Misto woke early, she had spent the night in the forested home of a leopard she had met the day before. His name had been Sanii and once she had gotten to know him he had been a perfectly pleasant leopard, despite his outwardly nervous appearance.

Once she had gotten into the colony she learned that part of the reason for his nervousness was that there had been a recent attack on one of their colony members, Misto was understanding of the fact that that would put just about anybody on edge. She was just happy that they had allowed her to stay the night and that they didn't deem her a threat. She wasn't sure who could ever deem her as a threat Misto was kind and quiet though she did enjoy a good run.

Sanii, as always, was an uneasy sleeper. He often spent days and days awake, and tonight was no different. He often spent time gazing into the shadows, searching for movement in the night. He wasn't quite sure what he would do if a threat did happen to cross him, but at least he would be aware of it. Despite his tense shakiness, he still managed to rest a bit, taking a nap somewhere past the moon's peak in the sky.

When the morning came though, Misto would be awake. He thought she was nice - kind enough to him at least. She didn't make him shake too much anymore after they had spoken to one another. "Good Morning." he greeted softly, a slight hesitant note to his voice.

Misto turned and smiled at the leopard who was previously filling her thoughts.She was happy to see him this morning, specialy since it meant she wouldn't have to go looking through the colony for him.

"Good morning." she said in return rising to her feet. "Did you have a good sleep?" she asked, he didn't look especially well rested, but she figured it was the polite thing to ask someone first thing in the morning.

She wasn't sure what the protcol was, if he would shoo her from the colony now that it was light out.

Sanii gave her a small smile, near unwilling to answer the question. The frightfulness he had for the dark was developed in his cubhood, after all. He rarely slept at any age. "It was f-fine," he murmured. "Did you?" He asked instead, trying to divert the attention back to her.

"W-would you liek to wa-walk with me for a bit," he asked rather nervously. "I have to c-collect a few th-things for a project..." It wasn't a lie - she did dstract him from collecting things outside the lands after all, but he still needed a few things from within the lands as well - he definitely needed more feathers. He hummed as he compiled a list in his head.

"I slept very well thank you." she told him with a kind smile. She noticed that he had shifted the question back onto her rahter quickly but decided not to think to much of it.

"I would love to take a walk around. I was actually going to ask you for a little tour so I am glad that you offerend." she tried to shake out her fur the best that she could, she was worried that she looked ruffled and out of sorts, she licked her paw and ran it through the hair on her face a few times before coming towards him.

"What is on your list I will help you look as we go." she told him.

The leopard was quite pleased when Misto didn't say anything about the diversion. He nodded though, turning towards a direction he had last noted a flock of birds. "Um, some feathers wouldn't be bad," He told her. "Something to tie them with, I guess." The feathers were most important, either way.

He headed in that direction, pausing until she followed him before setting a rather sedate pace. If he was on his own, he'd have taken to the trees, but he didn't know her skills in climbing - cheetahs couldn't climb right? At least Ardhira'i's children't weren't the best at it before they left to live with their father.


Misto followed Sanii keeping his pace quite easily. She didn't feel a need to fill the silence with random chatter, she found herself happy to just stroll along keeping her eyes open for feathers a long the way. She assumed that with all the trees in the area there must be a great deal of birds in the area.

As she watched she marvled at the leopards she saw up in the trees, leaping from one tree to the next as if they were on the ground the whole time.

Suddenly she stopped, "Hey here is one." she said as she scooped up a feather. It was just a small one but a very pretty purple color. She moved toward Sanii holding it out as an offering to him.

Sanii was searching for feathers as well, his eyes darting between places. The morning was often the busiest time for the pride, everyone bustling about in their normal routines above them as they walked. He greeted a few with a sound as well, but since he often stuck to himself, it was far inbetween.

His attention turned back to Misto when he head her speak. He looked down at the feather. "It's pretty, thank you," he told her very seriously. He rolled over the look of it in his head, and tryied to figure out what to do with it before he finally figured it out!

"I know exactly what to do with it," he nodded to himself, huffing out a breath as he tried to remember some of the other things he had and could make his idea with.

Misto beamed pleased that she seemed to have found something that made Sanii truly happy. It made her inexplicably happy.

"Perfect I am glad you can use it." she said with a grin. She was pretty happy with herself but she felt like she might be slowing him down.

"I am a little tired still maybe I should go back to the den while you keep up your search. I will meet you back there okay?" She figured the male would be happy to have some time to himself.

Sanii nodded, smiling at her as she turned back to the den. He'd have a little time at least. "See you soon," he told her, cheerfully. He just had to go collect a few things, and he'd be able to start. Some more ideas rolled over in his head, and he went to go start his project.