Seiki dropped the carving, again, this time not looking down at it as his mouth hung open. Yofiel’s home was absolutely adorable. Vines, flowers and pelts all over the place. He could envision his own handmade items scattered across the room. It smelled homey, and definitely like her. “You have no mate either, Yofiel?” He had not only answered her previous question, but showed her that he might have a slight interest in her.
“Your home… it is beautiful.” Smiling he wandered past the lioness and started looking around, getting a sense of who the lioness was from her home surroundings.

Yofiel let the male explore her den. It was a bit cluttered, but things were fairly organized. Pelts were stacked, vines were hung up, flowers put up to dry etc. There was just so much of it. "I did once, but not anymore." The lioness blushed a little. It was a horribly boring story or so she told herself. She focused instead on the second part of what the male said. "Thank you... I like to think it is a bit cluttered, but lived in."

Eyes glittering, Seiki retorted, “Not cluttered, loved.” Wandering over to the pelts he gently brushed his paw over the fur, feeling for quality. They were absolutely brilliant. What luck he had, she was so fantastic. He would have to make her a scarf…. And a shawl.
“This will make beautiful shawls and scarfs. Even bedding.” Staring at the items for a little longer he looked up at Yofiel. “I too had a mate, with time we became strangers again. I guess it wasn’t meant to be…” Wandering past her towards his carving, he carefully pick it up and placed it gingerly near some of the drying herbs.
“A gift for you, miss Yofiel.”

Yofiel looked over everything, remembering her cubs and stepcubs and how the war had made her almost strangers to some of them. "I do not even know if I would know my mate if I saw him again. We were seperated by a war... even some of my cubs and his cubs were taken in the fighting. This place is much more peaceful." She smiled at his praise of the things she gathered. "I have accused of having a taste for fine things... I... thank you." She picked up the carving and put it up with the few things she had that were hers to keep, including some necklaces made for her by the daughter of a childhood friend that was a wandering rogue.

Frowning deeply, Seiki wandered over to Yofiel and placed a paw on her shoulder. “You are very strong. I would forever be tormented from the loss of my family like that.” Looking outside he took a deep breath, it really was peaceful here. Perhaps it would be a good idea for him to live here. He would have to think on it more.
“There is nothing wrong with enjoying finer quality items. I do myself.” Watching her place the carving with other things, he smiled happily. “Special items I assume?”

"Yes... the necklaces were made by the daughter of an old friend... and my veil and cape net was a gift given to me in my old pride when I mated." Yofiel takes it off carefully and hangs the mesh work up with the other things. She motions with one paw to all the various things around. She certainly wanted the crafter to take whatever he could use. She looked around and spied a basket with feathers in it. It was only a few blue and black ones, but at least there were some left. "Ah, I knew I had some feathers left. Take anything you can use... and if you aren't sticking around, let me know, I'll keep gathering things for when you come back."

Beaming with life, Seiki took a closer look at the precious items that have been gifted to Yofiel, smiling wider with each one. Everything was so beautifully crafted with care, she was obviously loved by many. “You are obviously cherished.” Wandering over to her again he looked at the feathers she was speaking of with her. They were brilliant!

“I can make many different items out of these. I love the colors as well, black and blue… mmm…. I shall make you something special m’dear.” Looking back at the pelts he made a frown. He couldn’t carry all this. Perhaps she could let him stay?
“I have a problem. There is so much stuff to carry and only myself to carry it. May I stay with you and create lovely works? Or…. Maybe you could accompany me to my home?”

"I do my best to be a lioness worth loving." Yofiel smiled to herself and then looked at the male again. He was handsome, and there was a lot she was liking about him. It was a shame she did not have more time to get to know him. "You do not need to make me anything. I am just glad you can use them." She chuckled and shook her head. He was insistent, wasn't he? "Hmm, that does create a problem... I can only let you stay a short time as an outsider visiting... and there is so much I don’t' know if I can be much help carrying it all."

“From just this short time together I believe you are.” Smiling gently back at Yofiel in a reassuring way, Seiki wandered over to the pelts again. So many, but he wanted to make something now. Right now. His muse was nearly attacking him, requesting that he use all his energy to make something worthwhile. “My muse is calling to me, telling me to make something magnificent right now. If it is alright, I will stay for a little while, until I am allowed no more, then, perhaps the items to carry will have decreased some and you can come with for a short jot to my humble abode.
Picking up the white pelts from the pile, Seiki grabbed his satchel, acquiring thread and needle. “Yofiel, I am going to make you the most comfortable bedding you have ever laid on. I will just need dried leaves and grasses.” Eyes twinkling he became increasingly giddy. “I can’t wait for you to see what I have inside my mind.”

Yofiel tilted her head to the side wondering what the male could have in mind. He was so sweet, but he really should not be sending so much time on things for her. Oh well, she could not stop him, espeically if he was being attacked by his muse. I would not mind the company." And if anybody protested his being in the High Class section, she would say she brought him in to have cubs or something. Let them talk about her flinging or such. She was not sure she cared what the other nobles thought. The lioness looked over at the furs. "If you say so. I will get you some dried leaves and grasses, I know where to get some." She trotted off to get said items. She was not at all worried about leaving the male alone in her den.