1.) Have you read the SDRP Guide? Yes

2.) How long have you been a
member of Gaia? 2 years

3.) What is your experience in RPing? I
started RPing on an IRC server when I was around 12 or 13, but it
wasn't really serious. At 14 was when I started getting serious and
even had a few teachers for a while. I'd do action Rp's and a few
romance, but it was mostly revolved around fighting.

4.) How did you
find the SDRP? I was just scrolling through guilds.

5.) Why would you
like to join the SDRP? I haven't been really able to RP on here since
I came back and need a place to RP. I would also like to improve my
skills without getting bored.

6.) Is there anything you would like to
do for the SDRP? While I'm not the best, I'd help some of the newer