Stopping suddenly in the middle of what could have been a random field, Wotlich looked to her companion and she unfastened the flower from her person. Looking at it tenderly, she gently caressed it with her paw. It was her flower, the item that symbolized her being. “I am sure you will take care of her and make sure she is given the proper strength needed to survive. She always has seeds to give, I am certain I can have more once I plant her.”

Looking directly into the eyes of her companion she made she he knew of her concern for her plant. She wouldn’t accept failure with this sort of thing. This flower was special. In a way, part of her being.

Behind the horned goddess, the long-eared god stopped as well. He gave a bow of his head, smiling before digging a hole in the earth. "Aye, she'll grow!" He looked around, noting the features of the land. A brook ran by, shallow but still watering the area quite well. He gave a nod, then gave a shake of his whole body. What appeared to be pollen cast from the flowers on his vines and out of his very coat, spreading out along the ground like a cloud into a large area. When it finally settled, he gave another nod. "They'll thrive in this area, everywhere the magic touched." He then looked at Wotlich. "If'n the water dries up, their seeds will simply hibernate until the water returns."

Sneezing rather loudly due to the sudden dust cloud that had come from Datura, Wotlich looked slightly annoyed at her companion. “Did it really have to go everywhere? What if my flower starts growing all over me?” Dusting herself off, she wandered over to the hole that the God had made and smiled. It was worth the pollen if her flower was able to grow. Nodding her head at his handy work she smiled, pleased.

“Good job, Datura.” Beaming down at the seeds in the hole she scraped the soil over them, laying a soft kiss on the ground where they lay. “I am sure they will be happy here.”

He couldn't help the chuckle that rose in his throat. "Naye, they'd only grow on gods with domains that fall below me own dominion. So probably flowers... Fruits..." Not much else came to mind, actually. How many domains WERE under his? He was dimly aware that his own would be beneath Plants and Poison... A brother domain to Trees, likely. Datura's mind had started to wander a bit and he reigned it in. "It's also not EVERYWHERE..." He pointed to some trees up the water way, then some down the other way. "They'll only grow between those two groups'a trees, along this creek bed." Animals coming to drink would have no choice but to behold the beauty of the flowers.

Glowering at him as he laughed at her, Wotlich jabbed him in the shoulder a deep frown setting across her face. “It isn’t funny, it was an honest concern.” Dusting herself off further, as though mistrusting his words she eyed the stream. Perhaps a dip was in order after all.

Wandering forward towards the stream the large goddess looked closely at the water’s edge. “If only I knew the deity of water, surely then my beautiful flowers would constantly grow proudly.” Placing one paw in the water and then the other, Wotlich let out an audible sigh. “Now this water is perfect.”

His ears went back as he grinned in a rather cheeky manner, then watched Wotlich take a dip. Sitting down, Datura was thoughtly. "I don' think he's been reborn in most recent history, so it may still be Tamu'dhihaka." As Xavier, burdered with the memories of many lifetimes, understood best how gods were reborn and rarely had a truly NEW domain, he'd made sure to try to impart what he last remembered about all the gods he could think of. Being a lion who loved to swim, something he'd also succeeded in imparting upon at least Datura, he'd made sure to stress Water as one of the gods he knew of. Not necissarily KNEW personally, but certainly knew OF. Another was Hate... A god who, for sure, had never been reborn.

Picking her head up to look over at Datura, Wotlich nodded lightly. “Well, it probably would be good for me to meet this, Tamu’dhihaka. Perhaps you can assist me?” Slowly sinking lower in the water, the Goddess finally submerged all of herself, the once puffy Mohawk now a floppy mess of green locks. Emerging from the water, her bangs stuck to her face along with the rest of her hair, it almost gave her a sort of soft look.

“This is nice…”

He sat down a bit hard, beholden to Wotlich a bit damper. She was appealing to him before, she was definitely appealing now! He admired the way her hair looked, not dry and puffed up. It was, for the time being, smooth and flowing. "It IS nice..." He stood back up, stepping over and into the water. "I'm not sure where Tamu'dhihaka is, right now... He travels far and wide like the water.." He knew one place the god WASN'T, at least, and that was in the desert.

Smirking at the God who had officially joined her in the watery playground Wotlich shoved her paw forward, creating a large wave of water to be pushed directly into the God’s face. Laughing heavily, she splashed at him again. “Drenched is a good look on you, Datura!” Swimming forward towards him, she nabbed a flower from his body, smelling it and smiling. “May I?”

Without waiting, Wotlich placed the flower behind her ear, hers now, she had stolen it fair and square. “What is this flower if I may ask?” Peering at herself in the reflection of his eyes, she nodded in approval. Yes, this flower would do nicely, it complimented the black bat flower after all.

Treading water, Datura couldn't help laughing. "Aye, keep it! It looks great on you!" He looked at the flower, a distinct flower shaped like a tube and a bell in one. The petals were a cream color on that particular flower, a match to the markings on her coat. "Tha' one's a lily. Quite a lovely flower... It grows from a bulb." On the vine where it'd come from, a new bud would eventually appear, a new flower starting to grow.

He then reached up, plucking the unknown purple flower, striped and streaked with white, and added it. "This one matches yer other one, though..." He offered a smile, then settled next to her. It felt, to him... Like things were blooming a bit, like a flower. Time would tell, though, and something he knew, as to if it would be an annual or perennial plant.

Looking down at the plant she was offered a very soft smile appeared. Treasures. He was offering her treasures. Eyes glowing she plucked the flower he offered her from her body and marveled at it. It really did complement her orchid nicely. “Thank you…”

[1191 Words; Datura and Wotlich]