Name: Nystal Wouldntyouliketoknow
Nicknames: Shadow of the Moon
Gender: Male
Age: ??? Too many years in the Fae have passed and his age is unknown to him. Among his kind he is still seen as an adolescent, but to others, he is ancient.

Faction: Demon
Race: Fae (Moon)

Natural Ability: Under the light of the moon Nystal, and others of his race are considerably more beautiful. His eyes become bright like the moon, his skin glows with the gently light of the stars, and his wings reflect the night sky, displaying countless stars and galaxies. An unnatural aura surrounds him, making him both attractive and frightening, and nigh irresistible to those weak of heart.

Personality: Why hello there, I am Nystal. How pleasant it is to make your acquaintance. You wish to know of me? They call me the Shadow of the Moon. Most likely that name was given by some superstitious humans of long ago. Oh yes, I used to travel the lands of the humans. My midnight skin, and dark sea green hair are oddities among their kind. I was exotic, mysterious, irresistible. I lured them, men and women alike into my realm. A realm hidden within the Shadow of the Moon, hence the name. I showed them ecstasy they had never known, and never would again. When I was done with them I simply let them go back to their mundane lives. Of course they were always gone too long. Human clothes, food, drink were foreign to them. Interactions with family and friends seemed false in comparison to the attention I gave them. It would often drive them mad, driving them to extremes to achieve what they experienced in my realm. The FEAR that my pets spread sustained me, and made me stronger. I will not bore you with the details, but everyone makes mistakes. I had lured a lovely couple into my home for a single night, or one hundred, and they wandered away from me. Farther into the realm they ventured, causing all sorts of mayhem even the most mischievous Fae would be proud of. Needless to say, the repercussions were immense. I was stripped of much of my power, and exiled from much of the Fae realm.

Why are they enrolled in Amityville Academy?
Nystal was stripped of much of his power, and exiled from his home. In order to return he must regain his power through training, study, and growth before he can return.

FEAR Ability: Work in progress

Don't forget to include what TYPE of Fear it is! For more information please see the FEAR guide:

Physical Description: Work in progress

Eye Colour:
Hair Colour/Style:
Skin Colour:
Clothing Style/Colours: (Remember, everything should be Halloween-inspired! Creepy is good!)
Extra: (Your character's special features: wings, tail, pointy ears, fangs, whatever else that isn't covered above.)
References: (If you have art or design sketches for your character, include them here!)