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[SRP-VIKING] A-viking we will go - FIN

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Allied Recalibrator

PostPosted: Mon Dec 15, 2014 5:23 am
[color=#7a4a3c]Lucivar [/color]
[color=#987d2b]Lennart [/color]
[color=#2c6c4c]Aksel [/color]
[color=#871010]Ronan [/color]
[color=#535353]Samael [/color]
[color=#630700]Svana [/color]
[color=#765c49]Fenrir [/color]

[color=#00125c]Mwanamke Wa'mwezi [/color]
[color=darkred]Darth Ruyken [/color]

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Captain: Lucivar
Reavers: Lennart, Samael, Aksel, Ronan,
Freeborn: Fenrir, Svana

It was time for the viking band to ready for departure. Lucivar looked over the collection of reavers gathered close by. Lennart was there of course. His oldest friend would never let a viking pass him by. Not especially because he liked to fight, for never was there a more level-headed male than the white and lemon-hued lion. But he went in order to support Lucivar, being Luci’s right hand man ever since the strange-spoken Erlandr had left.

Nodding to the green-coated male Aksel, when the large male looked over, Lucivar wondered just why he had sought him out to request a transfer. Apparently Aksel’s old band had split apart after their Captain had been killed. Lucivar couldn’t help but feel slightly proud, for the green male was his elder and well known throughout the pride as a good and steady warrior. Though not one prone to speaking unless absolutely necessary.

Speaking of taciturn… Lucivar watched as Ronan walked up and joined Aksel. The red-maned male was even more of a mystery than the green male. Though he did speak more than the first, he was as difficult to understand as if he never spoke at all. Keeping his thoughts close to the chest. Yet he was an excellent fighter and Lucivar often wondered why he hadn’t yet tried for a Captaincy. Rumour had it that he had been close friends with the deceased captain both he and Aksel had served under. But now that tie had been severed, Lucivar guessed it wouldn’t be long before the tan male made his move. If Ronan and Aksel formed an alliance, Lucivar didn’t know of any lion, except perhaps the warlord, who would be able to stand before them.

Turning to his son, Fenrir, he gave the younger male an encouraging nod. Fen had worked hard in training and had become a decent reaver despite his cubhood spent in the roguelands. Lucivar hoped he would make Captain some day but he wouldn’t push the youngster. As Fen seemed happy to be exploring his new role as a reaver.

And here came an adolescent Lucivar doubted would rest on her laurels for long. She was highly ambitious and with a stubborn streak a mile wide. She also had quite the mouth on her. Grinning he watched as Svana strode up, head high and steely grey eyes flashing. He had agreed to let her join him on his viking only because he had a full compliment of reavers, enough that they could keep an eye on her without impeding their fighting ability. He would hate to go to Brenning and Lyti with bad news.

A movement caught his attention and he sighed heavily. Samael had been waiting off to one side, knowing better than to get too close to Aksel. The mottled male had made the unwise decision to make a pass at the green reaver’s sister. Lucivar was faintly surprised Samael had survived the resulting rebuke. Aksel was protective of his sister despite her own healthy fighting ability.

After double checking the band had all gathered he let out a deep throated roar, the signal for them to set off. This would be a good viking.

Lennart shifted on his paws, stiff from standing in one place. He had Lucivar had arrived early in order to watch each member of the band walk up and so they could discuss where they would go viking. Certain areas had proved dangerous and while they enjoyed the challenge, they had two younger members and two who hadn’t fought with them before. Not that Lennart doubted either Aksel or Ronan, but the pair had been used to fighting under their old captain and Lucivar wisely wanted to see their styles before risking a more dangerous trip.

Smothering a yawn he looked about, gaze running over the assembled lions. Aksel and Ronan had joined himself and Lucivar, then there was the skulking Samael, Lucivar’s son Fenrir, a joined-rogue called Asher and Brenning’s daughter Svana. He was interested in that one… she was a fierce fighter and unusually skilled for her age. Stubbon enough to test even his patience and what she lacked in skill and strength, she made up for with enthusiasm and talent. Certainly one to watch in the near-future. He wondered if she would break Lucivar’s record as one of the youngest reavers to make Captain.

Aksel glanced over to Ronan as the red-maned male walked up. Nodding his head in greeting he didn’t bother to speak. The pair of them had been fighting together for a number of seasons under their old Captain Arnljótr and had formed, if not a close friendship, a kind of understanding. Neither spoke much and both liked to spend their downtime away from the manic activity of the pride. Not because they disliked company, but because they disliked the frantic atmosphere. They had developed a habit of using the same secluded clearing up near the cliffs, and oft brought each other fermented fruit that they could enjoy quietly. It was a strange friendship, but it worked for them.

