User Imagenessiaing: Akay came scampering out of his den. His mother was finally letting him and his siblings out and about unescorted and the orange male was over joyed, he wanted to run and play and be everywhere at once.

Looking about he tried to decide where to go first, he wanted to try the trees out, everyone here travelled by tree and Akay had yet to try them out. He kept walking around looking for a tree with branch low enough for him to jump up into.

Seaki: Sanii was busy. Sort of. The golden leopard was working on a new project - a special one at that - but he had been working on it so long his vision began to swim and he could no longer concentrate. So he decided, of course , to take a break. He yawned, stretching in his sunny spot of the floor of the forest. Perhaps a walk was in order. Once he was far enough from his work spot he would take to the trees but for now he had to get the cramps out of his shoulders and paws. Sanii took a glance around, peaking in th e shadows for abythi by that might want to hurt him before beginning his stroll.

nessiaing: Thinking that he had found a good enough tree with branch low enough the tiny leopard took a running leap at the tree. He managed to reach just the bottom of the branch and he extended his claws trying to cling to the branch. With no avail though he promptly found himself hitting his rump on the ground. He winced, that one hurt... he'd probably be walking funny now.

Sighing the mail pulled himself up again and began his search over again looking for a branch that was lower than the first he had tried. There had to be a branch here somewhere that he could get up on.

Seaki: Sanii, for the most part, kept his ears and eyes open for any threats that may come at him. He didn't totally expect to here a pitter patter of paws and then a thunk. Concerned, the golden leopard made his way towards the sound.

"Hello?" He called out softly, looking for the source, and upon finding a cub, he frowned. "Are you alright, little one?"

nessiaing: Akay turned at the sound of the voice. He was happy to an adult male coming his way. He turend and ran up to the male. It would be clear to anyone looking at him that he was at an awkwards stage of his growth where his feet had grown but the rest of him hadn't quite caught up.

"Hi there mister, hey would you mid if I stood on your back?" he got right to the point, he figured if he stood on the males back he would be able to get into the lowest branch no problem!

User ImageSeaki: Sanii furrowed his brow - stand? On his back. "I'm not sure I should be doing this?" He near squeaked out. He wasn't very good at interating with others - it just wasn't his thing. There were those rare, rare moments where he didn't feel completely awkward, but...

"What do you need to climb up on my back for?" Maybe he could convince the cub it was a bad idea instead, and then he wouldn't risk hurting the little one. He didn't need the ire of any parents on him, and if he remembered correctly, the only cubs born recently where fathered by Arcus.

Sanii gave a small shutter. Arcus was terrifying... He didn't want to get on his bad side.

nessiaing: Akay didn't think that the adult male would try to discourage him at all so he didn't even think twice about telling the adult the truth. "I am tired of travelling on the ground, I want to travel in the trees like everyone else. I just can't seem to reach the branches."

The orange cub turned back towards the tree that he had been trying to jump into. "I tried that tree it was the lowest branch I could find I got a hold of it i just couldn't quite pull myself up into it." It was all sad so matter of factly, Akay really wanted to be in that tree. "If I stood on your back I know that i could get into the tree no trouble."

Seaki: Sanii frowned. It was sort of a good ploy, but Sanii was still concerned. "If you can't pull yourself up, how will you stay up once you're up there?" he tried to convince the cub. It was a bad idea! Completely terrible.

Someone could get hurt. Or worse! He frowned, trying to keep his nerves to a minimum. Perhaps he could go find the little cub's mother. He wouldn't be responsible then...

nessiaing: Akay frowned, "Well you are no help at all then." he pouted. He looked back towards the tree, damn he thought.

"If you can't help me I am sure that I can find someone else who will." Akay said sticking his tounge out at the adult. Without furter ado he took off running away from the male.

He had to find another adult to help him before this first adult told his parents on him. The freedom was great and her didn't want it to get taken away by his mom, his mom worried too much.... so did his dad... yes it was best they didn't find out at all.

Seaki: Sanii frowned at the cub. He wouldn't help though. That would get him into trouble... But, the cub, of course, ran off. Perhaps someone would help the cub, but the golden leopard doubted it. Someone would tell the cub's parent eventually. Maybe not immediately, but he had things to do. If he happened to run across Amaranta, he could tell her, but he shrugged his shoulder before pulling in a shaky breath. After re-ordering his nerves, he puled himself up into the trees. No need to have another encounter with rambuntious cubs today...