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[PRP] Bird is the Word (Lawine x Dhili x Ataruka)

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Offensive Hero

PostPosted: Fri Dec 26, 2014 8:07 pm
User Image It wasn't often Lawine stepped out of the snowy mountains he called home, but when he did, he knew he was always in for an adventure. His thick, fluffy coat didn't allow him to stay down in the savanna for long, but he enjoyed experiencing different ways of life and meeting lions and other creatures that would probably never think of scaling mountains in the snow.

Alongside him hopped his companion, Pacha. She had never set foot in the savanna before and was finding everything quite interesting, even if it was a bit warm for her tastes. She had been born and raised in the mountains, a winter hare if ever there was one, and all she knew was snow. The cracked ground and dead grass was amusing, but also a bit sad to see. Things up in the mountains would warm in the summer and create little green shoots, but here everything just seemed dried up and dead.

"Very strange," she murmured, sniffing at a dried river bed where they had stopped to rest. Lawine dug a bit in the mud at the bottom, making a bit of water pool in the hole left behind, and he paused to drink once it settled.

"Strange, but fun," he said, lifting his head with a grin. "I could never live down here for more than a few days, but it's so interesting to see how others live."  
PostPosted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 9:22 am

Dhili and Ataruka were the complete opposite of one another. He was cocky and prissy, vain and spoiled, while she was rough and tumble and unconcerned with petty things like appearance. He annoyed the hell out of her while she vexed him beyond belief, and yet they were together. They did not say it out loud, but they were both so hopelessly in love with each other that they had no choice but to travel together, and stay close.

Dhili was certain that Ataruka would not survive two minutes without her, while he was sure she would run herself off a cliff if left alone too long.

And neither wanted to see anything bad happen to the other, ever.

"Would you look at that," Dhili said, looking up to see a very fluffy lion walking their way, with a rabbit hopping along next to him. She shook her head, never seeing a lion quite so fluffy in her life before. Where did he come from, with fur like that? He would burn up in the summer, surely. Ataruka frowned at the sight as well, but his mind was more focused on the fact that this lion's fur was not only fluffy, but very unkempt. How did one ever keep so much fluff clean?

And now they were playing in mud!

"That's obscene," he grumbled, shaking his head. Dhili was already walking toward the stranger, though, so Ataruka followed slowly, holding his head up high and proud.

"Hello, there! You two can't be from around here, are you?" Dhili called, appalling Ataruka with her lack of manners. She could at least introduce herself first before making assumptions about someone.


Snuggly Knight


Offensive Hero

PostPosted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 11:31 am
"Interesting," Pacha repeated. "If that's what you want to call it. Then again, people don't want to eat you at every turn." She had gotten more than one strange look, as had Lawine, in their journeys even through the mountains they called home. It wasn't often a carnivore kept a prey beast as a familiar, but hares were quite helpful up in the snow. Down here, though, she might be seen as a snack. Lawine always made sure that she was safe, though, but he understood how some of those looks made her feel intimidated.

"Oh, that's enough of that," he teased gently. "You've got all your limbs and both ears. You won't get turned into a snack while I'm around."

A voice made him lift his head in surprise, and he smiled at the two lions that were making their way towards him, one more confidently than the other. He male seemed a bit disgusted for some reason, but the female didn't have any issues making their presence known.

"No, we're not," Lawine agreed, nodding to the mountains in the distance where the snow covered peaks were barely visible. "Our home is back there, in the mountains. But I like to come down here from time to time, meet new lions and other creatures, see how our cousins live," he said, smiling as he looked back at the two. "You must be from around here to say we aren't so confidently. I'm Lawine, and this is Pacha."

Pacha nodded at the two, ears alert and nose twitching. She wasn't one to pass judgement quickly, giving predators a chance, but she was always careful around new faces. You just didn't know who was going to treat you like an intelligent being and who was going to treat you like lunch.

"How do you do?"

PostPosted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 11:38 am

"In the mountains! Oh, I love to be up high, I want to visit the mountains some time! It must be so nice, being so close to the sky! I bet you can just feel it. Is it different up there, to down here?" She was nearly bouncing on her paws in her excitement, forgetting all manners and failing to introduce herself.

Ataruka sighed, pointedly, and shook his head as she looked at him in confusion.

"We are doing well, thank you for asking. Before she bombards you with more questions, I will take the liberty of introducing us. That is Dhili, though she seems to have forgotten her own name, and I am Ataruka."

The big male nodded his head, though he did so gracefully and without ruffling too many of his own feathers. He looked at the duo again, frowning at the rabbit. Who traveled around with food like it was a friend? He never understood the concept of familiars.

Just make friends with creatures ones own size, that was his philosophy.

"I was going to say that eventually, Ataruka, sheesh!"