Ronan returned the silent greeting as he joined his fighting partner. Turning he looked over at the younger Captain. Lucivar was well known as a competent Captain, one who never needlessly courted danger but who offered his reavers as much adventure as they liked, and would often push them to rise to the challenges they found out beyond the pride’s boarders. He would never deliberately over-face a lion however and he knew that today would be an easy run, namely because they had the young female, Svana, along with them. It was her first viking and Lucivar clearly didn’t want to put too much pressure on her. Personally he thought she could handle it. She was spunky and trained hard. Already she was beating most of the average reavers she sparred against. But he wasn’t Captain so he wasn’t going to interfere.

Samael huffed in irritation as he spotted Aksel. The big green brute had given him a beating he had been feeling for weeks and he had no desire to tangle with the male again. He nearly turned and left the band but then he glanced around and saw several of the freeborn ladies slowing as they passed, no doubt on duties of some kind, but clearly interested in the growing gathering. Scowling he puffed out his chest and raised his head high, sending one particularly pretty lass a cheeky wink. At least if he had to put up with Aksel and his equally huge sidekick, he would enjoy the perks of being seen with such a viking band.

Paws barely skimming the ground, Svana could barely contain her excitement. Finally! She was going on a proper Viking! A broad grin slid across her muzzle as she thought of just what her brother Kale would have to say about it. He would be so jealous if she made Reaver before he did! Anticipation bubbled through her, making her stride long and her carriage proud. Her father and mother would be so pleased.

Spotting the gathered reavers she forced herself to resist the urge to hurry. They wouldn’t leave without her. Captain Lucivar had promised she could join them and she had heard he was a lion of his word. She could trust him. Walking up to the group she strode confidently right to the front, meeting Lucivar’s gaze when he turned her way.

“Svana, reporting for the Viking, Sir.” Ignoring the twist of butterflies in her gut she gave him a sharp nod and moved back a pace to stand beside a pair of massive reavers. One green and one brown with a flame-red mane. She had heard of them but never met them. Aksel and Ronan… two very experienced and near unbeaten warriors. And she was with them!

Fenrir had stood quietly beside his father while the remaining lions arrived. The female caught his eye, for she walked with a confidence he had only ever seen in seasoned reavers. Clearly she was a good fighter or she would not be here… but she seemed very young. Her mane was still a fuzzy tuft and her legs had that gangly length of youth. Though she moved with a smooth confidence and ease that seemed to bely her inexperience. Fasinated he watched as she introduced herself to his father and then moved to stand beside Aksel and Ronan. They dwarfed her and he realised she was still an adolescent.  
PostPosted: Mon Dec 15, 2014 6:09 am
Lucivar set off, leading his viking band out of the pride and into the roguelands. He followed a path familiar to him, one that quickly spilled them out into the savannah. The grass took over from the brush, and soon dust rose up all about them as they left the thickly forested shoreline behind. They travailed for some time, the sun climbing higher in the sky above them, baking both the sand under the paws and the hide upon their backs.

After stopping at a watering hole to refresh Lucivar took a fork in the faint path he had been following and set off again. Soon after he picked up a scent, that of a leopard. Snorting, as the scent tickled the back of his throat in an unpleasant manner, he eyed the trail. There were no tracks, despite the soft sand. Puzzled, but trusting his nose, he set off.

Falling into place at Lucivar’s left shoulder, Lennart was content to follow his Captain as they set off. He spent the time conversing with Lucivar, mostly talking while the Captain listened. Though he never let his attention stray from his role. Keeping guard of the left flank and watching for anything interesting.

After quenching his thirst at the watering hole he waited patiently, attention directed outwards as he acted as lookout. Spotting the scent trial when Lucivar did he dropped his muzzle and studied it but could only shake his head when Lucivar gave him a questioning glance. They had both scented the strangeness but he could make no sense of it.

The large green male took up a flank position to the right of the Captain, Ronan striding along next to him. Aksel knew this land well, and the path that Lucivar followed. He had travailed this way many a time with Arnljótr. When they reached the oasis he waited to drink last, making sure the young Svana drank her fill, despite clearly still being easily distracted. It was after all her first time outside the pride.

Once they moved on he waited till the Captain and his second passed by before studying the scent himself. Certainly leopard… he thought he almost recognised it but couldn’t pin the feeling down. Frowning he glanced at Ronan as the lion was once more at his side.

Ronan was typically silent as he walked next to his brother-in-arms. He had no comment to make regarding their route nor saw any reason to inform their Captain that he knew it. As many in the pride did. There were only so many safe paths down from their rocky coast after all.

He drank his fill at the oasis and waited for Aksel to rejoin him. Catching the look Aksel gave him he dropped his muzzle and studied the trail. “Nguvu Tamaa.” He stood upright again and moved off, following the Captain. Turning his head at Aksel’s low grunt he arched a brow in question.

