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Reply [IC] Jini-msemi Lands [IC]
[PRP] Oh s**t (Uongo/Tiela/Suzume/Jai)

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Painted Moose

Dapper Codger

PostPosted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 1:17 pm
It seemed as if Uongo as never going to catch a break. Only a few short while ago his cubs had grown to adolescence, so he thought to have some alone time with his mates, but then his mother had returned bearing her own cubs. The circumstances were...less than desirable. He couldn't hate the cubs, but he could hate their father.

Still, these were his siblings, and he loved them. Most days when he wasn't working he would take a few back home with him to ease the burden on his parents. Today it was just one, but that one had enough energy for an army!

He walked further up the mountain, carrying his brother when the path became too steep, and stopped near a little watering hole. It was barely big enough for a drink, but the water was fresh.

Tiela dunked his head into the water with a relieved sigh. Even if it was cooler in the mountains he was still too warm for comfort. And big brother walked too fast! His little legs were sore just trying to keep up.

When he surfaced he licked his lips, turning his head around to view the surroundings in a wide arc. He had never been to this part of the pride before. it was slightly...scary, but mostly exciting. The little one brushed his mane out with a fat paw. Maybe big brother would even stop here for a while! So they could explore, of course, not like he needed a rest or anything.
PostPosted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 1:45 pm

Suzume knew the mountain paths by heart and could easily run through hte paths if she wanted. The little one with her, however, stumbled around on the loose rocks with the grace of a three legged gazelle. "If you hurt yourself Jai I warned you." The lioness shook her head sternly, but her gaze was truly gentle as she kept an eye on her cub. The little one had been determined to follow her so she had taken him for the day up into the mountains with her.

"Are you thirsty?"

Jai nodded slowly and Suzume smiled, "Alright then." Leading him a bit further the lioness nearly stumbled as she noticed others at the small watering hole. Another lion was up here from the pride? With a little one as well...she flushed though before chastising him considering the small paws that hopped around her and towards the water.

Staring from around his mother's legs Jai just tilted his head towards the other male cub. Who was this?

Painted Moose

Sabra Knight

Feral Galaxy

Painted Moose

Dapper Codger

PostPosted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 2:19 pm
Sabra Knight
What does Jai look like?

Tiela dipped down for another gurgling drink before looking up. While his brother was busy cleaning dust and grime from his mane, the little one had been able to see a lioness and another cub approach. He tilted his head to the side in wonder, almost mimicking the other. Looking to his brother, he grinned and started off to approach the pair, though he only had eyes for the younger cub.

"Hi! I'm Tiela and I've never seen you 'efore." He twisted his head so he could see around Suzume's legs. "'ow come yous hidin'?"

Noticing his brother leaving his side, Uongo looked to find a pair joining them. Then he immediately recognized the lioness, and internally groaned. He might have even felt his stomach churn. It was that same damn lioness, "Suzume, was it?" His eyes drifted to the boy at her paws, and slowly he showed a s**t eating grin. "Seems my earlier predictions came true. Though I didn't expect you to become a mother so fast."

There was something familiar about that boy, though. He couldn't see the cub clearly, with both Suzume's legs and Tiela in the way, but....

"Whose the lucky donor?" He was a little brisk and rude, but it was part of his nature. There was a teasing there to mask the seriousness. Who was the father?
PostPosted: Tue Jan 06, 2015 4:35 pm
Painted Moose
I'm going to try my hardest to keep replying to this but I apologize for crappiness, got terribly sick today and just now kinda can function.

Jai just stared as the other cub came towards them. What was going on? How was he supposed to act now? Shyly he looked around as if hoping his twin sister would come from the air around him, but in defeat finally nodded towards Tiela. He was alone today..and so talking was left to him.

"I've ne-never seen you either." He blinked slowly at the question, "Momma said not to be too bold 'round strangers..." Quietly though he slipped out more into the open, "How come you guys are here?" Wasn't this area supposed to be dangerous for cubs? He had to fight with his momma to get this far today.

