There was a soft moon out that night. It painted the grass lands in wonderful hues of blue and purple, even some shades of green as it filtered through the watering hole. Velsi hadn’t been away from her family for very long at all, and was beginning to miss them. Her father’s sweet heart, her mother’s singing, even her brothers with all their teasing…It was a hard thing to break off on one’s own, and she had never realized just how hard it would be until now.

Sighing, she slipped into the cool water and shivered. This late at night even the slightest hint of a chill seemed to double in the water. Still, it wasn’t occupied and she needed a dip. Maybe she could just become a fish while she was at it; fish seemed to have it too easy, anyway.

Though he loved sleeping in the nice cozy cave with his mate, he did sometimes need a stroll. His darling daughters had long since grown and moved on, so it was just the two of them. He often wondered if having more cubs would be a good idea. Maybe they should find a pride to join first, or start their own back up? Or maybe-

His thoughts were interrupted by some gentle splashing nearby. It was too large to be a fish, and it seemed too cold out for a swim. Curious, he padded through the tall grass to reach the watering hold, eyes widening with surprise. "Pardon my intrusion, but are you alright?" What was she doing swimming in such chilled water at night?

Turning her head sharply, Velsi looked up at the strange lion and felt her cheeks darken. “I-I wasn’t aware there was anyone else around.” Her brother would have strangled her for her lax measures, but Velsi had been too busy to care. Now she had her ears folded down and a pout on her face. “Don’t I look alright? I’m breathing, aren’t I?”

Calming, she shook her head. “Sorry, this isn’t your fault. I’m…I guess I’m alright.” She moved around the water to a deeper area and sat down in it. The water easily came up to her shoulders. “I’m just a little out of sorts, I suppose. I shouldn’t have been rude to you.”

The mix of emotions from the female made his bow his head slightly. "You have no need to apologize. I was taking a walk when I heard you splashing. I suppose it really isn't my business, but there is a chill in the air, and that doesn't usually sit well with wet fur." He tried to smile, head tilting slightly. "Though, I might also be a big cub when it comes to being cold and wet."

Velsi’s eyes softened. “You remind me a lot of my father when you do that. The worrying thing. He was good for that.” She sighed, and dipped down to get solidly soaked before picking herself up. “Well, I was going to get out….but….” Velsi grinned and took a great swipe at the water, tossing a spray of playful water at him. She didn’t even care if it hit. “…it doesn’t seem any dryer out there.”

Azubuike chuckled lightly. "Well, I am a father myself. Though, my children haven't really been children for quite some time now." Brow rising, he somehow managed to stand stock still as the water came at him, the droplets beading where it hit his chest as he kept himself from backing away like some scared meerkat. His body shuddered once to flick off some liquid, and a laugh actually rose. "I am at much of a disadvantage here. You're already soaking wet!"

Oh! She hadn’t imagined he would just stand there. It gave her pause, especially since he had said he was a father. There was still that naïve little cub in Velsi that buckled under a father figure’s scorn. Although, when he laughed, so did she. “Then come show me what you’ve got, old timer! It’s only fair, since I damaged your honor.” Velsi gave a mock bow in the water and backed up, clearly tempting him.

His brow rose with the challenge, eyes dipping down at the water. Well, it wasn't really all that deep, and his mate wasn't there to be embarrassed by him... she was too poised for something like playing in water. Though, he thought he was beyond such challenges as well! "My honor! It is scarred by your teasing of my age more than this petty liquid!" He laughed again, and, after one more hesitation, stepped into the pool. The shock woke him up, adrenaline kicking in the fight the chill. Once he was deep enough, he scooped up a large paw-full and splashed back at the female with a grin.

Velsi snorted as a giggle ripped through her. “Really? Something so tame as that, and not my frontal assault? I see where your priorities lie, good sir!” When he came in she tried to make way for him, and instead shrieked as the cold water attack hit her pale fur. Velsi shivered, and just kept laughing. “I don’t know how you kept so still! But take this-“ She tossed another pawful of water at him, trying to get a spin on it with a wide swipe.

"Tame? You mock my maturity with such taunts and name calling, youngster!" He was quite amazed to feel himself like this. He suddenly felt younger than he had since the girls had grown. Still, this female was far younger than he, and that kept his paws on the ground. He tried to duck around the next wave, though half of it hit along his muzzle and neck. "Age and experience, young one. Age and experience." How had he stood still? ...Her first playful splash really had only hit his chest, and there wasn't much water in it. This wave though made him yelp with amusement and the chill, and he sent another wave at her.

“What maturity is there in splashing around with a youngster?” Velsi teased. Then she went into nonstop giggling at his reaction, unable to miss the next attack. She was a flurry of shrieking and laughing, something she hadn’t done in ages. There wasn’t a time since she had been on her own that she had felt so free. Who knew all it took was splashing around in some cold water with an older lion? “You’re cool, for an old timer. I’m sure your children were happy to have you as a dad.”

"The sacrifices of having to entertain the young~" He said with a laugh. Panting softly after a time, soaked from ears to tail, Azubuike felt quite pleased with himself. That... had been fun. "And your company is enjoyable, for a cub." He chuckled lightly. "I can only hope they did. Now, perhaps we should get out before one of us gets ill." He turned to climb on out of the pool, looking forward to the cozy den now that he was chilled.

Velsi only nodded. Her teeth were beginning to chatter and as fun as it had been, she was ready to call it in. She picked herself up, moving towards the shore where she shook off as much of the chilled water as she could. There was a temporary den she had set up, and it was looking better every minute. Still, she smiled to the male. “Thank you for lifting my spirits. It means a lot to me. I hope that I meet more like you in my travels.”

Bowing her head, the young lioness said her farewells, and went off in search of a warm place to cuddle up with a lighter heart and a bigger smile.

(WC: 1292)