Aksel merely shook his head at the look. Of course he should have known that Ronan would remember it. Despite the fact they had only run into the pride once, it was a battle neither lion would forget for a long time. Vicious, mean brutes with no sense of honor. They fought dirty, making them a very dangerous and unpredictable enemy. He rather hoped they found the beast just for a little payback…

Samael trailed along at the back of the group. He didn’t want to be anywhere near Aksel or Ronan. He didn’t fancy having them glare at him all day or try and continue what the green brute had started. Instead he consoled himself with watching Svana who walked ahead of him. Her slim body, still clearly that of an adolescent, was lithe and graceful. Give her a few months and she would be a truly stunning lioness. He would have to make sure she remembered him… He’d capture their prey all by himself. Who needed the gruesome twosome anyway?

Svana her excitement hadn’t abated since they had set off. Everything was new! From the moment they had left the pridal boundary behind she had been struggling to take it all in. The new sights of the hugely empty expanse of the roguelands. The scents which betrayed that emptiness as being nothing of the sort. The heat on her fur and the endless blue over head. Used as she was to the cooler climes of their shoreside home, this wide, dusty land felt huge to her.

It was fantastic!

Once they reached the watering hole she drank distractedly. Even the water tasted different out here, sweeter somehow and yet.. drier. As if it had picked up the essence of the desert within which they found themselves. So very unlike her ocean-born home. Once they set off again she gave the scent trail a good sniff, but couldn’t identify it. Still, it smelt dangerous!

With his father out front, Fenrir assigned himself as rear guard, walking alongside the younger female. Her enthusiasm was infectious even if he knew this land almost as well as the reavers they followed. Having been born in such a bare and barren landscape. The entire time they walked, he pointed out things of interest to Svana. Answering her questions as best as he could and not at all shy of admitting when he didn’t know something. After all, he didn’t wish to mislead her just because he wanted to look good.

The trek was entertaining but when they finally arrived at the oasis he was thirsty enough. Once that was dealt with he stood to one side, watching the band of reavers and trying to work out why his father had put such a strange band together. Or, if he were honest with himself… he wanted to know why Lucivar had brought Samael along. He wouldn’t have been surprised to learn that it was because the Captain didn’t trust the blond-maned male, nor wanted to burden anyone else with the trouble of watching him.


Allied Recalibrator


Allied Recalibrator

PostPosted: Mon Dec 15, 2014 7:16 am
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Fear spiked through her as the dark leopard circled again. Pain throbbed along her side, the result of sharp claws raking through her fur. Blood now decorated the once sleek blue fur of her coat, streaked by the sweat that poured form her. This attack had come out of no-where. One moment she had been strangling her freshly caught meal, the next vicious pain slashed through her body as a mouth full of razor sharp fangs went for her face.

Her meal had been long forgotten as she struggled for her very survival. The leopard was big, with deep blood-red and black fur. She wasn’t sure he was sane either, as he had kept attacking even when she had abandoned the kill to him. Barely dodging another strike she knew he was playing with her… She didn’t expect to last much longer before those fangs ripped out her throat.

The Darth slowly circled, steps silent under the deep growl that spilled from his jaws. He was infuriated. This female was weak. Barely putting up any kind of fight for her life. She seemed only to want to escape and that he could not allow. Slashing again he scoffed when she barely moved away in time. He wasn’t even trying to hit her! Anger rose up again, a thick black cloud of rage and hate that bubbled through his chest, clogging the back of his throat and forcing the rough growl out at an even lower register.

Why he had been sent to capture her he had no idea. She was useless. Not a warrior, not a hunter… there was no strength in her at all. She was pretty though, and maybe that was why he had been sent for her. Irritation joined the mindless rage in his chest. What did they think he was there for? To carry out mindless tasks any half-wit apprentice could manage? Furious with the orders that had been given he flung himself at her again, willing to take out his anger on the only thing available. Her.
PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 8:35 am
As they walked the scent got steadily stronger. It also started to mingle with an older one, and that one was most assuredly Lion. Puzzled but also slightly disturbed, the tan male picked up the pace, head up and eyes squinted against the sun’s bright glare as he started to jog, knowing his reavers would keep up with him regardless of no order having been given.

Suddenly he caught the high pitched cry of a lioness in pain, and the spine-chilling rumble of a male’s attack. With a blood-curdling roar of his own he leaped forwards, charging towards the cloud of dust that enshrouded the combatants up ahead.

Padding along on his Captain’s flank he kept track of the scent trail. The merging of another made him glance over at Lucivar but the darker male did not show any sign of slowing down. Rather he seemed to pick up the pace. A moment later Lennart caught it… that hint in the air, blood and sweat and fear… The moment Lucivar lunged forwards with an ear-splitting roar, Lennart was right beside him, adding his own voice to the challenge as he dived after the Captain.

Aksel had been focused on the surroundings they were passing through. Knowing the Nguvu Tamaa were around made his hide itch and curdled the old anger deep in his belly. If he found any of them he would rip them apart, inch by inch, and send the remains back to their leader. His hatred for the pride was an obsession, but one he willingly embraced.

