
Seema made her way back to where her and Timeus were staying. She wondered how far Labi and Ak-kila had gone since she saw them. Timeus would be speechless if she told him that Aureo was alive. Knowing her mate, they would go on a search to find him.

In the end, finding Aureo would just mean causing more pain for him. After everything Aureo had to go through, the last thing she wanted was for Timeus to go looking for Aureo. He wouldn't rest easily until he saw his son again. She knew that she was doing Timeus a disfavor by now telling him. His grief over Aureo's death had only increased over the years. He had convinced himself that he was solely at fault for the death. She did her best to comfort him, but in the end, she agreed with him that it was indeed his fault.

If what Labi told her was true about Aureo, then he must have finally found happiness. She could only imagine how devastated he would be if they ever entered his life again. Someday if she could get away from Timeus for a long period of time, she would seek out her son and just tell him how much she missed him.

As she neared their mack shift den, she could see Timeus sleeping soundly in it. Instead of joining him, she decided to go on a hunt so that when he woke up there would be fresh meat for him to eat. It would make it easier on her that way. She knew she would feel a tinge of guilt when she saw him. There was a herd of gazelle not far from where they rested.

She quietly stalked them. It was hard to focus on hunting when her thought kept going back to Labi and Aureo. She couldn't help but wonder if it wouldn't be a bad idea just to leave Timeus and see her son. There was once a time when an idea like that seemed ridicules, but he had changed and so had she.

The gazelle hadn't spotted her as she stayed close to the ground getting closer to him inch by inch.

She knew that in the end that she couldn't leave Timeus. Part of her felt guilty about not being there for him. He had to seek help else where and that led him to Ferskja. Which led to her having Timeus' cub.

With a quick pounce she landed on the lone gazelle, killing it before it could move. The rest of the herd scurried away. She grabbed a hold of the gazelle and started dragging it back to her den.

Someday she would see her son again, she thought. Eventually she would be able to tell Timeus that Aureo was alive and had cubs. When that day came she would tell him carefully to make sure he wouldn't do anything rash.

Inside the den Timeus was still laying down, though his eyes were open. “Anything interesting happen while I was asleep?” He asked sleepily.

Seema set down the gazelle in front of her. “Not a thing.”

WC: 522