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The young leotah twitched his tail thoughtfully. He’d just been given an interesting proposition from a stranger he’d met earlier that day. She wanted him to participate in some sort of “job” in order to “acquire” some precious objects. Lume hadn’t really pinged her down as a criminal, but then again he supposed no one really expected him to be a hardened fighter and adrenaline junkie. Looks could always be deceiving. Normally, Lume didn’t really enjoy stealing things from people. Sure, needlessly heckling strangers into a fight and shamelessly flirting with everything that moved weren’t the most moral of activities, but stealing was just kinda wrong on all accounts. Unless you were starving and were stealing a kill. That was life or death. But stealing things for a living? Yikes. According to his new friend, she did things like this all the time, no problem. “Basically what you’re saying is, you’re a thief.” The male said, raising an eyebrow.
The purple cheetah in front of him laughed, a hearty and merry sound from one who could only have no cares in the world. “I wouldn’t put it like that. I’m more of a…reappropriator! Or a permanent borrower.” She countered. Nila hated the word thief. It really didn’t do justice to what she did. “Besides, I don’t steal things unless I’m paid to. I mostly just go around hunting for treasure.” Yes, that was Nila’s true calling in life, navigating dark tunnels fraught with danger to find the precious prizes hidden within. Nothing could beat the rush, or the feeling of staring into a gem so large that you could see your reflection staring back at you.
Lume scoffed. “Right. And you want me to go where with you?” He asked. He’d run into Nila earlier in the morning. After enjoying a good race and a good hunt, The leotah had mentioned that he wanted to do something fun and dangerous, which is when the cheetah had started babbling on about her job, and had asked him to accompany her on one.
“To a nearby cave system! There are some sapphires there that a client wants. It should be an easy job, but it’s always nice to have a little company! As long as you don’t slow me down, that is.” Nila grinned, winking at Lume. Truth be told, Nila had heard that the cave system was guarded by monstrous lion. She didn’t want to give any credit to the rumors, but Lume had said he was a fighter, and having a little muscle with her just in case would put her mind at rest. When Lume did little more than raise an eyebrow at her, the cheetah sighed and rolled her eyes. “Come on! You said that you wanted to do something fun, Mr. Adrenaline Junkie. What could be more fun and dangerous than running off to an unknown cave system with a girl you’ve just met and you have no idea if you’ll ever get out alive?”
The male scoffed. “Lots of things could be more fun! Ever played chicken with a rhino? That’s fun. Ever been surrounded by a bunch of angry males and had to fight your way out? That’s a good time. Wandering around a dank cave? Not fun.” He gave his paw a couple swipes to clean it of the blood from their kill. Say what you will about his morals, but Lume took his hygiene very seriously. He didn't know why, but there was always some nagging voice in the back of his head that told him he always needed to look presentable.
Nila groaned in frustration. “Ok fine. How about if I tell you the gems are rumored to be guarded by a monster?”
Lume perked up a little bit. “A monster, huh? What kind of monster?”
“No one knows.” The cheetah shrugged. “But it’s said he’s the biggest, most fierce creature of the savannah, scarred and disfigured beyond all recognition who fled into the caves to escape ridicule from the outside world.” She explained in an exaggerated voice. “Now does it sound fun?”
“It sounds as if you just wanted to use me as your bodyguard.” Lume snorted. Nila answered him with a shrug, purple shoulders falling up and down as her face remained open and cheerful. The male scowled and weighed his options. He could say no, stay here for a little while longer to finish off the rest of the gazelle and then move on. But where would he move on to? He was wandering around, without direction. Sure, the first couple weeks had been fun and all, but things were starting to get boring, not to mention kinda lonely. It was almost as if…as if Lume was missing something. Sometimes he felt like there was a hole in his heart, that something important to him was gone, only he was never able to remember what it was. As of late, it had really begun to trouble him. Something new and exciting would help take his mind off all that. “Alright, fine. Say I go with you. What’s in it for me, chica?”
Nila’s smile grew wider. “A great time, that’s what!” Lume scowled at her. “Bleedin me dry here, Lume! There should be plenty of spare gems in the cave. As long as I get what I need for my client, you can have as many as you want. It’ll be good for impressing the ladies. Or the gentleman. You don’t seem like someone who’s very picky.”
He had to laugh at that, truth though it was. The chance for an adventure and the chance of getting some sparklies to improve his chance with his never ending conquests. Lume wanted something new, and this would be nothing but new. “Alrighty. I’m in, partner.”
“Ha! Partner. We’ll see about that, rookie.” Nila shot back. Yes, Nila loved having the occasional companion on one of her ventures, but partner? No. No one else was as good as she was. “The cave is a couple hours travel north from here. We could leave now, or sleep away the heat of the day and travel by night.”
Lume jumped to his feet. “Travel by night? What are we waiting for? Let’s go!”
Nila rose up, grinning like a madman. “That’s the spirit! C’mon, I’ll race ya!” The cheetah darted off, the leather bags hanging around her sides slapping against her flank.
Lume sputtered. “Hey, no fair! I don’t even know where we’re going!” The male scrambled after her, kicking up dust and leaving what was left of their meal behind for the scavengers.

Word Count: 1100