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Reply [IC] Rogue Lands [IC]
[PRP] Drops of Jupiter (Iesha/Sekayi/Xennek)

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Painted Moose

Dapper Codger

PostPosted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 11:43 am
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Iesha didn't miss the desert as much as she thought she would. There was a subtle pleasantness when one could actually swallow and not feel as if their throat was going to tear open. Even without water she didn't feel parched, which was a huge improvement.

Her paws ghosted over the edges of the great sandy wasteland as she waited for the two layabouts to catch up. When she flipped her wild mane about her eyes, there was a spark of her mother that reared up, only to die down as soon as Iesha slouched. Rakasta was all finer edges and tender glances; Iesha was open honesty that could tear through stone itself. They had butted heads a lot in her youth, but honestly, she was hoping to see her mother again in these travels.

Even without being Firekin born, Iesha was a beast of a lioness, but a curvy one at that. She had grace, buried deep underneath a warriors exterior, and when she looked around it liked to poke through. It was as if Rakasta were with her then, telling her to straighten up and smile prettily at that nice boy in the corner. "He likes you; show him how sweet you can be and see if you can't get that pretty amulet for mommy." Shaking her head, Iesha huffed and tossed her head to the sky above.

"Gods blood, where are they? I know I said I was going scouting, but s**t, it shouldn't take them this long to get here."
PostPosted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 12:30 pm
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Xennek enjoyed the feeling of cooler earth beneath his paws. It felt like it had been ages since he had lost himself in the sands of the desert. The brilliant sunlight was the same here on the edges of the wasteland, but the cool breeze coming from the west promised hints of green. He really had missed the feeling of grass and the shadows of trees...and the appearance of delicate ladies begging for attention...the larger lion smiled dreamily before getting whacked on the back of the head.

"I don't know what you're dreaming about, but we need to get a move on." Sekayi snapped behind the lion. Xennek's slow paws were going to get them both slaughtered by the time they got to Iesha, "Your daughter is waiting on us." It still gave him shivers to see the similarities between the pair. All Iesha needed was that sun marking and bam! Nearly twins. I can't believe I was crushing on one of his spawn.

"What was that?" Xennek's ears pulled back against his skull, "I didn't hear you."

"Come on daddy dearest we need to move."

By the time the males caught up to Iesha both were rough looking from the fight, "Sorry we're late!" Sekayi called out with a flush while the larger lion bumped past him.

"We decided a trainin' session was in order." Commented Xennek as he came ahead, "So where are we gettin' to after this desert finally ends?"

Sekayi shrugged. It was Xennek who had said the warring was over so it was time for them to move on. A life of adventure always with that crazy lion. Still though he smiled at the thought of cooler lands. He really had missed the rogue lands as well.

Sabra Knight

Feral Galaxy

Painted Moose

Dapper Codger

PostPosted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 12:42 pm
Iesha flipped on ear down into her flopping mane, and gave them an arch stare. She had seen cleaner looking jackals after a round of keep away from over zealous cubs. "A warning would have been nice." The lioness tried to sound chiding, but she couldn't help the little grin that came out. So long as they returned and were safe she didn't so much mind where they went.

"I'm not sure about you two, but someplace cooler than this." Iesha had been raised in canopied jungles where streams and waterfalls ran free. An area with a bit of a chill from time to time wouldn't be amiss.

She stretched her forepaws in front of her and popped her back. Sekayi looked like the odd ball out with his white, but that's one of the things she liked about him. He'd never really fit into the Firekin mindset; to her, he'd always been too soft in a way that was almost Noble.

Unlike the male she was forced to acknowledge as her father. She had to admit, there could have been worse, but honestly it was terrifying knowing just how similar her parents were. One's just as sex crazed as the other.

"Have you heard any leads?"
PostPosted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 1:12 pm

Sekayi dug his paws into the ground, "Sorry." Try as he might to not look directly at her the lion was finding it hard to ignore Iesha. There was just something really appealing about her to him and at the same time when he thought of Xennek a shudder went down his spine. How could those two be of the same blood yet be so different? I shouldn't let it bother me...yet... It was just strange. Not like Iesha really liked him back anyways! Sekayi's face flushed at the memories of his failed flirts during their duels. And out of all things he had asked Xennek for advice.... before they knew of the relationship between the father and daughter.

