Painted Moose
Uongo was beyond nervous. He knew where he stood in his emotions with Kiuma, but her mate was going to be the wild card in all of this. If the two didn’t get along he would have to walk away from her. It wouldn’t be his place to be the force that divided them, but it would sting, never the less.

He looked to her as he walked. His mother hadn’t done Kiuma justice. Looking into her eyes was like looking into the spirit realm itself. There was a lot of knowledge that only came from experience in this lioness, and yet it did not dull her. Was he selfish in wanting to grow as close to her as he could? And yet, there was her mate. If he wasn’t afraid of potentially mating with an older, pregnant lioness, why did a male scare him so much?

“Do you...I mean does he...Does Kule know about me? At all? We’re not just going to surprise him, right?”

The lioness was calm as the pair walked together. She quite enjoyed the company of the younger male so far, but she was a little biased. She wasn't completely sure how Kule would react until she actually got the pair together. She wasn't sure if she wanted to tell the other anything, but she figured she would give him a little mercy.

"He knows a little - of the conversation between your mother and I, and we talked a little," She told the other. It wasn't a lie, either - Kule didn't know a ton. She didn't want to chance anything, at that point. She was worried her even thinking about it would dissolve everything and she would be alone again.

But that hadn't happened. She frowned a bit, a bundle of nerves suddenly gripping her. She took a deep breath, though. "He should be awake by now, we're almost there!" she told him cheerfully.

Painted Moose
“Just a little?” Uongo looked to her, and swallowed a deep breath. This was...honestly scarier than approaching a father. Of course it didn’t help that the image he had begun to paint in his mind of Kule was that of a large, hulking, dark lion with bright red eyes. Kule would chuckled down at him before crushing him with one toe!

“Hey, before we go in...Thanks for not running from my mom. It’s a pretty bold thing we’re doing, and I’m glad you’re trying it out with me. So, even if it doesn’t work out, theres not going to be any hard feelings here.” Of course he wanted the opportunity to make it work, but if it didn't’...he didn’t want her to worry. Kiuma had enough worries.

Kule hadn't quite been sleeping. He woke when Kiuma left. Sometimes she wandered on her own, and that worried him. She was safe though, within the boundaries of the pride. As pregnant as she was, everyone was watching out for her, or at least, everyone he spoke to, he asked. He couldn't always be there for her, as much as he loathed to admit. He hated that most. Still, he yawned as he heard the soft chatter approaching him. He pulled himself up, frowning at the ache he got in his spine as he stretched.

Kiuma, though, took a deep breath. Most of her attention was focused on Uongo. "I'm glad too. We just have to talk with Kule, that's all." She told him. "He's really understanding and open, you'll see!" She promised the other male. Perhaps, even with the two of them only getting along a little...

They could learn, right. She winced. She could never do that to the two males. She glanced over to the spot where Kule was when she left him. "Oh good, you’re up!" She said with cheer, though the happiness was a little forced, making way to the light concern that lilted on her tone.

Painted Moose
There was visible relief on Uongo’s face when he saw that Kule was, indeed, an average lion in appearance. An older lion in much the same way that Kiuma was older than him. It didn’t make much of a difference to him; so long as Kule didn’t start using it as a way to claim senority. Uongo didn’t have the patience for that.

“Hello Kule, my name is Uongo’hatua and I was just walking Kiuma here back home.” He tried to stand tall and proud without seeming too arrogant. It was harder than he thought it would be. “She’s..she’s told me about you.” Should he have said she talked a lot? Ugh, he sucked at small talk.

Kiuma stood nervously somewhere between the two males. She didn't think they'd fight over her or anything, but she didn't want to take chances. Neither really had a right to her - if she wanted to walk away, she could. But, she didn't want to, and leaving would be the hardest thing she'd ever have to do in her life. She didn't want that, and she didn't want that for her children either.

But Kule just smiled, nodding. "I've heard about you too," he stepped a bit closer, getting a better look at the other male in the pale moonlight. "I'm glad she had someone to walk with her." He gave a smile to the both of them. Kiuma returned the smile, her nerves completely lulled into a calm silence.

"He helped me back, I was starting to get tired," she admitted. "The cubs are getting more restless..." She hoped they would be born soon. She was getting too old for such a large litter! She could feel that it would be large, there was no doubt about it.

"You're a Guardian, aren't you? Are you done with your patrol?" Kule asked, suddenly. He gave a glance over to Kiuma before focusing his attention back on Uongo.

Painted Moose
Kiuma’s stance gave Uongo pause. A part of him was concerned for her concern, but the larger part was just comforted by her presence. She was trying to keep the peace, so he would have to present his case as best he could.

“I am a Guardian, yes.” For that he nodded, nothing but pride about his work showing in his voice. “I was on the last stretch of my patrol when I came across Kiuma. I was selfish, though, in my intentions of walking her home.” His eyes went to her and he smiled before turning back to Kule. “I didn’t want to leave her, only to worry over whether she made it back safely or not.”

Kule nodded seriously. "If you're done with your patrol, why don't you come lay with us for a bit," he offered. Kiuma looked at him curiously, but smiled. It was a cold night, and she wouldn't mind the extra warmth at all. She looked over to Uongo to see what his answer would be.

The lioness gave a yawn, suddenly, shaking her head. She was getting quite tired, and she definitely wouldn't mind the extra warmth. Her yawn, though, made hre mate frown, and he would likely fuss over her in a moment once Uongo agreed to sleep with them, or at least lay and talk for a bit.

Painted Moose
He wasn’t sure what he had been expecting, exactly, but it had not been this. Looking between the two, his blue gaze softened and he nodded. “That’s a fine idea, Kule. I think I think I will.” His mother wouldn’t mind the absence; in fact she would probably be over joyed when finding out where he had gone.

Not as if he planned to tell her. She just had a way of knowing.

“Come on, Kiuma, you’ve done enough pacing for one day, don’t you think?” He motioned into their den - possibly his den too. “Try to sleep while you can.” Hopefully the cubs would come soon, and sleep for her even faster.

Kule gave a grin, ushering the pair back to their den. He wasn't quite sure what was going to come of this, but he knew that Kiuma had a large heart capable of loving so much. He wasn't worried about Uongo stealing her or anything. Perhaps this would be nice - but they would talk about it together. If they could work something out, it would be grand.

Kiuma, on the other hand, was just extremely pleased. She waddled her way into the warmth of the den, which was still warm from when Kule was within it moments before. "I'm exhausted," she complained, a slight whine pulling from her throat. She couldn't wait until these cubs came - she would be so pleased,though she had no doubt she would be a lot more exhausted when that happened.

But it would be worth it.