Welcome to the home of Samuel Carlin and his Soquili.
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Ashwind's Stats
Strength: 4%
Courage: 8%
Speed: 12%
Intelligence: 11%
Luck: 7%
Stamina: 12%

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Azuri's Stats
Strength: 6%
Courage: 4%
Speed: 12%
Intelligence: 9%
Luck: 4%
Stamina: 11%

User Image
Ballard's Stats
Strength: 4%
Courage: 5%
Speed: 9%
Intelligence: 11%
Luck: 5%
Stamina: 4%

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Bard's stats
Strength: 5%
Courage: 8%
Speed: 10%
Intelligence: 12%
Luck: 4%
Stamina: 4%

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Blossomforth's stats
Strength - 100%
Courage - 100%
Speed - 100%
Intelligence - 100%
Luck - 100%
Stamina - 100%

User Image
Broganach's Stats
Strength: 11%
Courage: 8%
Speed: 6%
Intelligence: 9%
Luck: 4%
Stamina: 7%

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Cristobal's stats
Strength: 20%
Courage: 15%
Speed: 22%
Intelligence: 22%
Luck: 21%
Stamina: 15%

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Darjirenza's Stats
Strength: 9%
Courage: 12%
Speed: 10%
Intelligence: 12%
Luck: 4%
Stamina: 10

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Destino's stats
Strength: 6%
Courage: 11%
Speed: 6%
Intelligence: 6%
Luck: 4%
Stamina: 7%

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Dia De La Esperanza's stats
Strength: 98%
Courage: 100%
Speed: 94%
Intelligence: 99%
Luck: 96%
Stamina: 96%

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Diego's stats
Strength: 96%
Courage: 100%
Speed: 95%
Intelligence: 96%
Luck: 100%
Stamina: 99%

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Direhorn's Stats
Strength: 5%
Courage: 7%
Speed: 7%
Intelligence: 11%
Luck: 8%
Stamina: 11%

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Fukishiko's stats
Strength: 6%
Courage: 9%
Speed: 11%
Intelligence: 9%
Luck: 5%
Stamina: 4%

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Hepzibane's stats
Strength: 9%
Courage: 7%
Speed: 5%
Intelligence: 10%
Luck: 8%
Stamina: 9%

User Image
Ibi Libertas's Stats
Strength: 14%
Courage: 21%
Speed: 20%
Intelligence: 20%
Luck: 21%
Stamina: 20%

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Maseer's Stats
Strength: 4%
Courage: 7%
Speed: 4%
Intelligence: 7%
Luck: 4%
Stamina: 4%

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Midas's Stats
Strength: 4%
Courage: 12%
Speed: 7%
Luck: 7%
Stamina: 6%

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Moana's stats
Strength: 18%
Courage: 20%
Speed: 20%
Intelligence: 22%
Luck: 20%
Stamina: 17%

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Niobet's Stats
Strength: 6%
Courage: 9%
Speed: 5%
Intelligence: 12%
Luck: 4%
Stamina: 5%

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Nohelanis's stats
Strength: 4%
Courage: 5%
Speed: 7%
Intelligence: 10%
Luck: 12%
Stamina: 8%

User Image
Qaha's Stats
Strength: 9%
Courage: 10%
Speed: 6%
Intelligence: 11%
Luck: 5%
Stamina: 7%

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Roman's Stats
Strength: 4%
Courage: 10%
Speed: 4%
Intelligence: 10%
Luck: 5%
Stamina: 7

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Roque's stats
Strength: 31%
Courage: 29%
Speed: 26%
Intelligence: 30%
Luck: 29%
Stamina: 25%

User Image
Sylvan's stats
Strength: 12%
Courage: 12%
Speed: 11%
Intelligence: 7%
Luck: 11%
Stamina: 6%

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The Wicker Stag's stats
Strength: 21%
Courage: 17%
Speed: 14%
Intelligence: 17%
Luck: 14%
Stamina: 20%

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Yazmina's stats
Strength: 55%
Courage: 56%
Speed: 57%
Intelligence: 58%
Luck: 58%
Stamina: 60%

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Zanzibar Graves's stats
Strength: 24%
Courage: 31%
Speed: 27%
Intelligence: 32%
Luck: 30%
Stamina: 32%

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Zelimir's Stats
Strength: 4%
Courage: 4%
Speed: 4%
Intelligence: 11%
Luck: 4%
Stamina: 8%

The Teepee
They all live at the edge of the forest.
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The Teepee
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They all live at the edge of the forest.