"I agree with that." Xennek chuckled as he looked around them, "I hear that the ocean is nice during the year." He shrugged his shoulders, "The one further towards the north has forests and has actual seasons unlike the blazing one to the south." Tales from his previous rogue years had still lingered in his mind after all, "Surely we could find something interestin' there."

"Interesting as in fights or ladies?" Commented Sekayi under his breath as he brushed past the two of them, "Either way I would like that. Seeing some real water would be a nice change from this sea of sand."

Sabra Knight

Feral Galaxy

Painted Moose

Dapper Codger

PostPosted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 1:28 pm
"You don't have to apologize, Sekayi. I know it wasn't your fault." She gave him a sympathetic little smile. If anyone was to blame for an impromptu fight or spar, it would have been Xennek. It was kind of cute how he would try to avoid looking at her, as if she didn't know that he liked her. She'd known for a while, but it was fun to watch him squirm.

It was weird thinking of him as anything other than a night time conquest like all the others. Keeping him at a distance, and pretending as if she didn't notice was good enough for Iesha. That way things didn't have to get complicated; though, she wouldn't mind seeing what he was like in action...

"Fights and ladies? I'm definitely game for going North, then." Smirking, Iesha waggled her brows and chuckled. Her flirting may have been harmless, but it was no secret that her flirtations drifted between either sex. "Hopefully they won't be a burly as the Firekin bitches. Some of them were nice to look at but woof." She shuddered.

"What do you think we'll find up North? A bunch of stuffed peacocks or some real action?"
PostPosted: Sat Apr 04, 2015 3:04 pm
Painted Moose

"Ah." Sekayi nodded and was trying to fix a bit of his fur while the father and daughter both agreed on things. I take it back she really is a lot like him at times. Unless it came from her mother too? Sekayi shivered at the thought of a female with that much drive with Xennek. Now that was a scary thought. Though he had to wonder, why didn't he just go with the flow and flirt about with her?

Nah, it would probably never be that way. He squashed down the innocent crush he had on her for a while now. It would die out that way right? That was the plan anyway, "I'm glad you guys have such pure drives." He replied before getting back up on his paws, "But I guess that'll do then. So we're heading north?"

"Tell me about it." Xennek copied her shudder, "As much as I love a rough tumble some of those gals thought that they had to train with everything." He was lucky enough to have the fling that he did. Even though he had cubs from it at least the mother had been more delicate than the others. Still he cast an eye towards his daughter, "Dun ya be takin' my pick out of the way though...you stick with males since I have no interest with 'em."

Still though at Iesha's question the large rogue shrugged, "I guess that's what we'll find out. I'm hopin' for something good else we'll just have to go roaming some more. From what I hear though the stories are nice." A rowdy bunch with some sort of system that was basically chaotic fun? Seemed like his ideal pride for now.

Sabra Knight

Feral Galaxy

Painted Moose

Dapper Codger

PostPosted: Sat Apr 04, 2015 6:11 pm
Sabra Knight

"Their heads were shoved too far up their asses to loosen up enough for much fun." Iesha frowned, seemingly truly concerned with the lack of freely given flirtations. It was few and far between that she had been able to let loose with a few of the members, and most of those had been young. It seemed the older the Firekin got the more stern they become; it was like a fire that had crusted over, and boiled under the skin without actually burning anything.

Shrugging innocently, Iesha tried not to smile too much when she said, "No promises, daddy. I'm not going to cut out my potential because you don't want to get poked." No pain, no gain.

"I don't think we'll have to worry about going anywhere too dull." She pointed out easily as she walked. "Three red lions, three fighters, and two flirts; yeah, we won't blend at all. The ones that let us stay despite that is the prides we won't to consider."

Then again, it had never really occurred to her until that moment that they didn't technically have to join any pride. They could just remain rogues...Looking at her travelling companions made her rethink that. Nah, some rules were better than none. She would likely binge on life until she spent her own, and had a hunch that at least one other would as well while the last ran himself ragged keeping up.

It would be amusing for a while, at least.

