Sebor jerked slightly in surprise as Vidar roared. She had been so focused on Afriti that she had forgotten the younger male and the other god were having their own little battle. It seemed Vidar had broken free, or at the very least the god had gotten bored with him, because now he was barreling towards them. The roar also attracted the attention of the goddess, who turned her attack from herself and Ulfric to Vidar.

"Oh gods," she muttered, spotting the god leap into the air as well. Vidar was young and full of enthusiasm, but that certainly didn't make him smart, even if he thought he was.

Vidar, on the other hand, was pleased as punch when his roar turned the goddess to him. He grinned and continued to charge head-on, ignoring the other to Reavers he'd come out with. He was ready to leap up at the goddess once she god close enough, but a surprise stab of pain came from behind. He twisted around as he was dragged a few paces, his haunches bleeding from the surprise attack.

"Ulfric, he's going to get killed," Sebor growled as she headed forward. She had no qualms about the goddess attacking them, but Vidar had nothing to do with their 'punishment' as it were. She'd gladly take what the goddess dealt her, but she wouldn't stand for needless slaughter of an innocent victim.

Vidar, stunned by the attack, was shaking slightly on the ground as Sebor moved to stand over him. She stared up at the gods, her teeth bared. "Do what you wish to me, gods, but leave him. He has done nothing to you. If you seek revenge, fine. But do not involve those that are simply in the wrong place at the wrong time."



[OOC: Just gonna wrap this up! Gods giving them a butt whoopin' on the way out. Lots of new scars to show for their efforts, foolish mortals! If you guys wanna post at all feel free to but this is my last and can serve to wrap up if you've met quota already.]

Vidar got his fare share of rakes and bites as they beat a hasty retreat, of course. Mercy wasn't in the god's vocabulary and Sebor considered it lucky that they got away with their lives. Vidar didn't seem too upset even as he bled from various places. Scars were the prime trophy to bring home, after all. He'd never have to worry about tying a new scrape into his mane! Youthful optimism, Sebor would call it later. He'd grow to resent the scars eventually, when he was old and they ached when he moved. Ah well...that was some time off yet.