They moved by night - not to hide, but primitus insisted upon stopping through the pride he knew would tolerate them passing with his escort, a trio of daark pelts aside a god. And primitus walked them along the edges, casting guards a meaningful look as they moved. Rigel still pressed close to mwezi'mpya as they were watched with apprehension, some guarded, some not - and primitus seemed disinclined to explain, but accendo looked about with bright eyes almost as aglow as primitus', watching dark pelted lions move about, whispering to themselves.

The mortals paused when primitus stopped, looking about until he spotted a dark lioness grooming her paws before stopping, looking up curiously before beaming, rising to greet him firmly.

Aile studied the newcomers excitedly before looking to accendo and nodding, turning to primitus.

Mwezi and rigel had been warned that they would journey among demons, but did not expect the voice to be friendly.

"so what brings you here with guests?" aile asked, grinning. Primitus rolled his shoulders, smiling and nosing her softly.

"looking for your grandfather aile." primitus admitted. Aile blinked, ears flicking before she seemed thoughtful.

"grandpa... Sairin?" she asked.

She thought over her answer, looking out over the pridal dens before sighing, looking up.

"he's not here. He might be nearby. He's been restless but i haven't spoken to him. Why?"

Primitus nosed rigel and mwezi forward, nodding slowly to them.

"i'm an amnesiac ma'am." rigel said softly. "accendo said finding him might help."

Rigel looked to mwezi'mpya, and she licked his cheek gently, the female offering a soft smile as accendo shook her head.

"it's the only thing i could see honestly. Father said the lion sounded like someone your line knew." the young seer explained. Aile nodded, frowning faintly before looking up.

"i don't think he's far, but all i've had are visions." aile confessed. Accendo smiled, nosing her understandingly.

"No, Aile, it happens." She assured. "We never know where the visions come from or take place or when all the time. What we have to do is keep looking." Accendo nodded. Aile smiled a bit, then blinked.

"Oh, but my cousin Miira's around the old Peponi lands." The femake offered. Rigel blinked, looking to Mwezi and Mwezi blinked.

"Who is... Miira?" Mwezi asked softly. Aile grinned to them.

"My cousin is a seer, and a right smart one, but her visions have always been bad."

The group exchanged glances, before Primitus nodded, grooming Aile. He did not forget other cubs in the litter, and he wasn't too pleased with them nor their attitudes.

"Do you think Miira can help?" Primitus asked calmly. Rigel glanced up.

"She'll know if I did something wrong." He said, tone ever so soft. Mwezi touched his paw, looking concerned. Rigel nuzzled her softly back, closing his eyes, but aside a low worried keen made no sound,, trembling. Primitus studied him quietly before looking to Aile andAccendco, the pair shaking their heads. Aile sighed.

"If nothing else, there's nobody making sure she's well. Making sure she doesn't starve or lose her paws or something. And..." Aile frowned. "She'll know if he died."

There was quiet before Mwezi spoke to Aile, blinking.

"What about you? You could help us." She said. Aile shook her head, smiling.

"Me? Much as I love adventure, I have someone here, someone to lean on and hide in. Smart too." Aile winked, Accendo looking puzzled as Primitus cocked his head.

"And who is this male?" He demanded. Aile simply giggled, Rigel sighing.

"She might not want to say yet sir." Rigel said in a firm, gentle tone. Primitus frowned, but Aile smiled again. Accendo sighed, pawing Primitus lightly.

"Daddy, we can find out later." Accendo said gently. It earned a pout from Primitus, Rigel blinking to Mwezi. The female giggled at the star-lioness' handling of her father, Aile smiling a bit herself, and Mwezi crept close, smiling to Aile.

"Do you know where to find her dear?" Mwezi asked, voice all but a low, soft tone. Aile nodded.

"There's old pridal land nearby noone has claimed properly. You can check there - Miira probably hasn't left. Knowing her she doesn't see a reason."

There was a pause, Mwezi blinking as Aile's smile vanished like smoke.

"Miira's lonely. I know that. Mate, ma, all of them. Though I remember hearing things. Still, Miira genuinelky has nobody to lean on. Even her cubs abandoned her." Aile frowned, and Mwezi looked sympathetic, Rigel blinking and frowning.

"Maybe we can do something." He said ghently. Aile looked hopeful.

"Could you? I'd bring her here, but she's pale, and they'd use her as a sador. Sador aren't mistreated, but it wouldn't help her confidence."

Mwezi nodded, Rigel bowing his head politely.

A fleeting movement alerted them to Accendo and Primitus drawing close curiously, and Mwezi looked to them with a smile, eyes excited.

"We're looking for Miira. This kind lioness gave us a place to check." Mwezi explained. Primitus nodded, smiling a bit to them gently.

"I see no problem with this." Primitus said softly. "Though I might approach her alone or with only one or two others. I know my descendant. She may be agitated." Primitus sighed, Aile staring.

"May be? She's a surly butt." Aile commented idly. Primitus sighed, pawing her scoldingly before glancing to Accendo. The female blinked, looking to Primitus.

"Still, Daddy, maybe she shouldn't be alone." Accendo reminded. "She's been hurt as well."

Primitus nodded, sighing as he shook his head.

"You win, but we still need to be cautious. I don't know what to expect." Primitus sighed, and Aile coughed.

"So.... Anything else?" She asked. Accendo shook her head, smiling.

"No, not really. You've done plenty." Accendo explained gently. Primitus nodded, agreeing.

"Thank you, Aile." He said. Rigel nodded, Mwezi smiling as they murmured gratitude, and Aile rose, motioning.

"Alright. You should bolt. We've had trouble, and while Primmy there as escort is fine for most, there's a few lunatics in every pride if you catch my meaning. Stay safe."

Primitus nodded, lifting Accendo by her ruff before she could argue, the female going limp as he maneuvered her into his back to prevent arguing, and Mwezi smiled, giggling as Rigel began to depart, Primitus nosing Mwezi along as the group began moving for the borders, Aile trailing after.

As they arrived, Aile watched them depart, nodding a bit before turning to return to the dens, letting them depart unharrassed. At least Primitus didn;t get allowed to pry into Filou. She wasn't sure what he'd do, and the female shook her head, moving for her den.