Snuggly Knight


Offensive Hero

PostPosted: Fri Jan 02, 2015 12:06 pm
Lawine had to admit it was pretty amusing to see someone so enthusiastic about the mountains. He loved his home dearly and could talk about it for hours on end, but to know there were plains dwellers that felt the same without ever visiting made him warm inside. He wished those that had looked at him strangely when he said he was from the mountains were here to hear the female's excited reaction. Then maybe they'd understand.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Dhili and Ataruka," he said with a fond smile as the male introduced them. The reaction Dhili gave clued him in to the fact that they traveled together often enough for them to feel comfortable bickering just a bit between one another with him and Pacha standing there.

"Oh, it's very different," Pacha piped up, still curious to judge if these two thought of her as a snack or as a friend. "There's almost always snow, I'd say that's the biggest difference. That and the temperature is always colder. In the summer it's not quite as chilly, but anyone without a thick coat would probably not like it up there for very long. And in the winter...well. Even we get cold!"

She sat up a bit on her hind legs, still protected by Lawine's front paws, which she sat between. "But I do enjoy being up high. You can see for days when the weather is clear."

PostPosted: Fri Jan 02, 2015 12:59 pm

Dhili thought that if she could get up high enough she could touch the sky. She envied the birds and their ability to fly, and wished that she could live like them, some day. Of course, lions could not fly, but she could at least climb up high, right? Maybe she would make some friends with birds, and that would help too.

Ataruka would follow Dhili to the sky if she so wanted, but he was a much more grounded lion, without a pun intended. He preferred to reach for things that were actually feasible, and flying like a bird was just not one of those things.

Still, it was nice to see her excited about something, even if it did tell her into an obnoxious lioness acting half her age or less.

Dhili crouched down when the rabbit spoke, thinking it rude to keep standing when the rabbit was so small, and wanting to be more on its level. She smiled brightly at the little thing, eyes crossing a bit as she spoke. Ataruka watched and rolled his eyes, shaking his head slowly. He was not going to talk to food, though he was not going to eat it, either, as that would probably be rude. This lion clearly had dibs, and was keeping the rabbit around for something.

"That sounds lovely! I don't think I've ever been too cold, but I've lived where the sun stays out most of the time. I would love to see snow and ice! I've heard about it! Ataruka, didn't you see it before, when you were traveling?" She looked up at him expectantly, but he only gave her a stiff nod and she rolled her eyes at him. A common gesture between them. She returned her attention to the rabbit, but looked up at Lawine as well.

"Do you both like it there, in the cold? Or is that why you've come out here?"


Snuggly Knight


Offensive Hero

PostPosted: Fri Jan 02, 2015 1:54 pm
Pacha held her ground as the lioness leaned down to look at her, but the smile she was given made her relax. Good, she wasn't considered food. She smiled back at Dhili as the lioness spoke about ice and snow, and glanced over at the male who didn't seem to want to even be talking to them. Ah well, different strokes for different folks. She knew a few rabbits like that back home, that didn't talk to anyone except their companions.

Lawine answered the question that was tossed to them, nodding just a bit. "Oh yes. We were both born and raised in the snow, so it's natural to us. It's cold, yes, and being chilled isn't very fun, but most of the time we're quite comfortable. The thick fur really helps," he added with a chuckle. "Down here I get hot so quickly it's not very fun, but I enjoy exploring and seeing what there is to see. I love hearing stories from the rogues that join our pride, and sometimes - like these past few days - I deal with the heat and do a little exploring of my own."

He tilted his head just a bit, smiling over at Ataruka. "Perhaps he's been near the pride we're from them. It's right up there, on the side of the tallest mountain face," he said, nodding over his shoulder. From here there were no features that could be picked out, save for where the snow ended, but when you got closer you could see little dots moving around. "You're always welcome for a visit. If you let them know that you're friends of Lawine, anyone you happen to come across will surely lead you into the pride."

PostPosted: Fri Jan 02, 2015 2:13 pm

Dhili was much easier going than Ataruka, though that sometimes translated into being rude or a bit too head strong in certain situations. Ataruka tried not to be rude, per se, but he did want to keep up appearances and hold on to his imagined station in the world. That meant certain things had to be held as steadfast rules.

Not talking to lesser creatures was, unfortunately, one of his things. Maybe one day he would learn better, but right now he was just being a bit of a butt. For lack of a better explanation.

Ataruka shook his head when Lawine spoke, at least.

"I do not think I would much like the cold. At least not all the time. I prefer when the weather changes, and warmth follows the cold, I think." He thought he would participation in the conversation as best he could, not wanting to be completely aloof. He saw Dhili was really enjoying these strangers, which made him want to try a bit more, though he would not admit that.

Not with her still standing there, anyway.

"I would love to visit your pride!" Dhili said enthusiastically, making Ataruka sigh. He would have to go too, of course, but still. She always dragged him into things like this. At least it was just a visit, and there was not anyone threatening them this time. She was good at making friends, but even better at making enemies, he found.