When the captain suddenly charged off with a roar, Aksel felt an evil grin curl across his muzzle as he exchanged a glance with the lion beside him. Maybe they would get a ltitle revenge this day.

Ronan’s thoughts had fixed on the scent, tracking it despite being alongside the trail instead of actually following it. Once he had identified the hated small he couldn’t stop it from getting into his nose. It was as insidious as his brother, creeping along, slowly driving him mad, but so subtle he almost wasn’t sure if it was his imagination. However this time he knew it was not. The scent led them deeper into the savannah, growing steadily stronger.

Suddenly their Captain’s war cry split the air and he glanced over at Aksel, a dark smile curling across his muzzle. Who ever it was… they were dead. He had much to pay back to his brother, and though this would not bother the red-coated traitor, it would be a good start on his plans. With his own chilling roar of fury he raced forwards, large body stretching out, keeping pace with Lucivar. Aksel thundering along at his side.

Quiet content to meander along at the back, Samael had been too busy admiring Svana to bother following the scent trail. After al with so many obsessive warriors already with their nose stuck to the sand, he only had to follow them. Why clog his nostrils unnecessarily.

The sudden commotion surprised him as the lions in front roared like mad things and took off. With a sly grin he flexed his claws, letting the battle lust steal over him. A fight. The only thing better than women and win was a good battle. With his own bellow he launched himself forwards. After all, there was a reason the other Vikings put up with him around the pride. This was where he shone.

Svana had been so distracted by everything, the importance of the scent illuded her. Sure she had been training each and every day how to fight, but one could not train for the sheer alien nature of the world outside their pride. Everything was different, the smells, the feel of the soil under her paws, the bird call she could hear but never caught a glimpse of the birds themselves. Even the light felt different, more intense, hotter and almost malevolent in its quest to sap her strength.

Suddenly they were all roaring and charging forwards. Caught up in the instant rush of adrenalin she added her own scream of excitement, higher-pitched than the male’s base sounds, and raced after the backside of the reavers, easily catching up and sprinting along right in the middle of them.

having been the self-appointed guardian to their newest member, Fenrir had stayed towards the rear of the group, only Samael lingered behind him but honestly, the reaver could take care of himself. And no one would mourn if he somehow couldn’t… Thoughts quiet he had been tracking the scent more through his father’s movements ahead, the trail all but lost under the paws of the reavers ahead of him.

The sudden roar didn’t surprise him, having caught the signs of his father’s sudden change of intention. Instead he placed himself alongside Svana, keeping pace with her as they raced forwards. Sure he wanted to fight, but his first priority this time was her safety. She needed to learn how a real fight felt and he had the feeling this one was going to be bloody and quick.


Allied Recalibrator


Allied Recalibrator

PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 8:46 am
She was fighting for her life! This rabid male was obsessed with killing her, she just knew it. His anger blazed in those eerie yellow eyes like a madness. Every swipe forced her back. The sand gave way under her paws making her slower and slower to dodge as exhaustion burned through her muscles. Sweat made her eyes sting as she threw herself backwards once again desperately. And yet he kept advancing.

All her attention was on trying to frantically get away from the mad leopard, so much so that she never even heard the roars of the Viking band in the distance. Instead struggling to keep out of the leopard's reach, a task that was rapidly becoming more and more difficult.

Lashing out yet again he felt a savage satisfaction as his claws ripped through fur and flesh. Blood splattered on the hot sand only to be instantly obliterated under their scrambling paws. She was tiring quickly, no longer avoiding his strikes. Curling his lips in disgust he grew bored of the game. He would simply knock her down, strangle her until she gave up and then drag her back to the pride. And I will tear that b*****d a new ear hole for sending me on this pathetic errand.

Fury once more rumbled from his chest in a rough growl of anger but just as he was about to lunge, a chorus of angry roaring broke through the red haze of hatred. Slithering to a halt he turned, ignoring the useless female as he faced the dust cloud rapidly bearing down on him.

Lions.. several of them, and they seemed as mad as hyenas over something. Widening his stance he lowered his head, tail stretching stiff and high behind him as he roared his own furious acceptance. No matter who they were, they would pay for interrupting him!

PostPosted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 3:36 am
Muscles straining Lucivar raced forwards, outstripping his own reavers in his desperate attempt to reach the battling duo. Almost overshooting his target he slithered to a halt between the blood red leopard and the cowering blue lioness. Another ear splitting scream tore itself from his throat as he lunged, claws extended with deadly intent. Without waiting for his band to catch up he threw himself at the leopard, as somewhere in the back of his mind he marvelled at just how big the red and black cat actually was.

The big cream lion stayed right behind their Captain as they raced forwards. Ronan was an old hand at this and while he could have sped forward with lucivar, he knew the Captain wouldn’t be in any trouble against one leopard so he took a moment to figure the situation, even as his paws raced swiftly over the dusty ground. With Lucivar facing off with the leopard he realised the strange cat wasn’t your average feline. He was large for one, and roaring and hissing right back as if fully intending to attack. Maybe he was rabid… Either way Ronan changed his angle and instead of coming up behind Lucivar he swung round and barrelled right into the red and black attacker.

