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Xinavane was still getting used to the new pride. She and Bui had spent such a long time wandering now, fighting any demons they could find and protecting any innocents... she simply wasn't expecting to be invited somewhere new. Especially somewhere so different. Especially somewhere she had to hide the fact that she had raised six seers over the course of her life and these were't... well. Maybe they were seers, but it certainly wasn't what she was used to dealing with. Either way, it DID give her a chance to do what she did best, and apparently that on its own was enough to get both her and Bui promoted.

Bui was pleased as punch, shocking exactly no one who knew him. He had insisted she stay quiet about his abilities. It did give him a certain edge on the offensive since he knew what was coming before anyone else did... his father would be proud. Probably? Maybe. She had only been a teenager when she'd met Zururuka, and a lot had happened since then. She never could have foreseen back then where she'd be now.

And now she needed to meet the other one... her fellow General. That would be new. She was used to making choices on her own. "Time to meet him." She nodded to herself, setting her shoulders and glancing around the spot under the tree they'd decided to meet.