Snuggly Knight


Offensive Hero

PostPosted: Fri Jan 02, 2015 2:57 pm
Turning his attention to Ataruka, Lawine nodded just a bit. The cold wasn't for everyone, after all. "I feel like that's the normal reaction when snow and cold is brought up," he admitted with a little smile, hoping to get the male to warm up just a bit. Dhili didn't seem to have a problem with them, but Ataruka was acting like he had a stick up his butt. Ah well...some lions were like that. "But for a quick visit it's not so bad. It could even be a nice relief during the hot months here. It warms up up there, the snow melts a bit...still cold, but not nearly as bad as in the winter months."

Hopefully that would sway him a bit as Dhili seemed to have her heart set on visiting now.

Pacha hopped forward just a bit, leaving the safety of Lawine's legs to get a bit closer to Dhili. "Rogues are always welcome. Usually those we let into the pride for a time are lost up on the hills, but every now and then we get a few that actually came there to visit a friend or a loved one. It's not too hard to find once you're in the snow...and if you spot a hare, you can ask for directions. They all know where our pride is located since it's a bit of a safe haven for them."

PostPosted: Fri Jan 02, 2015 3:27 pm

Dhili did not mind having the abnormal reaction, so to speak. She was comfortable in who she was and did not care if Ataruka had more reason to tease her later or not. She smiled at the bunny and then straightened up a bit, standing taller. She was still on the smaller side, but that was fine. At least she was not the smallest one in the group!

She would be hard pressed to be smaller than a rabbit, though.

"Well, if Dhili wants to visit, I suppose I will have to as well. I am not about to let her go to the snow all on her own. She'll get lost and then buried, I imagine. Or she'll jump off a tree trying to fly." He sighed, easily able to imagine it, though Dhili was already making a face at him.

Clearly she did not agree with him.

"Well, then, we will both have to go and visit, and I promise Ataruka will remember his manners when we go. He won't be so stuffy next time, if I can do anything about it."

Ataruka looked mortified that she would imply he was not being polite, though he supposed he could be a little less stuck up... he sighed.

"Well, we appreciate you letting us know about it, anyway. Ah... I am sure we will visit some time," he said, with a nod in an effort to be a little more friendly. It kind of look like it hurt him, but he was trying his best.


Snuggly Knight


Offensive Hero

PostPosted: Sat Jan 03, 2015 10:45 am
Lawine laughed softly at the little exchange. Obviously the two were close to bicker back and forth like this and only roll their eyes at one another. "Well, if you do visit, I'm sure my fellow pride members will make sure none of you get too cold or try to jump out of trees. We value the safety of our guests above all else." His home could be a dangerous place, as an avalanche that he was actually named after had sent up a big search and rescue mission for lots of rogues and pride members alike.

Pacha smiled and nodded, glad that the lions would come to pay a visit. "So long as you don't go this very moment, I'll spread the word through the other hares to keep an eye out for you two. They'll gladly lead you to the pride." Hopefully they wouldn't mistake any of the messengers for a meal, but she knew well enough to pass on names and descriptions and that the female, at least, was friendly.

Lawine gave a little nod and motioned off to the left where the sun was slowly starting to set. "I've got a few more days of wandering left in me, so I'll take my leave from you two. I do hope to run into you again. It was lovely to chat. And remember, if you do go for a visit, just tell them Lawine and Pacha told you about the pride and you'll get the royal treatment."

Quite literally. He gave a little smile before setting off, Pacha hopping along beside him after a quick farewell of her own. She did hope the two made it to the pride eventually, but with enough time to warn her fellow hares of the male. He hadn't really spoken to her and had barely even looked at her, so that was always a warning sign. Hopefully he wouldn't know how to maneuver in the snow and any hare would be able to easily stay out of his way.

Last from me~
PostPosted: Sat Jan 03, 2015 11:39 am

Dhili chuckled and Ataruka nodded his head, satisfied that Lawine meant what he said. As long as Dhili did not leap out of a tree at any point, he supposed things would be alright. They liked to visit different places, and he supposed snow was certainly different in their most recent run.

And it looked like it would really, honestly make Dhili happy. At the end of the day, that was more important to him than anything else. He just had to put up enough of a fight about it so she did not really see him caring that much.

That was just how they worked.

"Well, I hope we meet up again some time in the future!" Dhili said, to both Lawine and Pacha, "and you can show us around! I'll look forward to it, at the very least!" She eyed Ataruka, then looked at Lawine, not really getting the truth in his words as far as the royal treatment went. She just thought he was being quippy.

"Bye guys!" Dhili called.

"Yes, good bye. And thank you," Ataruka added, before nudging Dhili and starting to two back on their own path. Hopefully the two wandering groups would fall in line again, and end up at the same place at the same time.


Snuggly Knight

[IC] Rogue Lands [IC]

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