The faith she had in Mazunguko as a cub was now gone. When she was a young one, she felt like she was apart of the greatest pride there ever was. Lions were at the top, females were kept isolated and all non-lions were lower class. The kingdom her father built, the one he poured his blood and sweat into making was now crumbling around her.

She knew who was at fault. It pained her to admit that her bloodline had gotten weak. Her brother, who had broken tradition after tradition was the one who really screwed things up. If there was a weakness in her bloodline it started with him. He was not the chosen heir. Instead he stole the crown from her father.

Then he did the unthinkable. He had a lioness as a mate. That had not happened in years. He had said it was an act of love. Bedeinka felt it was an act of disrespect. But she could not argue with the king. She could only speak of her displeasure with a few selected lions and lionesses. Instead she stayed in the shadows, waiting for the next royal litter.

He had a daughter and a son. It was obvious which one was going to become the next heir. Nahasi. Bedienka had felt like this was her chance to shape the next king, that if she helped raise him she could bring the pride back to its' formal glory. She just wasn't expecting a lion so similar to his father. Nahasi followed his father almost everywhere. It was difficult to talk to him. Even worse, the mother was constantly babying him.

It wasn't until Nahasi became an adolescent that Bedeinka actually got to spend time with him. By then the damage had already been done. He had distance himself from his father and mother since they left the pride, but he still kept their ideals. Their was little hope for her pride.

She was walking in the rogue lands to clear her mind. It was her way of relaxing. Right now she was far away from the pride.

Majanga was also troubled by his pride and family. He had been reunited with his son. A son who was a disappointment. It was his own fault for how Izrail ended up, their was no denying that fact. If he had known about Izrail, Majanga would have done his best to find him and raise him. Izrail's mother was too weak and kind to raise him. Izrail became a weakling because of it.

However Izrail did prove his usefulness. He provided the sith new members as well as grandchildren for Majanga. These cubs he made sure he helped raise. He did not want any more disappointments in their line.

Izrail as well as others were seeking out new members for the pride. Their numbers were high, just not high enough for an attack on the jedi. If they attacked now it would own cause the fall of the sith. They needed an army to fight the jedi.

He wasn't far from his pride. Though he was closer to the jedi lands then the sith. He was seeking out potential jedi allies. Majanga had never made it a secret that he preferred turning jedi into sith then just rogues. The jedi trained their padawans carefully. Hard work was instilled into them from a young age. It was something Majanga admired about the jedi.

Today though he didn't see any jedi. Instead he saw a lioness. He had followed her for a little bit, until he decided to finally introduce himself. Quietly he stepped out of the bushes and walked toward her. “Are you lost?” He asked in his most gentle voice. For now he was just interested in knowing about her. If she seemed worthy, he would try to recruit her.

Bedeinka was started by him. She thought she was all alone. “No, I'm not lost. Just debating.” She said. Her daughters were in a pride near by. They lived with their father, a lion Bedeinka thought would become her mate. Of course it didn't work out. They had secrets between them. Too many to keep a relationship going. He had taken the female cubs while she took the male ones. She hadn't seen her daughters since they were little.

She thought maybe seeing them would cheer her up. At the same time, she would have to see Warray and she just couldn't do that to herself.

“What about you? I'm guessing you are from around here if you are helping out those who are lost.” She said. “You aren't from Mizani are you?” If he was maybe he knew her daughters and could catch her up on them.

Majanga hesitated to answer. She knew about the jedi pride. He wondered how she knew about it. “I am not. My pride is a little further away. I do know about Mizani though. Is that where you are headed? If you would like I can escort you there to make sure you arrive safely. Their are savage beast in this forrest and I would hate for you to get hurt.” Of course he wasn't allowed anywhere near the pride, but he could perhaps make her question the jedi before arriving at their pride.

She shook her head. “I have daughters in the pride. I've never been to it though. Their father brought them to the pride to keep them safe. I thought about visiting them, but I feel like it would just be painful for them. So right now I'm just thinking I guess.”

Majanga nodded. So she wasn't really seeking out the jedi. “Well you are more then welcome to come to my pride if you need to think in peace.” He said. “I am the ruler of the pride. None of my subjects will bother you. You have my word.”

Bedeinka's interest in the lion spiked. A ruler? Now that was something she could enjoy. “I think I would enjoy that. Maybe you can give me a tour of your pride? I've been traveling for a while and I could really use some rest.” Coming from her own royal family, Bedeinka always was interested in other pride's rulers. Warray had lied to her on their first meeting and she believed he was a prince.

This lion however was going to show her his pride. “My name is Bedeinka by the way.” She said, giving him a bow out of respect.

Majanga noticed her change. She was hardly interested in him until he mentioned that he was a ruler. He couldn't help but smirk over the fact. “I am lord Majanga. Ruler of Nguvu Tamaa.” He said. “I suggest that you stick close to me when we travel. Nguvu isn't too far, but it can be a dangerous trek there.”

She nodded her head. Right now she wanted to make a good impression on the lion. If he was a ruler, maybe she could convince him to take her as a mate. She would be royalty and she would finally rid herself of Mazunguko. That pride wouldn't be the death of her lineage, but instead she could have her bloodline reborn in Nguvu as part of the royal family.

But it would only work if she could get Majanga to fall for her.

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