Suzume flushed as soon as the lion registered in her memories. Out of all things to run into him here...the lioness shook her head, "Uongo right?" She frowned at his grin, "Things can change....But didn't expect you to suddenly become a father again so fast." She turned her gaze slowly from him to hide the twitch in her eye. Her becoming a mother was not a part of the plan! But that was before she had met Drury...with him a lot of things had changed. Including her mountain solitude.

"The father?" Suzume looked away sheepishly, "Does it matter who the father is to ya?" Her claws dug lightly into the ground. If only the father was with her so she could hide her own head like her little one liked doing.

Sabra Knight

Feral Galaxy

Painted Moose

Dapper Codger

PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 12:06 pm
Sabra Knight
Take your time and chill. Also, I'm guessing you quoted my previous post, since part of Uongo's is in Suzume's lol.

"Are you sick or somethin?" Was that how come he wasn't talkin' so much? Or was he so little he couldn't? Tiela stuck his tongue out, licked his nose and gave the most serious expression while doing it. A charmer through and through. "Well, if yous my fwiend then I'm nots a stranger, right? So whats your name, so I don't gotta call you brownie."

When the cub finally slipped out Tiela smiled. "Cuz my big brother brought me. He's a Gur-de-anne so he's not a scared of big places." Tiela stood proud, puffing out his chest as much as he could without falling flat on his face. "Oh oh OH! You got em! You got wings and I gots em too." He moved around so that the other could see his back, waggling his brows. "But mines look like a bat."

"What, him?" Uongo only chuckled. "He's my little brother. My parents split a long time ago, and mother...she went elsewhere." Even as he said it so flippantly, his jaw tightened. Things with his parents were so tense right now he could cut the air with a claw.

Looking over the boy that had appeared around her legs, Uongo couldn't hide his surprise. Those tail stripes...those wings...He grit his teeth and looked back to Suzume with a hard, serious glare. "Yes, it does, actually. Once you take into consideration that your son looks like my Uncle that has now gone missing."

He took a deep breath, and shook his head. "Look, I know we're not on the best of terms, but if...if you know where Drury is..."
PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 4:47 pm
Painted Moose
I would blame being sick, but we all know I'm a derp. xD Fixed it!

Jai shook his head quickly. He wasn't sick at all! It was just that...talking wasn't much of his thing. Looked like this other cub definitely made up for it though, "Friends? Are we friends already?" He blinked in surprise, "Jai. Who are chu?"

When the cub finally slipped out Tiela smiled. "Cuz my big brother brought me. He's a Gur-de-anne so he's not a scared of big places." Tiela stood proud, puffing out his chest as much as he could without falling flat on his face. "Oh oh OH! You got em! You got wings and I gots em too." He moved around so that the other could see his back, waggling his brows. "But mines look like a bat."

"Oooh." Jai nodded, "Momma isn't a gur-de-anne....I dun think. She's part of the air though or somethin'." His momma could easily dance these paths and it always amazed him to see how dangerously close she looked to flying away from them. The wings started him and Jai had to stare intently, "Mine's...a bird, but yours is a ba-baht?" He wrinkled his nose, "I'm not unique though cause Tai -n- daddy has 'em too..."

"Ah gotcha." At the mention of his mother Suzume looked up, "So no word on your mother?" She bit the inside of her cheek. She had kept an eye out as promised, but nothing...it was really disheartening not being able to help.

"Your uncle?" Suzume blinked in confusion, "But Drury isn't missing....and wait....your uncle?" She took a step back, "Are we both talkin' about Drury here?" Oh they were. He was looking for Drury then...Suzume shrugged. Surely it wasn't the worst situation in the world and if Drury was hiding for a reason wouldn't he have told her?

"He's been with me around in the mountains and such." She flushed lightly, "I guess I've been kinda keeping him busy....cubs and all you know."

