his own pelt; claiming her as his but well, she didn't need to know that. He took a step back from her as well, to take in the full picture of her. "You are still the most beautiful thing in this room, but it suits you; perfection for the perfect," he mused and stepped closer to nuzzle her gently.
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He had expected her to swoon over it, and she did, but he found himself swooning back. Oh this was bad, he mused to himself as he nuzzled her, she was getting under his skin and that was a dangerous thing. He was supposed to be the one in control...

Parv was pleased both with the necklace and with his reaction. "Well as long as I am still the most beautiful thing in this den." Parv relished his compliments, she knew that he was nearly as vain as she was and took it as a high compliment that he would say that.

Parv let out a big yawn, it had been a long day of touring the pride she was now considering for her home. "Why don't we take a nap dear, then perhaps later we could go for a midnight swim." Parv liked the wayt hte water and the moon would glisten off her fur, and would enjoy Noapte seeing her in that light.

Velveteen Angel:
"Always, my dear, always," Noapte assured her, brushing her cheek with his paw and shooting her a broad grin. He nodded to her suggestion of a nap and stretched, enjoying the way his muscles would move beneath his fur. "That sounds like heaven," he assured her and moved to lay towards the back of the den, waiting for her to join him and relished in her warmth. She was a beautiful companion. He was getting slightly concerned over how much he enjoyed her company. This could be dangerous, he mused, but found himself not caring. Consequences be damned, she was his gem and he would keep her.

Parv moved quickly to his side and snuggled in, loving the feeling of having something big and strong wrapped around her. Nothing could make a girl feel safer. It was with those thoughts that she quickly drifted off to sleep.

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