Aksel followed his warbrother’s curving path, knowing exactly what it was Ronan was up to. As the reaver hit the leopard chest-first Aksel launched himself forwards, slamming into the unbalanced leopard and allowing Ronan to roll free of those deadly claws. Teeth sinking into warm fur he tore at the stranger, distracting the maddened leopard away from trying to rip Ronan’s belly out. However it was like trying to control a crazed thing, the leopard didn’t seem to feel pain and instead flew at Aksel, claws lashing across his face, instantly drawing blood.

Being a larger lion Lennart didn’t have the turn of speed his Captain possessed, but he thundered after Lucivar, sticking to his friend’s heels as best he could. Arriving at the fight right behind Aksel he left the three lions to see to the leopard while he turned towards the lioness with concern. She crouched a pace away, a tiny mewling cry slipping from her, her head tucked down under one foreleg as if expecting a blow at any moment. Knowing she could lash out in fear he stayed a little distance away and tried to call to her over the battle raging right behind him.

Having been behind the other reavers Samael couldn’t see through the thick cloud of dust they kicked up in their mad dash, so he slowed and swung to the side, recognising the attack strategy Ronan and Aksel had embarked on. Jogging round the circle of fighting males he positioned himself on the leopard’s open flank and proceeded to harry it, distracting it every time it went for a particularly dangerous attack, able to knock it off balance enough that it didn’t blind Ronan who was holding on for all he was worth, fangs sunk deep into the creature’s shoulder, trying to hide his face from those deadly claws.

The sheer ferocity of the attack surprised Svana after their fairly sedate march through the savannah. But her excitement over rode any nerves and she was right there with the big males, racing along as fast as her slender frame could manage. What she lacked in muscle she made up for in speed and though she was forced to hang back during the first attack, not wanting to get between three enraged males and their target, she was soon darting in and out of the fight, claws flaying open red and black fur, hassling the leopard while he engaged with the reavers.

Having appointed himself Svana’s guardian this first viking, Fenrir focuse don her more than the fight. They would easily drive off the leopard even if he was crazed so he didn’t worry too much about putting his strength into the fight. His main concern was protecting her from the leopard’s retaliation which could be deadly despite being outnumbered. So he fought right along side her, blocking the leopard when ever it went for her, as it had instantly picked her out as the weakest link. Impressed by her speed and confidence he relaxed his vigil a little, letting her experience a real, no holes bared, fight to the death style battle. As the leopard was most certainly crazed for he fought like a demon possessed.  


Allied Recalibrator


Allied Recalibrator

PostPosted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 4:05 am
Ruyken grinned darkly as the band of lions can racing towards him. Finally… here might be a fight worthy of his skills. Easily blocking the swipe the first tawny brown male threw at him he spotted the paler one as he swung round and braced for the impact. As soon as the weight of the lion crashed into him he whiped his body round, coiling around the male in fury, claws raking the pale fur, ripping at the vulnerable underbelly, fangs sinking deep into the nearest body part. But before he could do any serious damage pain seared up along his shoulder and down his front leg from a set of fangs buried in his skin. Roaring in abstract rage he released his first target and like a snake, coiled back onto the one hanging onto his shoulder, claws tearing at the shaggy head, seeking to blind the male.

Fury at the insects distracting him to all sides he finally let go of his prey and lashed out at the spotty black and grey one, catching him across the muzzle before he spun round and sank his own fangs back into first male, claws ripping that brown coat to send blood streaming.

Mwanamke knew it was the end, she could no longer hold off the leopard. He was too strong, too fast, too powerful. Cowering she squeezed her eyes shut and hoped it wouldn’t hurt too badly. But her heart kept hammering away, her breath rasping in and out as if she had just run a hundred miles. And yet no killing blow came. Instead, roars and screams slowly made their way past the pounding of her blood in her ears. The sounds of a ferocious fight gradually infiltrating her conscience. Daring to risk peeking out from under her foreleg she gaped at the sight before her. Blood and fur were everywhere, and the sheer violence of the combatants made her blood run cold. Savage snarls made her tremble, but the new strangers seemed to be driving the leopard back…

Only belatedly did she realise one of them, a big white male with a yellow mane, was stood to one side, seemingly unconcerned about the fight as he watched her. Fear spiked before she realised his expression was gentle, and he was talking softly to her. Though she couldn’t make out the words over the sounds f battle not yards away.
PostPosted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 8:25 am
Lucivar roared in pain as deadly claws ripped through his skin. Leaping forwards he caught the leopard on the side of the neck, fangs sinking in deep before he violently ripped his head free, coming away with a mouthful of blood. The leopard’s scream shattered his hearing, leaving his head ringing and dizzy. Jumping back in case the leopard retaliated he spat out the wad of bloody fur.

