User ImageNessiaing:
Parv woke up from her nap and yawned, stretching and placing her rear high in the air as she felt her whole back stretch out. It felt good as each and everyone of her spinal bones cracked, probably one of the least lady like things that she did.

She turned towards her male companion looking to see if he had woken from his slumber yet. Looking outside of the den she could see that it had infact gotten dark and based on the light she could see hte moon had risen high, it was time for a swim.

Velveteen Angel:
Noapte had been awake for a little while; not very long but just long enough that he was a bit restless to move; but he didn't dare unless he woke her. He was getting concerned, he was placing her before himself and that was not appropriate. She was beautiful, yes, but he was important too. He would have to be careful, he thought to himself, not to let this get too far.

When she stirred, he watched her stretch and wake up, entranced by her beauty. He smiled as she glanced towards him. "Sweet dreams?" He asked, softly, even though they were the only two around. It was dark and cosy, it felt appropriate to talk softly.

Parv turned and the low voice of her male counterpart. "The sweetest." she assured him as she leaned in towards him and gave him a quick kiss on his cheek.

"Are you ready for our swim?" she asked him. Now that she had a good nap the female was antsy and ready for a good swim. The water would feel warm in the cool nights air it would be wonderful.

She moved towards the den's mouth as she waited for the Noapte to join her.

Velveteen Angel:
Noapte gave a gentle purr at the kiss and rose to his paws, stretching his aching muscles. Since he had been awake longer, his joints felt a little stiffer than if he had risen straight away; growing sore from staying in the same position for a little too long. Oh well, she was worth it. He moved towards the mouth of the den, brushing up against her as he did so.

"It is beautiful tonight," he mused as they walked towards the water, enjoying the silence of the night and the light hitting their pelts, making them almost shine.

Damn we're gorgeous.
The beauty of them as a couple was not lost on Parv either, she found herself watching the male as they walked. She liked seeing his muscles ripple under his silhouetted fur.

When she reached the waers edge she made her way towards it slowly at first just dipping her toes in. She loved the feeling of the water moving inbetween them she wiggled them to and fro watching the little ripples in the water that she made.

Velveteen Angel:
Noapte did not enter the water slowly, taking it in stride as he walked into his paws could no longer touch the ground. He paddled for a moment, glancing back at Parv at the shore, he watched her for a moment before dunking his head underneath the water, moving underneath the surface for a moment. When he resurfaced, his mane hung heavy around his shoulders, sleek and shining in the moon light.
User Image
He always forgot how much mane he had until he got it went and his head suddenly felt so much heavier. He shook his head, his mane dispelling some water but unfortunately beginning to stand up in all different directions.
Parv laughed as Noapte came out of the water is main hanging limp around his face, despite that though she sitll found him stricking the water making the rest of his pelt glisten just so.

Moving further into the water she lifted her paw and gave him a quick splash before she too ducked her head under the water and swam out to where it was deep. Coming to the surface her eyes were bright. She knew the water would have made her pelt look ddarker so instead of a sunny mountain range she now had a nighttime mountain range.

Velveteen Angel:
Noapte chuckled as she splashed him, swimming after her and returning the favour, though he aimed his splash at her back, not wanting to blind her with a poorly aim splash towards her face.

"Our coats match now," he remarked, motioning to their dark landscape pelts. He found her's gorgeous, as it was the opposite to his, but now that it was darker, almost night time, she was still as gorgeous as she had been before.

Parv smiled, "I suppose that makes as a good match" she told him as she swam in closer to him and gave him a kiss. She was surprised by how much she cared about the male, she still believed that he should care for her above all else, but she was beginning to realize that she cared a great deal about making him happy as well.

"Have you gotten you fill of a swim yet." Parv was enjoying the warm water but seeing his pelt glitened made her swoon and frankly she wanted to get him back to the den.

Velveteen Angel:
Noapte hummed an agreement. They did make a good match, and not just in pelts. This was odd to him. He had fallen for her appearance but found himself intrigued by her mind. This was...strange and odd and he was not sure how he felt about this all. Should he fall for this female? Was that safe? Was that wise? He had no idea but he found himself doing it anyway.

"I think perhaps we should retire to our den again," he said, swimming towards the shore with strong, muscled strokes. He knew he shouldn't allow this feline to get to him but she already had. It was too late now, he would simply just have to accept that. She was under his skin and he wasn't sure he wanted her out from it. He rose to the bank of the shore, glistening in the moonlight and a look of devotion in his eyes as he glanced back to her, calling over his shoulder, "are you coming?" and striding back towards their den.

"Right behind you" Parv purred as she came out of the water and gave herself a quick shake to get rid of the loose water dropplets that clung to her fur.

She walked behind the male on their trip back watching how the sun played on his fur. A smile played across her lips, she certainly had found herself a catch, not only was he able to care for her but he was damn good looking to boot.