User ImageHe was out and about, but on a mission this time. It was high time that he went and found his constellation. So who was to say how long he would be gone from the pack really, but it was okay in his book. He wanted to know what his calling was to be.

It had been a hours since he had last seen Konane and he wondered if she was still in the area. He wanted to let her know he might be gone for a little while and not to look for him. Of course she had nothing to worry about, but he didn't want her to be overly concerned.

Though, since when did it matter if she was? He flattened his ears slightly as he thought about it. Well, she was nice and he would consider her a friend at this point so it would be nice of him to let her know not to worry if he wasn't around.

So that was what he was doing at the current moment. Looking for Konane. She had said she would meet him back at the same spot they had met at earlier, hadn't she? He hoped so.
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Konane had made her way back to the stream where she had met the dazzling colorful dog earlier that day. He had mentioned that he might be in the area again this evening and she was hopeful that she would be able to find him.

She came to the waters edge and dipped her toes in the edge. Her mom had gone to bed early that night so it was a great chance for her to get away. She wondered ideally if her mom might now that she was meeting a male. Her mom had always made off handed comments that she should get out there and meet someone.

As he walked around looking for her he realized he should probably try closer to the water. That's where he probably should have looked to begin with. He moved quickly towards the spot where he had seen her this morning and finally spotted her dipping her feet in the cool waters.

It wasn't entirely nightfall yet so there was still some decent light to be had. He approached her, tail wagging in friendly greeting. "Hello again. I'm glad you game." He said with a warm smile as he came closer to her. He really wasn't sure how long he would be gone for, but it was something that must be done.

Konane smiled when she saw the male coming her way, she felt her tail began to sway mirroring the males. She found a few butterflies in her stomach. Happy that he had kept his word and come back to find her here.

"Well good evening." she told him. "I wouldn't have missed it for the world." she told him then wondered if perhaps she sounded a little desperate she swallowed hard.

"Did you uh have a good sleep?" she asked him hoping to take the attention of of herself for a moment. The male had told her before that he lived a nocturnal life.

He could see she was just as excited as he and he smiled at her words. The evening was definitely a good one, however, it would also be a little sorrowful. Perhaps. He really wasn't sure about telling her but he felt she should know regardless. He would like to see her again when he returned.

"Oh yes. I slept very well." He said with a grin. "What about you? Did you accomplish those chores you set off to do?" He asked in return wondering how her day had went.

Konane smiled happy that he had remembered what they had discussed earlier in the day. "I got the vast majority done yes. Enough to feel as though I have accomplished something today." she said with a small chuckle to herself.

She shuffled her feet a little unsure where to take the conversation next. She wasn't really use to talking to her males anymore and even before many of the males that had been in her life had been related to her. So she certainly had no practice flirting. She assumed this is what they were doing.

"I'm glad you were able to do at least that much" He looked at his feet for a moment and then looked back at her. He was glad she was able to get most of what she wanted to accomplish done. That was always a good thing, at least in his book. "I know we don't know each other very well, or rather at all." He said starting off. Not really sure of how he was at all sounding. "But I have to go away for a while and I didn't want to just disappear without letting you know." He said looking at his feet and then back at her again.

"I didn't want you to worry.." He gave her a remorseful look. They had just met so there was that chance that she probably wouldn't think anything of his absence. Though he kind hoped she'd miss him, at least a little bit. "I don't know when I'll be back and I was wondering if you were still around if we could hang out some more when I returned." He was probably blabbering now.

Konane was sure that her facial expression changed a good deal when he told her of his impending departure. She tired quickly to cover it with a kind smile but it was difficult to hide her disappointment.

"Oh well uh." she tripped on her words a little as she tried to sort out how she felt and what she wanted to stay. She gave another hard swallow.

"Well yes I will be here, and yes I would want to hang out." she told him quickly she lifted her eyes to meet his. She was afraid of what she would see. Was it normal to feel like this after just one meeting?

He let out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding and he couldn't help the smile that was suddenly glued to his face. "That is such a relief. I really would like to get to know you some more." He liked her, she was nice. Though he wasn't sure of how this trip would change him, if at all.

Hopefully nothing to greatly. He frowned slightly at the thought and then let it slide off his back, so to speak. "I'll definitely be around looking for you when I return though." He looked around for a moment. She would always be able to find him if she went there, that was if he couldn't find her really. Though if she checked this spot every now and again he would be here one of those times. Eventually. "When I return I'll come here every night at about this time and wait."

Konane had wondered for a minute how she would know when he had returned from his trip. He promptly answered her question before she was even able to voice it. She offered him a timid smile.

"I will be here." she said letting out a great yawn. It was getting pretty late for her, and her morning would come soon. She didn't want to leave but she also didn't want to fall asleep standing here.

She leaned over and before she had time to think of it she gave a quick lick on his cheek. She then quickly turned tail and took off running. She didn't look back because she was embarrassed. Despite her embarrassment she knew that she would come back every night just to see if he had returned.

He was glad to hear that she would be there, waiting and before he could say anything she had given him a lick on his cheek and taken off like the world was about to end. He stood there, dumbfounded for a moment as he watched her leave and then he rubbed the spot she had so kindly 'kissed' and felt himself smile. With that he turned and headed off into the darkening horizon in search for his calling among the pack.