Ronan heaved himself to his feet, blood running in stripes down his lower flank though the damage was minor, he knew it could have been a lot worse. Careful to avoid the deadly attacks of friends and foe alike, he circled the struggling knot of lions and leopard. Attacking whenever Aksel fell back.

Aksel had finally been forced to release his grip for fear of loosing his sight and fell back, letting Ronan take his place for a moment. They worked well as a fighting brotherhood and swopped out easily, almost tag-teaming their enemy. Between them they kept the leopard from latching onto any single lion, which judging from the feline’s ferocity, would be a very dangerous thing.

Lennart smiled at the young lioness as she peaked out. Calmly he moved a little closer now that she was looking at him. “It’s alright now. You’re safe.” Taking another step he waited while she went through the cycle again, tensing and then relaxing. Or relaxing as much as a terrified lioness could in the circumstances. “We won’t hurt you. Are you alright?” Tilting his head he tried to get a better look at her wounds.

Samael continued his bait and switch method of attack, darting round and behind the other reavers as he continued to harass the leopard. He was in little danger of getting mauled and he was having a lot of fun. The leopard’s fury only made him grin madly as he ripped through the red and black fur once again.

Though the fight had barely started, already Svana was feeling the strain as she darted back and forth. It was all very well training with your family, but when your opponent truly wanted to kill you it was a whole different thing. Sweating from dodging and twisting in the blanketing heat she sprinted forwards again, only to see too late that the leopard had been waiting for her.

Fenrir saw the danger as Svana turned to go for another attack. The leopard had been trying to savage Aksel but had let go in order to retaliate against Lucivar. Now the Captain had stepped back for a second to adjust his footing and into that space, Svana flew. Throwing himself forwards he crashed into her hard with his shoulder. The impact winding him but a heartbeat later pain seared down his flank as the leopard’s claws sank into his side. Twisting away and taking Svana with him he lashed out with his own claws, sending blood flying in a satisfactory arc.  


Allied Recalibrator


Allied Recalibrator

PostPosted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 8:37 am
Mwanamke struggled to focus on the white male but her gaze kept going back to the fight behind him. Every time a strike hit home she winced. The amount of blood soaking into the sand was terrifying, the thirsty desert soaking it up into a macabre red mud. Unable to hide her trembling she startled when the strange male gently touched her shoulder, drawing her attention back to him. But shell shocked as she was she could only stare helplessly up at him for a moment before looking back at the battle. .

Snarling savagely he lashed out at anyone who got close enough to reach. But pain was starting to pierce the veil of fury that surrounded him. Six lions against one leopard may have been deadly for most felines, but Ruyken was not yet in trouble. He could hold off these ones and more, too fast and violent for most lions to keep up with. His sheer viciousness was his weapon and he deployed it indiscriminately.

But even he had to admit his strength could not defeat six lions all at once. With a last ferocious attack he drove them apart and darted through, escaping the ring of claws and fangs. Pausing a few yards away he turned and hissed at them. Because of them he had failed his mission and that made him furious. Snarling in a low, constant grate of sound he started to stalk the group, angling towards the female. The brown lion charged and he sprang out of range, taking up position some distance away. He would get her. He just had to wait for the opportunity.
PostPosted: Fri Jan 23, 2015 8:29 am
Lucivar growled again as the leopard darted back. His charge a bluff and they both knew it. His first priority was to his reavers and to the rescued lioness… not to go haring off after a crazed leopard. Flashing his fangs in one last warning he turned and stalked stiffly back to his band, easing through the gathering as they had clustered around the female, evidently intrigued.

As the fight broke up Lennart kept one eye on his fellow reavers and one on the female. He had kept himself between her and the battling males, as she seemed to react so badly to the sight of violence. Once the roars and grunts and thumps quieted he turned fully, watching her shake. “It’s alright. You are safe now.” He repeated, hoping at least some part of her was still cognizant.

Panting and bloody, the large green lion stared at the leopard for a moment as Lucivar moved past, but then turned and followed the Captain. Aksel loved a good fight, but few had been as viscious or as swift as what had just happened. Shaking his heavily maned head he snorted blood and fur from his nose before finally turning his attention onto the lioness they had just rescued. Looking her over he arched a brow, for she was stunningly beautiful, if thin and clearly terrified. A very good catch, she would make a fine thrall.

Ronan took one last swipe before Lucivar charged, before dropping back with a glower. He had finally remembered why that scent had been so familiar… it was the same pride that had attacked old Captain Arnljótr. He really wanted to chase the leopard back to where he came from, so he could wipe the pride of blood thirsty psychopaths off the face of the earth. But, annoyingly, he was not a free agent and Lucivar seemed content to let the leopard live. Well, they weren’t Ragnvard after all… perhaps it was for the best. Preoccupied he simply stared when Aksel looked over at him expectantly. Finally he glanced at the thrall and then took a second look, having only belatedly registered her good looks.