Sabra Knight

Feral Galaxy

Painted Moose

Dapper Codger

PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 7:43 pm
Sabra Knight
I texted it to you, but you derped again!

"I guess so. Aren't ya 'upposed to be nice and make friends with strangers? If they ain't gonna hurt ya and I'm not gonna hurt ya." Tiela just quirked his brow and looked at the other boy. Wow, he sure was stupid! He didn't know nothin', but it was okay. Tiela was a nice boy, so he would just have to share the things he had been taught. That's what friends did!

"The air...?" That didn't sound right. Only birds were part of the air! Well, the birds and Mama Asali. Maybe she was like Mama Asali...? Tiela would have to ask his brother later. "Yeah, momma says they are small furry bird things. With wings like mine. Lots of my sibwings gots wings too, some kind like yours."

"He spoke a lot of leaving the pride, and when I couldn't find him I had assumed..." Uongo shook his head. Of course the one place he wouldn't have thought to look for his celibate Uncle..."He is my father's younger half-brother. If your Drury has a red mane, dusky blue fur, white wings and some stripes on his tail then that's the same Drury."

It made him happy to see his Uncle had settled down. A little forewarning might have been nice, to have his plans cleared up, would have been nice! And his choice of female...was odd, but she seemed to be a decent enough mother, and her heart was in the right place. "Please," He chuckled, "Do not go into your sexual history with me. I don't need to know what he's been up to."

Looking to his brother, he nodded his head, motioning to her that they needed some space between their talk and the cubs. When he had the distance he needed, Uongo whispered, "Mother returned after seven months. She is...she is different. Only my father really knows what happened to her. She was very pregnant, and the only male she would let around her was my father. I..well, she didn't even want her sons around."

It was beyond hard to be rejected by your mother, but Uongo was trying to be as understanding as he could be. "She is recovering...slowly, but I try to take my siblings as often as I have time to give them space."
PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 8:02 pm
Painted Moose
The derp is real!

"But you don't know if they're going to hurt you at first glance..." Jai shook his head. Did the cub really not realize that some strangers didn't give you a chance to make friends? They didn't always want friends, "Still though I guess since we aren't gonna hurt each other it's kay to be friends." He smiled lightly.

Jai nodded, "Yep, the air and wind." Still though at the wing talk he had to look closely at Tiela's, "Similar ones but diff?" Maybe wing markings were common? He flushed lightly. There was still a lot the young cub didn't know even about the pride around him.

"He did want to leave at some point, but I suppose I kinda changed his mind." Suzume flushed. Of course Drury had said he had relatives in the pride, but she had never expected his ties with Uongo. How odd that two relatives could be so different at times, "That's definitely Drury then." She smiled lightly, "So no worries. He's not too hard to find around here." Biting her lip to keep back retorts Suzume only flushed harder at the sexual comments. Did he really have to bring up such things?

Blinking Suzume followed Uongo a bit away from their little ones. Still the mother made certain that Jai was always at the edge of her gaze even if the cubs couldn't hear them anymore, "Different?" Her gaze grew gentle, "So the father...came from the rogue lands..." There were so many possibilities of what could have happened to the other lioness whether good or bad. "At least she is home now where her family can help her. Perhaps after being home for a bit she'll start recovering and be more at ease. I'm certain the rogue lands were no haven for her."

She smiled softly, "I'm sure she meant no harm, but sometimes when in shock it's hard for a lioness to open up even to her family. I'm glad at least that she trusts your father enough to help get her from that shell." At the mention of his siblings the lioness glanced back towards the boys, "That's very nice of you." Surprising he could be considerate was the slight tease that nearly slipped her voice, "But I'm sure that helps her a lot. Only time will tell exactly how your mother will heal and move on." Hopefully it would become okay soon. Suzume herself understood how family could sometimes be one's best remedy.

