Sliabh glanced back at the female following along behind him. It had been a strange but very enjoyable day. Certainly not the one he had expected when he woke up that morning. Weeks spent travailing had ended with him arriving here, and he was honestly glad that it had. Ruoho had been an excellent companion, listening avidly to many stories. So voracious was her apatite for his words that Sliabh had been struggling to remember enough tales to tell her. As the day wore on he had suggested they hunt together, since he had consumed one of her kills that morning, and he felt as if he should replace what he had eaten. Their hunt had been clean and easy, almost as if they had been working together for far longer than just an hour or so. Now, with her stash resupplied and after having killed and shared a smaller meal, Sliabh was turning his mind to the problem of where to sleep for the night.

Pausing on the path he was following, he waited for her to catch up. "Are you sure there is nothing else I can do? I wish to repay you for your generosity and kindness today." He smiled warmly. After all, it wasn't every day he met someone was nice as her. Nor as pretty.

There was a yawn from her maw as she leaned against him, eyes fluttering shut in contentment. He was warm, and walking side by side with him allowed her to remain warm from the kill. They'd resupplied her stash for the Pride, and brought it quickly back to where it needed to be...and now they were here, together. Her attention had been drifting, thoughts running through her head, at least until he asked her if there was nothing else he could do for her. True, just weeks before she'd been speaking to her sister about the idea of potentially finding someone with whom to have cubs...the thought was one she'd often entertained. "Not unless you have wish of cubs." It was a jest, something lighthearted and easy. Not something meant honestly...though he was a nice enough male...She would not have minded it with him...

As sated and relaxed as he was, his quest had not been on his mind for once. Her warmth against his side and her easy companionship was pleasant and something he was in no hurry to loose just yet. Her sudden suggestion, jokingly offered as it was, made him startle, stopping him in his tracks as he looked over at her. He realised, after a moment, that she might not have been serious at all, but....

Taking a steadying breath he realised that if she was even slightly interested, his long weeks of travail may have been more important than he could ever have expected. Watching her for a moment he decided he could only ask, and see if she agreed. "I would .. If you were serious." Turning to face her properly he seemed serious, and yet hopeful. "I mentioned that I am out here on the behest of my Queen. What I haven't told you is what she wishes me to do.... I have been tasked with finding new blood to take back to my pride. Now I know you have no wish to come back with me so I will not even ask. But... " For the first time in a long while he actually blushed. Despite having been doing this for years and have many grand and great grand cubs who came from his rougeland flings. ".. If we did this, I would like to take some of the cubs back with me, once they are weaned. My pride has a high mortality rate and new life is precious to us.... " He trailed off, looking nervously at her. He hadn't planned on seeking out a new mother for his children, but maybe the gods had led him here for this very reason... After all, they had done it several times before.

Ruoho's skin flushed beneath her fur, eyes going wide as she watched him. Oh gods...He meant that honestly. That he would take her up on the offer of cubs. Even if a few of the little ones returned with Sliabh, there would still be some left to her, and the thought made Ruoho's heart dance, and in that moment, she closed her eyes. A vision overtook her, and with that vision came a feeling of reassurance, that all would be well...that this was a good thing, something meant to happen. Her heart was at ease. Even though the visions she had were never the clearest in terms of images...the feelings were real, "I think....that would be well, Sliabh. I would like that."

He felt his heart pound away against his rib cage as he waited nervously for her answer. It was the first time in a long time that he had felt so uncertain and anxious about a female's answer. For a lion who was father of over 40 cubs, he almost felt that he should be used to this by now, but still, her answer mattered a lot and he couldn't help his nerves. When at last she smiled at him, he felt his legs weaken with relief. Beaming he stepped closer, tentatively resting his furred cheek against her own. "Thank you Ruoko, you don't know how much this means to me, and to my pride." Stepping back he gazed at her, seeing her now not as a friend who had helped a complete stranger, but as the lioness who had caught his attention the very first time he had seen her. She was beautiful, strong and lean, and an excellent huntress. Lowering his head he nuzzles her again, this time lingering in the caress, his voice a low murmur against her ear. "I am at your service, Ruoho..."

His voice drew a shiver from her, a slight sensation that ran from head to tail. His voice was warm, a soft murmur as he lingered against her, and Ruoho slowly leaned up in turn. Her head pressed into his shoulder, nose nuzzling against his flank, "I do not know what I would do with you at my service." Another tease, her eyes lighting up in amusement. "Perhaps we should find somewhere to tuck ourselves away, dear Sliabh..." How could she be so fortunate to have found someone so pleasant with whom to come to such a calm arrangement? Truly there was a more powerful paw at work here...there had to be, "I think I may know somewhere we could go."

A low, husky purr rumbled through his chest, a sound that was more felt than heard as the pair stood entwined. The purr became a deep chuckle at her teasing, his tongue sliding forth to lav her ear affectionately. "I think that sounds like a very good idea..." Letting her move away from him, if reluctantly, he turned and fell into step beside her, letting his black and blue toned body brush against her own slim form with each step.

She laughed, and let her own tongue brush against his ear in turn. Making her way past him, she trotted towards a small cave she'd found once in her wanderings. It was enough to accommodate them, and Ruoho was grateful for it. It meant that they would have true one would walk in on them, thank the gods. "Keep up, Sliabh~."

Letting himself linger just to watch her sleek form in action, her comment tossed back at him pulled a full laugh form the big male, a sound rich and full of warmth. "Certainly not, Ruoho..." Grinning he followed, ducking into the cave behind her.

Ah, the night would be sweet, and the company was welcome. Ruoho led him to the small spot where she'd once slept, and with a smile, she found herself content. Cubs...Here was to hoping.

Word Count: 1265