Greetings Fellow Guild Members,

If you are a writer this is your place to show off your skills. Manga is an important element to Anime. Without writing their would be no Anime. Think about it. Also if you are an artist who wants to show off their drawings feel free to do so in this Sub Forum. Without Artists and illustrators their would be no Anime to watch.

Please note that all of the Art related threads are now in this Sub Forum

Main Rules for this Sub Forum

This part is a reminder of the first 3 Rules in the Main Guild Rules

I. Behavior
Everyone is here to have fun interacting with fellow Guild members. Please Follow the Gaia Online Terms Of Service. We will be monitoring everything posted to make sure it's PG-13 or less. Be kind and considerate to everyone. People from all walks of life are here to enjoy themselves so if you are here to cause trouble, make fun of, or disrespect someone or their work as Sailor Moon says you shall be punished.

II. Starting a New Thread
If you start a new thread check to see if their is a similar one already started. If there is feel free to post a reply in it. When starting a new thread make sure that you are posting it in the correct Sub Forum or if it's more appropriate to post it in the general Main Forum. If you are unsure where to start a new thread please contact either myself or one of the crew members for help. You can be as creative or detailed as you want in a new thread but please don't go over a page in length. If needed you can post a reply in your own thread to explain or talk more about your topic.

III. Replying to a Topic in a Thread
Please be courteous and respectful when posting a reply. Stay on topic. If you stray from the main topic it can be confusing to everyone. If you are responding to someone who already posted in the thread make sure to quote them so the other guild member knows that you are commenting on something that they posted.

Additional Rules & Guidelines

IV. All fanfiction, Manga writing, and Fan Art drawings have to be original. No plagiarizing is allowed and will be strictly enforced. If the fanfiction, Manga, or a Drawing is based on a series the series must be named and the original story or drawing based on the series will follow the general plot of the series. My fanfiction story "Dimensional Quill" is an example of what I'm looking for.

V. Cross Over fanfiction or drawings are allowed as long as both of the series are named. I prefer that one of the series that is being written about be listed as the main series story plot and the cross over characters enhance the main story series plot.

VI. Original writing and drawings are encouraged. Feel free to use your imagination and create an original Manga series with writing and even add drawings to the thread to enhance the original series that your thread is about.

VII. Have fun writing and or drawings and sharing your skills and imagination with your fellow Guild members. Don't worry, as long as the story is readable I won't correct your grammar or spelling. Spell Check is encouraged. I use it all of the time. Also we accept drawings whether you are an expert or a newbie.

VIII. All Fan Fiction, writing, and Fan Art Contest threads will be in the Guilds Contest and Competitions Sub Forum. If you enter or play a Fan Fiction or Fan Art contest on the other Sub Forum please follow all of the Rules and Guidelines posted here.

Writers and Artists Unite - Show Everyone what you are Made Of!!