There wasn’t a lot of moonlight to travel by that night. The girls had been walking for a long time without really finding a good spot to stay for the night, or a true reason to stop at all. Each time one would find an appropriate spot, they would just look at each other and go on. They had cat napped most of the day away, so the night was theirs.

Jolteon’s pace was a fast gallop. Her legs craved a real run, but Velsi would never be able to keep up. She looked back to the pale lion with a little sigh. Her traveling companion had needed someone to teach her the ropes of solitary rogue life, and Jolteon had needed someone to talk to. For a temporary truce it worked out fine, but how long would she be able to handle the mouth on that one? “Ready to call it in?” She teased.

Velsi, being a lioness, was trying her best to keep up. She was tired, but not sleepy. Even being as slender as she was there was no way she could keep up with an experienced runner. She snorted and shook her head. “As if, old woman. Keep it up, already! You’ll get yours one day.” That was just how it worked; when one wasn’t teasing the other would start, and it made things easier on Velsi. It made her forget her family and the pain of leaving them behind.

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Mihika found herself wandering along the edges of the area that she had claimed along with her family. It was hard sleeping so late when you noticed the weariness in one's mate and were realizing that the freedom you loved so dearly was what you had to sacrifice for the one you loved. It still bothered the leopardess that she couldn't teach him the love of the world around them, of the freedom in the roguelands that she felt, but she knew it was too strange and different. Having a pride to call home meant everything to Obadias and the leopardess was certain to find one for them soon. His happiness after all was her happiness.

Her thoughts, however, quickly went into defense as she spotted two forms along her night walk. Who would be out here so late? Gaze narrowing the leopardess braced her body for a fight before surprise lit her features instead. Was that...cheetah...no, there was no way. That was so long ago. Yet she couldn't help but to ask, "Jolteon?"

The older cheetah padded her way along, grinning madly at her huffy little companion when she turned to see another figure in the night. It wasn’t such an unexpected thing in the rogue lands, but as she closed in on the frame her eyes widened. “Mihika? Gods alive, it is you, isn’t it?” She sped up to approach the leopard with a large, surprised smile. “I thought you had joined a pride. What are you doing out here? And on your own, no less?” Worry crossed her face. If she was alone, surely something bad couldn’t have happened…right?

“Oh don’t mind me, I’m just going to curl up over here and die!” Velsi called out, rushing as much as she could to catch up. She was wheezing by the time she made it to the other females, head dipped down as a pain rested in her side. Either Jolteon was going to help her find a pride to settle in, or kill her first! When she looked up, she passed a look at the cheetah before turning towards the leopardess. “Are you…are…Gods.” Velsi tried to take a deep breath, but it came out too hurried.

Jolteon snorted and reached out to tap the lioness on the back a few times. “Come on girl, you’re younger than me, get your head in the game.”

“Younger…but not…a ******** cheetah…s**t.”

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Oh gods it really was Jolteon! Grinning Mihika raced to catch up with the cheetah as well, "It is me! And it is you!" The leopardess waved her tail behind her playfully, "How in the world we met out here I don't know, but it's good to see you again." She paused at the sudden flurry of questions before quickly shaking her head, "It's alright. The pride...had a bit of a breakdown and was destroyed, but I'm alright along with my family."

"I just tend to walk a bit further out some nights." She smiled, "But no worries I'm still attached to a lion's side. I have to protect him after all~"

As the lioness appraoched Mihika raised an eyebrow, "A new companion?" She laughed quietly at the reaction, "You should know traveling with Jolteon requires a lot of speed." She remembered racing back in the day...she wondered if she still had that much energy in her. Maybe that race was how she lost some of her speed with how fast she had pushed herself. Laughing at the thought Mihika just shook her head, "So what brings you out here with your new...friend?"

“Divine intervention, maybe? If you believe in that sort of thing.” She chuckled. Her indigo eyes were lighter than last they had met, and her fur had a grey tint, but Jolteon was still the same go getter eager to meet a good friend. Although, a breakdown in her pride? She wished they had met again on better circumstances. Sighing, she shook her head. “Problem with prides, that. One minute they’re the strongest in the land and then next-“ She made a pop with her mouth, and shrugged. “It’s why I prefer rogue life. Easier that way.”

Velsi rotated her shoulders as her breathing started to even out. When she thought she could hold her own, the pale lioness stood up to her full height and smiled. “Temporary companion. Traveling buddy, really.” They were friendly enough, yeah, but it was nothing Velsi could keep up with for the rest of her life.

“Like that lion of yours, hmm? Is he a mate, or an experiment in size difference.” Jolteon smiled, teasing endlessly. She was really on a roll tonight! “My cubs are all grown, three litters, if you can believe it, and I wanted to explore. Then I met this one, and it was just easier to have company. She wants to settle down somewhere though, so we’ve been pride hugging, hoping to chat with some guards.”

Velsi just hoped they found one soon. Her paws were beginning to callous. “I don’t know how you two do it. Just sleeping out here gives me the heebee jeebees.” She shivered. “I could never really live out in the wilds.”

