Target problem: 2/3 of the world lives on 2 dollars a day
This is just an example. If I had $1,000,000 this is the issue I would try to tackle.

Goal: Increase daily budget for underdeveloped countries residence
This is simply my end state.

Plan of action:
1) Open a business based on solid, honest means.

2) Formalize a process where a recruitment team would leave the country, locate a sweatshop where people are being mistreated, and interview workers.

3)Locate a healthy, handworker, preferably with some English skills. Legally make them a U.S. citizen over a period of time. See to it they understand how the U.S. works and how to navigate daily life.

4) Offer them a job in the U.S. with a modest salary so they are able to send money home to their families in there native counties to increase wealth and economy on a micro scale.

5) Repeat. Over time on a very small scale family at a time will have their daily budgets increased, thus increased living.

This too is an example to show a level headed, semi-realistic approach in how to reach that goal. Ideally more detail would be used i.e. what kind of business, budgets, education level needed to do this, why did you pick this problem to target