Samael sighed as the leopard was run off, eyeing the creature with a kind of blood thirstiness that was part of why Lucivar kept such a close eye on him. Finally, with the leopard circling some distance away, he shook his blood-streaked body and moved towards the female.

Thundering paws! She was a sight for sore eyes, that was for sure. Shaking like a leaf and with blood laying in fine lines where the leopard had caught her. She was nevertheless one of the most beautiful lioness’ he had ever laid eyes on. Pulling himself to his full height he sauntered up to her, but stopped a pace away at Lennart’s evil look. What did the big lion think he was gonna do? Bite her? Huffing he eyed her again, and sent her a charming and welcoming smile when she glanced his way.

Svana panted as she moved back, watching the leopard escape. She would have liked to continue, but she was swiftly learning that real fights were not at all like her training fights. Nevertheless, she had got several good hits in and avoided getting seriously hurt in the process. Turning she looked at Fenrir. Dipping her head in acknowledgment and gratitude, knowing he had saved her from a nasty wound.

Fenrir had fallen back when it was clear the leopard was trying to escape instead of fighting back. Placing himself near Svana but between the strange lioness and the leopard just in case. Relaxing as the crazy feline fell back he caught Svana’s glance and smiled, returning the nod with his own. He hurt, not horribly, but his side was bleeding and he knew he would be feeling the wounds for a few days. Padding to Svana, hiding the limp that his wounds gave him, he smiled. “You did very well.” Turning he glanced at the female they had rescued. What would happen to her now?  


Allied Recalibrator


Allied Recalibrator

PostPosted: Fri Jan 23, 2015 8:37 am
Mwana trembled as the various lions slowly draw close, yet despite the violence of a moment ago they all seemed to be calming down. Though they were breathing hard and covered in dust and blood, honestly they looked even more terrifying now than the leopard. At least there had been only one of him. But as they parted for the big brown male to move forwards she realised they were not ringing her to pen her in, but had formed a kind of protective circle against the leopard who she could see trotting back and forth some distance out, hissing and growling still. Turning wide-eyed gaze to the tall male in front of her, and cowering against the even bigger white one at her side, she waited for them to decide her fate.

Ruyken continued to circle. Back and forth, back and forth. Bt gradually his battle fury eased as slightly more rational thought returned. Slowing down he watched the large group of lions for a while. They were stood still talking to her, though he couldn’t hear what they were saying. Huffing a breath in order to calm his heart beat he shut his eyes and lowered his head.

A few moments later he turned on the spot and walked away from the lions, his pace slow and easy. No hint of any wounds bothering him despite carrying several very deep injuries. Once out of sight he circled round. Picking a spot to lay in wait he settled down to plan his next steps. Knowing he would have to go from attacking them to stalking them. Sooner or later, his chance would come, and he would be ready.
PostPosted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 5:42 am
Approaching with a smile Lucivar drew to a halt before the female. “Are you alright?” he asked, keeping his voice soft and quiet, for the poor thing looked half dead from fright. And admittedly, seeing a band of Stormborn in full battle fury from so close up must have been quite the shock to her.

Nodding to Lennart he swopped places with his Second, knowing Lennart would take control of the rest and allow Lucivar to focus on the frightened lioness.

Lennart stepped away when Lucivar gave him the signal. It was not their first rodeo by far and he knew the drill. After giving the young female a reassuring nudge with his shoulder he moved away, quietly herding the other lions and guiding them a little way away from Lucivar and the lioness.

“Any injuries we need to deal with now? Or are you all good to make it back home?” He asked, looking to each lion in turn. Coming to Svana and Fenrir he grinned at the pair. “Congratulations. You are now both full reavers. Welcome to the band.”

Aksel stepped away readily, not interested in trying to ogle the female like Samael was doing. She was safe now, and Lucivar would see to her needs, that was enough for him. Glancing at Lennart he shook his head. He was marked up, but nothing serious. He would have his sister see to them when they got back.

Ronan was preoccupied, staring into the distance where the accursed leopard had disappeared to. Jolted from his dark thoughts he glanced back at the female now standing with Lucivar before following Aksel. Shaking his head in a negative to Lennart’s question he resumed his unpleasant ponderings.

Growling under his breath, Samael only reluctantly stepped away. Though he lingered until Lucivar shot him a warning glance. Huffing he turned and padded after the other reavers. “Just a few scratches.” He acknowledged, brushing off the wounds as if they were nothing, though all of them sported the evidence of the leopard’s madness. Turning instead to Svana he grinned broadly. “Congratulations.”

Svana moved away readily enough, too intent on the sensation of victory and the strange feeling of having pushed her body to its limits. Her joints ached in a way they never had before, and the various small wounds she carried were starting to sting. But at Lennart’s question she grinned up at him. “I’m fine.” Suddenly blushing she ducked her head, but couldn’t help the feeling of immense pride that flooded her chest.

