Name: Forget
Nicknames: Forge
Gender: Female
Age: 15

Faction: Ghost
Race: Kludde (other sources)

Natural Ability: Shapeshift - Forget transforms into a large nasty black bird that is glowing with blue flames.

Personality: Forget is full of so much anger but is not sure why. She tries very hard to channel her strong feelings into more productive tasks but at times it can consume her.

She counters her fury with an affinity towards nature and often seeks dark forests to adventure (but really take lazy naps) in.

She is still trying to find herself as a newly formed fear being, and for this she seems a bit wobbly-legged and uncertain at times.

Despite her new halloweener smell, she is very observant and learns fast.

She is for the most part very quiet and stoic.

Why are they enrolled in Amityville Academy? Forget feels lost and confused with an anger that desperately needs to be managed. She is desperate for guidance, with a mind wide open to learning. She is also lonely and desires the presence of others and the familiarity that goes with it to strengthen her further.

FEAR Ability: Go for the Throat (Battle Cry) - Forget hones her rage and may strike more efficiently.

Physical Description:

Eye Colour: pale blue, sometimes with a blue flame-like glow
Hair Colour/Style: Very long black curls
Skin Colour: Pale greyish purple w/ various areas of blue such as gums, arms are darker in colour
Clothing Style/Colours: she dresses similarly to a Victorian man, always has chains draped around her throat
Extra: Long pointed ears, fanged teeth, leathery wings, thick black furred bob-tail, blue flame like outline.
References: These are all off google and not my art or my specific character, just points of reference;
- example of how I imagine bird form and the blue flame effect
- amazing example of what a Kludde in general looks like