Sabra Knight

Feral Galaxy

Painted Moose

Dapper Codger

PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 8:37 pm
Sabra Knight

"Yeah, but you're smaller than me, so if you tried to hurt me I could just sit on you." Tiela nodded his head. His poor, poor unfortunate friend! "And you were hidin' behind your mama. Scary things don't do that." He had to grin, poking at his little tease. Tiela never hid behind his momma; mostly because she never really talked to him much. His papa said how nice she was a lot and how fragile she was right now, but Tiela just knew that momma didn't want to hug him 'cept on special times.

"Oh yeah, they're lik'a bird, but diff than yours. Like a out bird-" He held his paws out, like an avian in flight, "-and not a close bird like you. Maybe some day you'll see them yourself."

"For once, I think I should thank you." He wanted to tease her, but he had worries on his mind so he settled for a tired grin. Uongo'hatua was a far cry from the haughty boy that had left so many years ago on his pilgrimage. Hell, he was even a long shot from the strong willed male that had returned. Life had a way of sucking that out of you.

He passed a glance over to the cubs, making sure Tiela hadn't gone off on his own, and turned back to Suzume. "...I don't think so. In her nightmares she's talked about caves and lions, so many lions." Uongo shook his head with a sigh. "So maybe it's a pride? I just..have a hard time believing she's the same lioness that raised me. She just wanted to have an adventure, maybe hunt for her sister, and now...now Tiela doesn't get the same mom."

Uongo flexed his claws in the ground and ground his teeth. After a while he had calmed enough to look on to Tiela. The boy knew no different, and was just happy to be alive; something that Uongo envied. "They are sweet, so it helps. One day she will see that. You should tell Drury he is an Uncle again; maybe my father can convince her to let him come around and visit."

Of course, Tiela knew about as much about subtly as a rhinoceros. He turned to his brother and called out, "Hey! 'es got wings too!"

"Tiela, don't scare off your cousin."

When Tiela turned his attention back to Jai, his face was alight, and in fact he gave a whooping little roar before pouncing. "Yer my cousin! A fwiend cousin!"
PostPosted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 9:45 pm
Painted Moose

Jai just blinked at Tiela before slowly nodding. Wasn't it best to just let the other cub think what he wanted? Arguing would take too much energy and the cub wanted to focus more on keeping up with his momma later. Still though a part of his fur bristled. Like he would sit still to let someone sit on him!

The cub was interested in these bat things though...it was odd thinking of something not a bird that would fly too, "But mmk. Hopefully one day."

Suzume grinned, "I'll remember this priceless moment then." Teasing aside she really did worry about Uongo considering she only seemed to see the lion with sighs and frowns on his face. The first meeting and now this...so strange to think that Drury was connected to him as well. Did...that make them family loosely? In a weird way she supposed so.

Caves? To be stuck in darkness for so long...The lioness frowned, "Sounds like a horrible place. Maybe a cave pride that..." She trailed off and shook her head, "As it is I'm just glad to hear that she made it home. I guess her spirit for adventure definitely got its fill." It was true, not every adventure went for the best. She had seen her own share of wrecked lions out there and it wasn't pretty.

"I will definitely pass on the word." Suzume smiled, warmly, "Perhaps the warmth of her cubs will become a medicine for her. That's what I hope." As a mother herself the lioness could see exactly how much light her own family had brought to her own life. Hopefully the same could happen for his mother.

She laughed at Tiela's reaction before turning back to Uongo, "As much as I hate to ruin the boys' meeting I have to go back to Drury now. Don't want him to worry too much about me, but I will pass the word along. Maybe we'll have a day when all the little cousins can meet and play."

Jai froze before wiggling into the pounce. Cousins? He was related to this stranger? Still he didn't have much time to react as his mother turned to lead him away from the trail. The only last moment Jai had was to wave a paw towards Tiela before scurrying down the rocky slope. He definitely had worn himself out for the day and was ready to go snuggle back up at home.


Sabra Knight

Feral Galaxy

[IC] Jini-msemi Lands [IC]

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