"So, Sekayi, got any rogue bastards that we're likely to run into? I would ask Xennek, but...well, I'm here, aren't I?"
PostPosted: Sun May 31, 2015 4:15 pm
Painted Moose

Xennek laughed at his daughter's sass, "Some yes others though could really set fire to things once given a good spark." The larger lion winked playfully though he did honestly agree. That place had so much protocols and too much tension to let him truly relax and fight as he pleased. He was glad he could help them though, but once tensions had lifted a bit and the biggest dangers were over his paws were happy to travel once more.

The large lion shifted uneasily when his daughter called him daddy. That was not a term for him! Stupid of him for reproducing in the first place...then again when he thought of Iesha's mother it left a pleasing feeling. That had been one of his best nights. Figures the better moments always come to bite me later in the arse. Rolling his midnight blue eyes Xennek just huffed, "Yeah yeah." He just shook his head before moving a few spaces on. Not that he had to worry, right? The awkward thought of fighting over a female with his daughter sent a shiver through his bones. No, just no.

"It'll be a miracle to find a place that can handle two of you." Commented Sekayi as he brushed past. A Xennek plus a female version of the flirty fighter? It would be a miracle indeed. Not that he could imagine someone minding Iesha brushing through...the thought made his cheeks warm. He did not just imagine that! Nope, nope!

"I'm sure we can." Xennek shrugged as he climbed over a rock and landed gracefully onto the ground below, "If not it wouldn't be the first time in forever that I've stayed rogue. More fun some days without the pressure of rules." But then again being in a pride gave him a feeling of purpose...for the little while at least.

Sekayi had been content to listen to the other two commenting on the possibility of a pride. His body though froze at Iesha's comment and the lion shook his head furiously after a moment, "No! I mean..." He flushed even more, "I'm sorry I don't do what that guy does."

Xennek chuckled to the side, "He thinks he's doing himself good by saving himself for the right one. In my opinion he just doesn't know how to have a good bit of fun."

Sekayi only shook his head before quickly speeding on his way.

Sabra Knight

Feral Galaxy

Painted Moose

Dapper Codger

PostPosted: Sun May 31, 2015 4:38 pm
Sabra Knight

It was hard not to notice the shifting unease in Xennek. It was even slightly amusing to see her dear daddy squirm. Maybe one day she would end up like him; a fighting fool with bastards a plenty. It wasn't a terrible idea, though Iesha much preferred her own view on things.

Fight hard. Die young.

Things were prettier that way. You didn't have to worry about getting grey hairs in your mane or loosing your teeth. Iesha sure as hell didn't want to know her great-grandkids; that would be way too much! When the day came that she couldn't fight then she might as well kick it right then. Her mother had always hated that about her. "Do you have a death wish?!" But really...wouldn't it be awesome to kick death's a** and take over?

Iesha thought she had a decent shot.

"Oh come on Sekayi, you know you love us." She teased mercilessly. His flushing was almost too precious, really. Iesha pinched her lips, tears building up before finally bursting with a laugh. It was too much! "Oh come on, get back here!"

Turning to Xennek, Iesha just smiled. "It's kind of sweet though, right? Like finding a piece of the moon in the ocean, though. Rare thing, that. Still, you can't really know that you've got the right one without dabbling a bit."

What if he saved himself for some poor fool of a girl, and caught the wrong one? Iesha just hoped she wouldn't have to be around, forced to watch virgins flirt.

"Should we catch him, then?"
PostPosted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 2:33 pm
Painted Moose

Sekayi kept moving ahead of the other two lions. It was his best bet to hide the dark flush on his cheeks. How embarrassing. What a true, strong warrior he was. Hah! Iesha and Xennek both could melt him in a second with their teasing...especially Iesha. Feeling his chest tighten the lion just shook his head before moving on.

Xennek laughed at his daughter's comment, "Sweet indeed, but rather tiring some days." The large lion shrugged though, "Dabbling is fun indeed and gives you a taste of what you can do when you do find the right one~" His tail waved behind him as he winked playfully at his daughter, "Getting that experience is always important." Just like with battles he wanted to learn all the moves and expand his horizons. Poor Sekayi would probably be as lost as a cub without it's mother when the time came.

At Iesha's question Xennek nodded, "Ah, we can do that. Let's catch up and get a move on already. I'm itchin' for some of that viking blood!" With a grin as mischievous as the devil he was the lion darted forward. Time for some fun~ His paws were itching for a good fight. It truly had been a long time.

Sabra Knight

Feral Galaxy

[IC] Rogue Lands [IC]

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