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Mihika nodded, "I definitely understand that. It's easier to stand strongly on your own rather than relying on a system that can break at any second." She just shook her head. Too bad her love couldn't see that. He was trying bless him, but it was so obvious that he was still uncomfortable out here.

"Gotcha." Mihika had to stiffle the laughter from the lioness. She really did seem to be worn down from such a run. How long would she have survived out here without Jolteon? Silly lions...

Flushing Mihika blinked, "A mate." She looked away sheepishly, "A dear mate that definitely is a bit taller than me though." The leopardess waved her paw in the air, "More body warmth to cuddle at night." When she wasn't sharing it that was. But she definitely was not going to let Jolteon find out about the strangeness of the old harem pride. What female would be totally at ease with sharing her mate? Such weird ways.

"Three?" Mihika shook her head, "Two was plenty for me, but they're grown as well." She smiled, "So pride hunting for the lioness? I wish I knew of some to help you. The best of luck though."

"You're missing out." THe leopardess shook her head, "Living out here in the wilds is truly the best life there is. Nothing to hold you down and nothing to stop you from living your life the way you want~"

To a point Jolteon understood Mihika’s frustrations. If she had ever truly met a male worth falling in love with then she would have been tempted to settle, yet it wasn’t truly her style. She could never understand that kind of love. “Ah, so there is a…difference.” Jolteon paused to grin with a little laugh. “I’m happy for you, Mihika. You deserve to find happiness. Even if it is with a lion.” She herself had never been tempted by them, but she supposed some would have their own appeal.

“My first was a litter of eight, as terrifying as that was.” Jolteon exhaled on a huff. Her body still ached from the effort of carrying so many! “The last two only bore a single cub a piece, so it was a breeze.” She waved her paw.

Velsi just shook her head. Two litters? Three?! Gods above, she couldn’t imagine herself with one, let alone so many. Maybe once she found herself a mate. Even then she would need a lot of coaxing to approach the idea.

“My parents are living in the wilds now, and I was raised here. My brothers, though, they were born in a pride and most have sought others to call home. “ The lioness explained. “The way that they talked made it all seem so wonderful. That constant community, the press of bodies…As my family gets older, they spread out, and I don’t….do well on my own.” She admitted with a sigh. Velsi had always feared being alone, and if she didn’t act fast she might very well end up that way. At least now she had Jolteon.

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Mihika chuckled, "you make them sound so terrible." Shaking her head teasingly the leopardess just smiled. At one point she was with Jolteon in the anti-lion movement. None had ever appealed to her before Obadias...but that cub meeting had definitely been a life changer. Someone that you just couldn't get out of your mind...that was her lion. Always there in her heart no matter what.

"No thank you." Mihika shook her head again, "I wouldn't dare bare so many though I was close! Six for each~"

Listening to the lioness melted Mihika's heart, "I can understand then. You're a lot like my mate. He feels like a pride is a community that creates a family and a circle of protection for you. To each their own. If that's where your heart feels the most comfort then go for it." The leopardess smiled, "I just hope you find a hom ethat gives you all you want there. I know several prides can be the best havens for some."

Jolteon chortled. “Aren’t they though? Oh my dear, males of course, not lions.” She shook her head, turning the conversation on a head. There was no way in the seven planes that Jolteon could stand a male’s company for that long. Well, beyond Jirachi, but he was so simple that he truly didn’t count. He counted enough to sire a daughter. She nodded to herself. Touche.

There was a cord struck within Velsi. Her heart felt a little lighter talking to the leopardess. “Thank you for saying that. It makes me feel better knowing that I’m not alone, though I’m sorry your mate had to lose his pride. It must have been a hard adjustment for him.” She knew the struggles. Although she didn’t deal with it herself, her older brothers had. Velsi’s parents had been rogue born, so for them it was just a change of scenery, but her brothers…they had been heartbroken for most of her youth. “You are sweet to say that, Mihika.”

“Why don’t you take me to meet this mate, hmm? I’d like to see him before we leave. I’m sure he’s an impressive one, to have captured your attention.”

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Mihika chuckled, "Mmmhmm." Having a female companion had always been easier on her and a part of the leopardess missed those old days of hunting and racing. Back then it was like she had little cares in the world, but now she not only had a mate but a whole family to worry and care for. How life changes is still a surprise to me.

Nodding the leopardess sighed quietly, "It was, but he's tough and he knows he has family even out here that still remain for him. If not then at least he can rely on me to be there." Always and forever. She winked at the lioness, "I found that if you just relax sometimes a place will come to you. Just let your paws take you there and your heart will know~"

Flushing at the sudden suggestion Mihika froze, "Maybe if you wish? But it might take you out of your way." She smiled, "Either way I'll leave it to you. As is I need to head back before my mate worries." Turning she waved her tail towards them, "If I see you then I see you, if not then best of luck~!"

Teasingly as always she slipped away into the night.

The two females looked at each other, and followed after the leopardess into the night. Jolteon, who wished to meet the lion in question, and Velsi, who hoped to have a decent rest.

(WC: 2221)