She had done it!

Beaming over at Fenrir she turned and grinned also at Samael. The male might creep her out, but he had been amazing in the fight. His words made her float even higher, buoyed by her success and the warm welcome by seasoned Reavers.

Fenrir nodded to Lennart that he was fine. The deep claw marks along his flank bothered him, but there was nothing that could be done about them for the time being. He would simply go see a healer when they got back. Blinking in surprise he chuckled. He had forgotten it was his first official viking… having been a reaver in all but name since his adolescence. Turning to Svana he smiled warmly at her. “Congratulations Svana. You did good.”

The sleek female beamed back at him, clearly on cloud nine. Glad she was largely unhurt and seemed to be in high spirits, he glanced over at where his father was talking with the stranger.


Allied Recalibrator


Allied Recalibrator

PostPosted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 6:40 am
Mwana watched as the very large and imposing lions milled about, slowly moving away as if to give her a little room. Well, all except one male, who appeared to be their leader. Nervously she waited as the big brown male came up beside her.

Lucivar smiled reassuringly. She was a shy little thing apparently, though after her experience he certainly didn’t blame her. Trying to set her a little bit more at ease he sat down. Such a position made him look less threatening and made it harder for him to make any sudden moves.

Seeing her relax fractionally he was pleased. “I’m Lucivar, Captain of the Stormborn. Are you badly injured M’Lady?” He spoke softly, but loud enough to reach her through her shock. He kept his tones warm and friendly, since there was nothing he could do about his bloodied appearance. The last thing that was needed was to scare her further.

Her eyes widened as he sat down, though she had to admit he was slightly less terrifying like that, and she much preferred him there than looming over her. Now if only the rest of the strangers would do the same….

Her scattered thoughts were brought back into focus by his voice. Its gentle insistence that she listen and respond helped ground her. “Oh… Hello Captain. I’m Mwanamke Wa'mwezi, formally of the Tuait.” Glancing down at her blood-speckled coat she winced. Looking at her wounds seemed to make them realise they hurt and her entire body was swiftly becoming one big bruise with little stabbing pains scattered all over.
“It hurts….. but.. I don’t think its bad…” She blushed, partly with nerves, partly in shame. After all, she had just seen these strangers getting ripped up protecting her. It seemed hardly fair to complain when at least one of them was carrying a fairly bad wound.

Lucivar nodded. “If I may… I’d like to take a look.” At her nod he stood once more and carefully but gently examined her, walking round her and studying her wounds. Returning to his place he smiled reassuringly at her. “Nothing that wont heal if cared for. Keep licking them, and eat enough and you shouldn’t suffer any problems.”

Pausing he glanced behind them. He was certain the leopard was near by, just out of sight. That kind of mad fury was not random… he had been after this lioness for a specific reason and Lucivar highly doubted he would give up so easily.

“I would like to make you an offer though. Being as I believe that the leopard who attacked you is still near by. Would you be willing to return with us to my pride? You would be a thrall… a.. slave, so to speak. I don’t think he is going to give up, and I don’t wish to leave you out here for him to find a second time. It is up to you however…” Seeing her hesitant look he added. “I would take you as my own thrall, and I can assure you I will not treat you badly. Thralls are our home-keepers, so to speak. They hunt and fish, they care for the young and look after our herds. In return, all thralls are protected by the pride. I won’t lie… some are not willing, and some are mistreated. But I can claim you as my own and you will be under my protection from any without and within the pride.”

He waited for her to think it over, after all, they had time. The leopard would not return this soon and this was a life-altering decision for her.

It was a shock, to think the leopard was still around somewhere, hiding out of sight. Fear made her cower slightly and she inched closer to the powerful male without realising. His words worried her… but what choice did she have? It was either stay and be attacked and likely killed by the mad leopard, or go with this male and his band of warriors into a live of servitude.

But he seemed genuine… and the one she was fairly sure was his son, for the two males were so close in colouration she had first thought them one lion entirely… Seemed a fair minded sort. She had seen him take that attack for the red female after all. Surely two lions such as these could not be exceptions in their pride…? And the rest seemed polite enough when they weren’t trying to rip a leopard into pieces.

Sighing softly she offered a shy, accepting smile. There really wasn’t a choice, not if she wished to live beyond the day.

“I’ll go with you. And… thank you, for rescuing me.”

Her answer was almost a surprise, as so few wished to become thrall if they had a choice. But he also spoke true. The leopard was still here, and he could best protect her if she stayed with him.

With the matter settled he glanced back at his reavers, chufffing a call to gain their attention. “We are heading back. Samael, Lennart and Fenrir, form the rear guard. Aksel and Ronan the flanks, and Svana up front with me.”

Soon enough all the lions had formed into a protective phalanx about the new lioness. With Mwana herself stood between and partly behind Lucivar and Svana. As one the band moved out, heading back towards the pride and the safety of their boarders.  
[IC] Rogue Lands [IC]

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